Chapter 1 | Last

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Ever since he left, I never bother myself to date someone else. Even if I knew that he is with another girl right now, I never want to be with someone else. He is my last, and I think I'll live with that until I die.

I promise him, he promised me that we'll be forever. But obviously, he changed. I don't blame him for leaving me alone when he got the opportunity to be someone he dreamed of. And I don't want to take that away from him.

"Harold, are we still okay?"

"I don't know."

"How come you don't know?"

"Look Emily, I have a lot of things to do right now. And I have no time for this."

That was the last sentence he gave me before he ended the call. During that time, he was in the middle of their rehearsals for their performance on X Factor. He just got into a band called One Direction and is now the most famous and successful people in the world. And I'm beyond very proud of him.

Ever since we became friends and started being comfortable with each other, He always tells me that he want to become a singer, He want to perform on stage, and He want to make other people Happy.

Now, I believe and I can see that he is what he wanted to be before. And I'm very happy for him. I just wish that I could tell him how proud am I to him, in all achievement he received.

The Harold I knew before is now the Harry Styles that every girl is dreaming of right now.

I understand. I truly understand. Harry Styles isn't just the hot and talented guy that everybody knows. He's more than that.

He's kind, sweet, friendly, caring, gentleman and a very loving person. I know he still is. Maybe not to me but to the girl he loves right now.

No matter how many times I tell myself to accept that he wouldn't notice me again, I still have the hope that one day. Maybe one day, he'll call me and ask how am I doing. Because I honestly would tell him that every night, I keep on thinking about him. Even in my dreams.

"Emily? Are you okay?" Olivia asked waving her hand in front of my face.

I almost forgot I'm at the park, sitting on the grass with my friend. I started thinking about him because of the little girl wearing her One Direction shirt while playing on the swing.

"Yes. I'm okay. I'm sorry."

Olivia gave me an unconvinced smile as she look at me. "You've been staring at nothing for awhile. And I believe you're thinking something deep."

"It's nothing important." I lied shaking my head, trying to make her believe that I'm really okay.

"You know what, even if I'm your best friend. I still believe that you have something that is bothering you until now." she stated in a serious tone.

"Something?" No, it's someone. But I don't have enough guts to tell my best friend about all that. "I don't remember something that is bothering me." I said as I shook my head.

She then moved her body from my side to in front. Holding my hands with hers. "I know there is. And I'm willing to listen any time when you're already ready." she assured.

I'm just so lucky that I have her as my best friend. Because right now, the only reason why I'm holding on is her. We both have plans and dreams for ourselves that I believe she can make it. I'm not sure about mine but God only knows what will be my future looks like.

"Honestly?" I started to say looking at her eyes, controlling my laughter. "I have no idea what you are saying." And that's when I burst out laughing in front of her.

"You know what?" She raise her voice sounding like a little offend though I know she's not serious. "Whatever!"

She stood up not letting go of my hand as she say "let's go. I'm not into the mood now."

I then stood up and follow her to wherever she's planning to go.

"And where are we going now?"

She turn around to look at me behind her "why? Do you have somewhere else you can go?" She said sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and answered my own question. "Home. Obviously."

After 15minutes of walking, we finally got into our apartment safely. Since Olivia and I are close as sisters, we both decided to live together so we can save a little money for our own. Well actually, her boyfriend Dylan spend most money for the two of us. Olivia and her boyfriend share rooms and me on the other vacant room.

And because Dylan received twice our salary, he himself offered to spend for the groceries and electricity every month. While me and Olivia share for the other stuffs.

"Dylan will be late tonight. He has a lot of things to do." Olivia informed me as she opened the door for the two of us.

I nodded behind her and went inside the apartment as soon as she finally opened the door fully.

"Are you going to wait for him?" I asked stopping and turning around to face her.

She think of it before she answered my question with a nod "yes. I guess."

"Okay. I'll be in my room if you need anything." I told her and went to my room.

Its been a long day, and I got to think about him again in the middle of the afternoon with my best friend. I hope he'll have at least a little second to think of me too everyday. Which I believe is impossible.

I just can't get him off of my mind. And its like reminding me that I'm still living my life right now to be with him again. Someday.

My first and my last.


Ta DA ! I'm excited but I hope you guys would appreciate this story too.

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