Chapter 5 | Death

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"...I'm not saying that it is okay to cheat, because its not. Specially not to my son. He loved you so much."

I stayed silent after she spoke those sentences. I don't know what to respond. I have no idea what does that means. And I have no idea what should I say.

I can't remember myself cheating on someone. Specially not to Harry. Both Anne and Gemma witnessed my love for him. Why would I do such a thing like that ?

I would never want to hurt the people I love.

"Mum? Harry is on the phone. He's looking for you!" We heard Gemma shouting from the kitchen.

Saving me from my death. I must say.

Anne didn't gave me a single glance as she went to where Gemma is and took the phone from her hands.

I don't feel like I'm still alive. I'm having a hard time breathing. It seems like I'm going to collapsed any time.

"Are you okay?" Gemma asked.

I nodded many times. Still trying to process everything that Mrs.Styles told me.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." She jokingly laugh as we went our way to the couch and sit. "Are you still into books?"

"No. Not anymore." I respond honestly.

I used to borrow Gemma's finished read books before. Ever since Harry got busy, I decided to kill my time by reading different books. Obviously, not Love Stories. Gemma enjoys Adventurous and Thrill books so I was able to enjoy those ones too.

"Oh? Well I'm still in love with the creepy ones tho." she joked. Which led me to fake a smile.  I tried not to show it. But I failed. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded lowly. "Yes. I'm sorry. I guess I have to go?" 

Gemma was about to say something. Probably a Goodbye but her Mother interrupted us. 

"Why? Harry is on his way here. Don't you want to meet him?"

The sound of her voice freaks me out. I have no idea what will happen next. I just feel like something is suffocating me, I can't breathe. I want to get out and try all my best to hide from Anne. And the air feels like telling Gemma what I'm feeling right now. 

"Emily doesn't feel well." she respond to her mum looking at me. "I guess she needs to go? and take meds for herself?"

I nodded, thankful that Gemma is still beside me, trying to save me from this death. But you can't take away the nervousness I'am feeling like now. It's like anytime soon, Anne is going to stab me with her golden words. 

The thought of Harry telling his family opposite to what happened to us is what I am blaming right now. Why? Why did he have to lie to them? I knew his family for a very long time as I remember. And the thought of Harry telling them what happened to us, The truth wouldn't get him in to trouble. I'm sure they will understand why he did it. 

I don't understand why he have to lie and let his family hate for whatever he said I did to our relationship. 

I would never hurt the people I love. 

I would never hurt Harry. 

He's been my life since birth. Why would I do such thing to him?

What hurt me the most is that Anne also thought that I could do that to her son. She witnessed how much I love him. I can't blame her though, he is her son. She would believe him more than me. 

"Okay then. I hope we'll see you soon Em?" Anne expected. 

"Yeah." I tried to respond not looking at her. "I hope so too. "

"I'll go take her outside mum." Gemma offered and her mum nodded. 

We walked going to there front door silently. Like no one wants to start a conversation. I feel sorry for Gemma tho. I know she still want to talk about a lot of stuffs with me. But obviously we cant. 

"I'm so sorry about mum." she apologized. 

"No, it's okay" I lied. 

"But I hope we'll meet each other soon too?"

"Yes, of course Gem. Just call me if you want to talk about something." 

"Okay Em."


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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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