Chapter 23

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Locker clean out had gone as good as it could have. Jon was pensive and reflective; Mati was emotional, saying good-bye to her co-workers and especially to Tammy and Jamie. She had made plans with both of them to meet up for dinner when she was back in Chicago next, and her and Jamie had exchanged numbers. The two had become fast friends after that miserable game, and Mati liked knowing she had an ally. And perhaps someone to double date with...they were still working on that. Jon had convinced Mati to give Kaner Jamie's number so that over the summer he could "ask her a question about something he hurt..." to which Mati reminded him that his groin would not be a good way to break the ice, to which he scoffed.

She was going to miss his idiot self.

But for now, she found herself waiting at an Enterprise at DFW while Jon tried to spell his name for the lady behind the counter. They had rented a vehicle and were going to drive the three hours to McKinley. Jon told her he wanted to see the scenery, Mati snorted and told him she hoped he liked fields and cattle.

Jon liked anything with her. She had kept his mind off of the shit end to an otherwise pretty good season.

Eventually, she finally got "Toews" right, and a shiny red Silverado was idling at the curb for them.

Mati giggled. "A truck, babe?"

Jon grinned. "When in Texas, do what the Texans do." he replied with a terrible attempt at a drawl.

Mati shook her head and stuck her hand out for the keys.

"You want to watch the cattle, I'll drive."

The three hours flew by. Mati looked damn good driving that truck, Jon thought. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was rocking a pair of mirrored aviators she had found the in the airport giftshop. She sang along to every song that came on the radio, and the warm Texas sun felt good beating down on them, fingers intertwined.

Finally, Mati made an exit off the interstate. Twenty minutes later, they pulled into town. From what Jon could see, you could see the entire town from one end to the other.

"Welcome to McKinley." Mati smirked.

It was early evening when they arrived, and Mati and her mom had concocted a plan to surprise the rest of her family that involved pizza and Jon and Mati delivering it, so it was a win-win for everyone.

They pulled up in front of a place called LuLu's, and Mati turned to Jon.

"I'm going to run in and grab the pizzas. Mama said she ordered them, right?"

Jon nodded. He had been in control of Mati's phone while she drove them.

A few minutes later, she emerged with two boxes, holding the "best pizza in town"-or so the box proclaimed. Jon was pretty sure this was the only place in town.

She tossed them in the backseat and grinned at Jon.


He kissed her. "As I'll ever be."

They pulled up to a yellow house with a porch swing and a red door two minutes later. Mati parked across the street and kissed her boyfriend one last time as they climbed out, each grabbing a pizza. Mati practically ran to the front door.

Jon loved seeing her like this. She was definitely in her element. More than once, she told him how much she missed them.

A moment after they rang the doorbell, the pounding of feet could be heard, followed by the door swinging open.

It took Mak a second to realize her sister was standing in front of her instead of the usual high school kid impatiently waiting for their tip, but the moment she did she burst into tears and the two of them were surrounded by a sea of blondes.

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