The Good Girl & The Bad Boy (Pt.2)

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- Otherwise: Time, Windows and Parental Woes -


The Usual: She completely forgets about studying and the rest of her life and spends all her time with him.

What Should've Happened:

Option A:

"There's a club opening tonight," he casually mentioned. "Wanna go?"

"Sorry, but I've got an assignment to do," I declined apologetically. "Rain check?"

Option B:

"I haven't seen you in a week."

"Well, I haven't seen my friends/family in a month." I retorted in annoyance. "Besides, you see me often enough as it is."

Option C:

"Want to - "

I threw up my hands in exasperation. "Give me some space already! Just because we're dating, does not mean I have to spend every single bit of my time with you."



The Usual: It's always A-okay to climb through the window and always, the parents never hear him coming. NEVER. Huh.

What Should've Happened:

Option A:

The both of us cringed as the window shut with a loud slam.

"Emily? Emily, are you alright?!" My mom's worried voice sounded and footsteps approached.

He shot me an apologetic look.

I twitched. As if it would help...

Option B:

"What was that? Emmy, I'm coming in!"

I was pretty sure I was going to be grounded.

'Thanks a lot' I mouthed to him.

Option C:

The door slammed open, revealing Mom and Dad who looked worried.


Their gazes zoomed onto him then, and for a moment, silence echoed through the room.

"Would you mind telling me why you didn't use the door?"


#7: What's Suspicion?

The Usual: The parents never suspect anything of the MC even after coming home smelling of alcohol and/or smoke or at a very late time.

What Should've Happened:

Option A:

"I'm home!" I called out as I closed the door behind me.

"Welcome back," Mom returned as she entered the den and opened her arms to give me a hug.

I was about to return it until she stilled abruptly and wrinkled her nose.

"..Have you been smoking?"

Option B:

"Where have you been?!" shouted my dad as I cringed.

"No calls, no messages, not even a note. Do you know how worried we were?!" demanded my mom.

"Mom, Dad, I -" I started.

"And is that alcohol I smell? And smoke?" My mom looked at me incredulously.

"Go to your room. Now." My dad ordered.

Option C:

Quietly, I closed the door behind me and let out a small sigh of relief. I moved down the hallway as silently as I could, making my way towards the staircase.

Just a little more -

"Where have you been, young lady?"



The Usual: Once the parents hear of their girl dating the bad boy, they never check his criminal/juvenile/other records. Ever.

What Should've Happened:

Option A:

"I just don't get why you - "

"Do you know," Dad began calmly. "That he has a criminal record?"

I stubbornly looked away.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Samantha," he said warningly.

"...Yes." I admitted, my shoulders slumping. "But he loves me!"

Dad was quiet for a moment. "I'll still be keeping an eye on him."

Option B:

"He has a criminal record," pointed out Mom.

"I know, but..." I trailed off.

"How do you know he's not using you?"

I flinched.

Option C:

"Did you know that he was arrested for drugs?" Dad demanded.

"He was charged with assault last year, but the charges were dropped as well," he continued.

"We just want you to be safe." softly spoke Mom.

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