The Doctor's Sub : Chapter 1

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 Everyone has a beginning. Somewhere they start, somewhere they return, somewhere everything changed. Even if you have a time machine you will always start somewhere. And this is the start, the beginning of an adventure that will change your life and many others.

Chapter 1 Part 1: The Little Blue Box

You were walking towards home listening to music on your I pod mopping how your ride had been held up and you had to walk all the way to your house. You looked around and decided to take a short cut through a field and was halfway through when you spotted something unusual in your path. A little blue box, as you walked forward to examine it you saw the words Police Public Call Box. Police Box? What was a blue police box doing in the middle of a field and what was a police box anyway? That’s when you noticed a black piece of paper on the door, you picked it up and you realized it was a note.

At first you couldn’t understand the language but then it slowly became English.

Hello I’m the Doctor,

I’m the writer of this letter and owner of the TARDIS (the little blue box). If you’re reading this then something terrible as happened to me and I have to rely on some random human or humans to help me.

I need to get you caught up on everything about me and I don’t have enough room on this piece of paper. So if you’re up for a life threatening, scary, amazing adventure. Grab the brown package above the P. And drink the green vial. I REPEAT THE GREEN VIAL NOT THE BLUE ONE OR THE RED ONE THE GREEN ONE!!!!!

If you accept this request, thank you.                        

-The Doctor


What to do? In the back of my mind was a tickling feeling telling you to grab the package and drink the vial yet at the same time…it could be dangerous. What if you were on one of those reality TV shows and if you fell for it you’d be the laughing stock of the whole town.

Shut up and drink!

You went to the humming box and stepped on your tippy toes. It took a few jumps but you managed to grab a brown package and opened it. Inside you saw a key, a green vial, blue vial, red vial, and also a coupon for a free dinner to Buffalo Wild Wings.

You took the green vial and popped off the cork. It looked like green Gatorade. “Here goes nothing.” You sighed and tipped your head back drinking the liquid. It was cold and after a few seconds you felt a buzzing in your head. Then a flash of pain hit and you grabbed at your head and screamed.

Memories went through you head and you soon learned everything you needed to know about the Doctor. He'sa time lord, an alien, and the last of his kind. You realize he has saved your life and millions of others many times. You also learn of his companions that would travel with him through time and space. And you learn about the TARDIS!

Chapter 1 Part 2: The TARDIS

You walk into the TARDIS marveling at the alien beauty.

You walk up to the consol and gently touch some of the leavers and buttons.

Doctor Who Adventure: The Doctor's Sub (Adventure 1)Where stories live. Discover now