Chapter 20

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A/N:Outfit in external!

The next morning, Jon stretched and pulled the girl laying next to him closer to his body. She was just wrapped in a blanket and he smirked as he thought about their romps last night.

He tried to get up without disturbing her. His parents would be here in just under two hours so he wanted to get up to start making brunch.

Thirty minutes later, Mati met him in the kitchen, hair piled on her head, wearing one of his old grey shirts and a pair of his shirts. She had a concerned look on her face.

Jon gestured for her to sit at the breakfast bar where he had a cup of coffee waiting for her.

She thanked him and stared into the mug.

Jon eyed her. "What's wrong love?"

She sighed. "Overthinking things I spose."

He dropped the spatula in his hand and walked over so that he had her hands in his.

"About what Mat?"

There were those butterflies in her stomach again. Even just the silly nicknames did that to her. That would make this all that much harder.

"About us..." she trailed off.

Jon immediately went into panic mode. "What do you mean?"

Mati immediately realized his mind went to worse case scenario.

"Not like that babe." Jon visibly relaxed.

"But what are we going to do once playoffs are done? I mean my internship is done after that and..."

"And you have nothing to keep you in Chicago, besides me." Jon finished for her. It had been in the back of his mind but he hadn't really thought about it. But realistically, Mati could be done in Chicago within two weeks.

I can't let her go.

Mati somberly nodded.

"I don't want to leave you." she admitted. "And I know in the middle of playoffs and right before your parents are going to be here, this wasn't a great time to bring it up but we need to talk about it."

He absently nodded and got quiet. It was the same look he had when he was on the bench and they were down. He was strategizing.

A moment later he looked at her and held her hands tighter.

"Stay with me."

"What?" she instinctively asked.

"Stay with me. Here. In Chicago. Don't leave. I know your lease is done in June, so move in with me after that. We can go to Winnipeg this summer and then come back here and figure it out. You're done with school after this. " He pointed out and pleaded with her.

It sounded good to Mati, but she also had a career in Nashville. She could write in Chicago but Nashville was where she would thrive. She also really didn't want to leave Jon and there's no way he could pick up and move either.

"But Jon, what about Nashville and my career and everything there? I don't want to leave you either and long distance scares me so bad."

Jon dropped her hands and walked around to pick her up in his arms and set her on the bar so he could be closer to eye level.

"Matisen Claire. I love you. I love you to a capacity I never thought I was capable of. I will do whatever it takes to keep you in Chicago even if it means buying a private jet to shuttle you back and forth between here and Nashville. I want to support you 110% in your career too, but I also want to be selfish and have you here with me as much as possible. I know it's not fair that I can't move for you and during the season I can't be there with you hardly at all, but baby, I promise I will make it work no matter what. I'm not kidding, I will charter a plane 7 days a week if it means at the end of the day, you're in my arms."

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