The Doctor's Sub: Chapter 5

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***I hadn't been on my acount in a while so i'm sorry for the wait.

BTW: I'm going to upload all my stories and if you think this one is good they get much better!***



Chapter 5 Part 1 : Is that My Sandwich ?

When you get back into the TARDIS you wait a few seconds to see if any messages were coming through. But you didn’t hear anything. So you decide to explore the TARDIS. You find the main kitchen which was one of the coolest kitchens you’ve every seen, and you opened the refrigerator. You realized how hungry you were when you saw the delicious sandwich that was sitting in the fridge.

You guessed that it was probably the Doctor’s but you didn’t care. After everything you’ve done for him and everything you would do, the least he could do was let you have his sandwichAs you walk back into the main room with the sandwich you here the sound of a message coming through. “Here we go again.” You think. 

“Hello, can you hear me?’ It was the Doctor’s voice. You run over to the screen

“What is it now?”  You assumed it was the TARDIS again but he wasn’t in the TARDIS. He was in some metal room.

“Well aren’t you a bundle of rainbows and unicorns.”


“I’m the actual Doctor not the simulation self conscious TARDIS.”

“Oh…” You thought about it for a second. “Hi.” You smile.

 “Hello.” He smiled back. “Still alive I see.” You nod. “Have you helped my friends yet?” You nod again and start to tell him everything you’ve done. As you tell him his smile widens and widens and he seems to get more and more impressed. “Humans!” He explains, “I can always count on ‘em…wait hold on, is that my sandwich?

“Yeah sorry.” You say, “I got hungry.”

 “Good isn’t it.” you nod and he smiles and then says, “Ok well… I need your help Donna, Sarah, and I were taken by the Zygons and I need you to come here. I’ll send the coordinates to the TARDIS and then you need to find me. I wouldn’t ask for help if it wasn’t important…thank you.” The screen goes black and you feel a little worried, but before you can think about it any longer, he comes back on the screen and says, “Bring my sonic screwdriver too, and maybe my other sandwich.” And then he was gone. You were laughing to hard to feel scared anymore.   

You finish the sandwich as the TARDIS takes off. The Doctor’s chest full of random things slides over and hits your foot. “Ow!” You pick it up and look in. You might need some of these things.

You take out a small pouch and put your hand in. Instantly you felt a wide space and realized its bigger on the inside. You smiled and put in the Physic Paper, Sonic Screwdriver, 3D glasses, another Torchwood Bluetooth, your I-pod, and the Doctor’s second sandwich.

Then you took out the Cell phone and began to call everyone to tell them where the Doctor was.

The funny thing is you didn’t have to look up their numbers; they were all on Speed Dial.

Chapter 5 Part 2: The Doctor Needs A Doctor

You walk until you see a building rising out of the water. It looked like some kind of base. But how were you going to get there? Right then out of the water you see a tunnel.

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