"The Good Girl & the Bad Boy"

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The Usual: Girl crashes into the bad boy who's rude to her and she thinks there's something magnetic about him. Her curiosity gets her into trouble, and the rest is history.

What it probably should/could've been:

Option A:

"Are you blind or something?" the male spoke, annoyed.

I stared at him incredulously, "Excuse me? I wasn't the one who was practically stalking down the hall with my eyes on the phone."

Huffing, I brushed by past him, muttering under my breath.


Option B:

The boy let out a curse as he glowered at me as if I had just committed the most atrocious crime possible.

"Do you know who I am?"

"A spoilt brat," I deadpanned. Really, did I look like I care? I had heard a lot about him, and I absolutely did not want to get involved. I had my record to maintain, after all.

He gaped.

I smiled sweetly, "Oh, was I wrong? Let me rephrase that then - a pampered idiot. Excuse me."

And I left.

Option C:

"Watch where you're going, moron!" yelled the guy.

"I've apologized already," I said, annoyed. "What else do you want me to do? Write a declaration form? For god's sake, it was an accident."

"Grow up, and get over it." Was my parting shot as I departed, shaking my head.

Really, people these days...




What it probably should/could've been:

Option A:

"What did you say?" My dad said slowly.

"Erm...I said, he's a gangster," I averted my gaze as I shifted my feet nervously.


Biting my lip, I looked up and froze as dad finally spoke, turning to mom who had an inscrutable expression on her face.

"Where did we keep the shotgun?"

Oh. Crap.

Option B:

"No, no, no! You, young lady, are grounded!"

Option C:

"Absolutely not. We, are going to have a nice, long talk."

I was so doomed.



The Usual: Acceptance galore.

What should/could've happened:

Option A:

"WHAT?!" demanded Keira.

I winced at the volume of her voice. "Keri, please -"

"Oh, no," warned my best friend as she started pacing in agitation. "You are not getting away with this. Why on earth are you even dating him?! He's a jerk!"

"But - "

"Until he proves that he's serious, I'm going to keep an eye on him," declared Keira.

Option B:

"You're dating him?" incredulously asked Luke.

"I know this looks bad, but give him a chance - "

"No," snapped my best friend as he whirled around. "Just no, Em. For god's sake, he stole from my parents. He stole from me. Give me one freaking good reason why I should even let you do this, much less approve of you dating him."

I opened my mouth to speak, but found no words.


"You know what? Forget it." Luke shook his head. "Do what you like."

He stalked towards the door and left, slamming it close behind him.

Option C:

"What did you just say?" slowly said Keira.

"Please tell me I didn't just hear that," pleaded Alice.

"I could've sworn that you said that you were dating him." trailed off Travis.

"You're joking, aren't you?" Luke raised an eyebrow.

I laughed nervously, "Erm, actually..."

Luke's eyes narrowed while Travis twitched. Keira looked as if she wanted to strangle me and Alice let out a resigned sigh.

This was going to take awhile.

(I really, really hope I survive this...)



The Usual: Girl finds herself being pinned against the wall by someone that happens to be the guy who she doesn't even know really well. Few moments later, they end up making out and stuff.

What should/could've happened:

Option A:

"What the hell do you think you're playing at?!" I glared at him as I struggled to wrench myself away from his grip.

"Teaching you a lesson." He snapped back angrily and he -

Oh hell no.

Forcefully pressed his lips onto mine.

He was going to pay.

I let myself slack, feeling the surge of anger in my veins until -


Having loosened his grip, I wrenched my hands away and slapped him. Hard.

"You piece of crap."

Glaring at him, as a finale, I whacked his face with my bag and stormed off angrily.

Option B:

Thank God for martial arts training.

Sensing what was coming, I lifted my foot up and slammed it onto his. A vindictive smirk made its way onto my face as he cursed, hopping and holding his hurt foot.

"Next time, I'll aim for your balls."

Mentally, I made a note to wear stilettos around him just in case.

They hurt more than sneakers anyway.

Or maybe, I should consider getting those combat boots...

Option C:

I sighed and stepped towards the side, letting his hands crash into the wall.

A loud curse and pained yelp sounded as the sound of bone cracking echoed throughout the area.


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