The Doctor's Sub: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Part 1: I Smell A Rose

The TARDIS was now level and landed when you heard the sound of a message coming through. You walked to the console and waited for the Doctor’s face to fill the screen.

“Hello?” That wasn’t the Doctor’s voice. The picture starts to clear. “Hello? Doctor it’s Rose!”

Rose Tyler?!

The blonde girl comes on the screen. She gives a shocked face at seeing you, “Hello, are you the Doctor’s new companion?” Before you can answer she adds, “Bit young.”

“Look who’s talking! You were nineteen when you started traveling with him! And by the way, I’m not the Doctor’s companion I’m his sub!”

“Sub? Where is he?”



“Don’t worry I’m filling in for him until he get’s here.”

“Okay tell me everything.” She looked stressed. You began to explain why you were here and what the Doctor had asked you to do.

Rose began to tell you that back on the parallel universe Torchwood has a devise so they can make sure the walls of the universe stay intact. But they began to fall fast and she was sent to find the Doctor. There was no luck until she got a message from him telling her to go to a place but when she got there she saw it was a trap and now she’s under a mountain with a bunch of weeping angels guarding her.

“Then how are you talking to me?”

“I know a thing or two that the Doctor taught me…well the Doctor in my universe. We were on our honeymoon when we got a call. To bad because the Doctor was just about-.”

“Ahhhh!” You covered your ears, “Stop! No! I don’t want to know what you and the human Doctor do on your honeymoon.”

“No I was going to say he taught me how to use my self-conscious to contact the TARDIS.”

You stopped holding your ears, “That’s what you do on your honeymoon?”

“Well we do other things too.” She giggled.

“Ew okay where are you?”

 “I’m sending the TARDIS the coordinates now.”

The TARDIS began to take off and you grabbed on to the railing. Rose’s picture began to fuzz up until she disappeared.

When you had landed and looked outside you saw that you were somewhere with beautiful mountains and sparkling snow, but then you realized a problem how were you going to find Rose? She could be under any of the mountain’s bases.

You think about everything you know about Rose.

She ran away with the Doctor when she was nineteen. The Doctor saw potential in here after she saved his life from a bunch of plastic dummies (what an accomplishment). She traveled with the ninth Doctor until she met Jack and soon after that the Daleks. Also her nickname was Bad Wolf (Wonder why? Cool name though). She saved the ninth Doctor but he regenerated into the tenth Doctor but still continued to travel with them. They ran into parallel universes a few times and soon Rose got suck in one. It broke her heart and she worked hard every day to get back. She eventually got out of the parallel universe but then went back with the Doctor’s human double.

You suddenly got an idea! You ran back into the TARDIS and grabbed the trunk Jack had found his Bluetooth in. You dug through it and then lifted up the 3D glasses. You put them on and walked outside. After wondering around in the cold snow you found a trail of radiation from the void. Rose left a trail of it everywhere she went because to get to each universe she had to go through the void.

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