The Doctor's Sub: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Part 1 Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Ring! Ring! Ring!

“Is that a phone?” You walk toward the Console and see a gray cell phone. Who could be calling?

You pick it up and answer, “Hello?”


“Martha?” You could tell the voice belonged to Martha Jones.

“Doctor? Did you regenerate…into a girl?”

“No.” You reply, “It isn’t the Doctor but I can help.” Then you explain to her that you have saved Jack and Rose already and you are looking for her.

“Well Mickey, a small Unit team, and I got a message that the Doctor was in trouble and that he was were I am now. But when we got here we were attacked by these creatures.

“That said they had to capture you because of the Doctor.” You finish for her. 

“Yes!” She explained “And now we’re running through this desert trying to get away.”

“Send me the coordinates and I’ll be right there.”

“Ok I’ll text you them.”  Then she hung up.

A few seconds later you got a message and before you could do anything the TARDIS was moving.

Faster then you had left you landed and ran out of the TARDIS.

You saw sand. Martha had been right about the desert. Mounds of sand and a scorching sun covered the brown land.

First you’re freezing cold in the mountains and now you’re going to roast in the desert: Nice.

But where was Martha?

“Hay!” you turned right to see two figures running toward you. Behind them were tall shapes that glistened from the sun light. As they got closer you saw the two figures were Martha and Mickey. And the glistening shapes were Cybermen!

As you stared in horror Mickey and Martha finally got to you. They were gasping for air and sweating, “Hi I’m Martha this is Mickey. Now run for your life!” You nod and take off.

Chapter 4 Part 2 So Stupid… Yet Smart?


You guys run until you were sure you had lost them. “Mickey says those things were Cybermen.” Martha says. You nod and try to get all the knowledge you can about them. 

“The Cybermen are us…well kind of, they take our brains or the brains of any aliens they’ve conquered, they remove all feelings, and then put the brain in those mettle suits. And they will keep doing it until they’re stopped or everyone is like them.”

“Wow, you sound like the Doctor.” Mickey says. Then you tell them about everything you’ve done and how you have some of his memories and feelings.

“So Jack and Rose are ok?” Martha asks.

“As far as I know.” Then you realize something. “Oh! I am so stupid!”

“What?” They both ask.

“We should have run the other way that’s where the TARDIS is.”

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