Chapter 11-Part 2

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Jon was captivated by Mati. The way her face lit up when she talked about her friends and family made him smile...he could tell she had more to say but didn't want to push it. He found himself so mesmerized that he jumped a little when the waiter set their plates down in front of them. Mati giggled.

"I've seen a lot of things but never someone being startled by food!"

He flushed a little.

"Food can be scary, Mati. You have no idea."

She playfully rolled her eyes.

"None at all."

They ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes, after Mati exclaimed how good this was.

"So you listened to me ramble. It's your turn. What's your story, Cap?" She asked as she took a sip of wine.

He shrugged.

"I don't really have a story."

She jokingly glared at him.

"Everyone has a story...sound familiar?"

He laughed.

"Fine. You got me."

So he told her about growing up in Winnipeg, his parents and brother, his stint at UND, getting his one and only citation on his record. He told her about being drafted and winning the Cup.

Mati found herself being drawn in by him. His passion for hockey was unbridled...the way he blushed when he told her about getting cited for being a minor in a bar in Grand Forks was endearing.

Her trance was interrupted by the waiter dropping the bill off on their table. They both reached for it at the same time but Jon was quicker.

"I asked you out tonight, I'm paying." He insisted.

Mati frowned, but let him pay.

As they were getting up to leave, Jon held Mati's coat out for her.

He's such a gentleman. And perfect. And undeniably hot.

As they climbed back into Jon's SUV, their hands brushed against each other. It was cheesy, but they both felt that spark. The spark everyone says you feel with that one person.

Jon smiled to himself. He knew that she was something special. He couldn't help it, he grabbed her hand over the center console and she immediately gave his a squeeze.


"Hmmm?" He questioned as they pulled back onto the gravel road that had brought them there.

"I really don't want this night to end." Mati simply stated.

Jon grinned.

"I don't either. And the good news is that it doesn't have to be."

Mati turned to him with a smile.

"What do you have planned now?"

He smirked. "I didn't give it up earlier, do you think I'm going to now?"

She shrugged. "I was hoping."

She reached over and turned the radio up and started singing along with it.

"Seriously Mati, you have an amazing voice. You could make a career out of singing, not just songwriting."

Jon felt kind of bad. He genuinely meant what he had just said but he was also kind of prying into that tweet Shawzie had shown him. He had considered Googling her, but decided against it. He wouldn't have wanted her to do it to him so why would he?

Mati flushed in the dim light coming from the interior of the car. She didn't have anything to hide, but she didn't want to make a big deal out of anything either.

"Thanks Jon." She said earnestly

"Uh well actually I have done some singing. I've done some backing vocals and I've had a couple of songs out...I mean nothing big but-"

"That's incredible, I mean you have a talent you should share it."

She gave him a small smile.

"You seem...embarrassed?" Jon said gingerly.

"I mean I'm not." She told him honestly. "A lot of people don't take you seriously when you tell them that though. Songwriting is more respected because people don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but since there's a lot of music out there, there must be an actual need for songwriters. I tell people, even in Nashville, that I've had two songs scrape the charts, and I've opened for Justin Moore and they just laugh it off. It's not 'big' enough to be taken seriously as a performer. How many one hit wonders do you know? That's the catch 22. End rant."

Jon rubbed circles on her hand with his thumb while he told her this.

"If it means anything at all, between your voice, and personality, I think you've got everything it takes."

Mati blushed as they pulled up to a curb in front of a small coffee shop.

Jon got out and opened Mati's door for her, and they headed inside to order. They grabbed their drinks but Jon grabbed Mati's arm as she went to go sit down at a table.

"Not there." He simply said.

He lead her back outside and around the back of the building, where there was a couple of benches with a gorgeous view of Lake Michigan. Even in the dark, it was incredible.

They picked a bench and plopped down. As they chatted some more about their lives pre-meeting, Mati found herself huddling closer and closer to Jon in the cold.

Jon took full advantage of it and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his chest.

Mati melted a little inside. With her face buried into his chest (his strong, chiseled chest she might add), she felt comfortable.

They sat like that for what seemed like forever until Jon looked at his watch and frowned.

"I don't mean to be a party killer but it's almost midnight and I have early practice and I'm guessing you have to be there too."

Mati nodded in agreement as they headed back.

Jon grabbed her freezing cold hand in the car and held it the whole drive back to her place.

When they reached her apartment, Jon opened the door once again and walked Mati to her door. As they stood there, Jon wanted so badly to kiss her but didn't want to rush things. So he wrapped her in a hug and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you so much for tonight, Jon. It was amazing."

Jon grinned. That smile turned Mati's legs to jello.

"Anything for an amazing girl."

He gave her one last hug as he turned around to leave.

Mati opened the door and saw Tess was asleep on the couch. She snuck by her and went to her room. She laid down on her bed and let out a little squeal as she reminisced on the date.

Her phone chimed with a new text.

See you tomorrow, beautiful.

A Little More You (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now