Chapter 25

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Jaila POV

When we got back to my place, I told Lia to pack all her things.

"Where yall going?" Tonio said
"We finna go find us somewhere to stay"
"Well yall can stay with me" he said

"Hell no because that nigga knows where you live"

I continued gathering all my stuff and took our bags to the trunk. We all got in and took off

"How about y'all go stay with Anthony" Tonio said

I agreed and he gave me the directions. When we got there Tonio got out and knocked on the front door. Anthony left the door unlocked for me and Lia. When I walked in, it was a really nice house. He had a fireplace, the ceiling had designs, The carpet was so furry and soft. It was a 2 story house.

"Hey how yall doing? I'm Anthony y'all should know" He greeted us.

I laughed at this fool.
Tonio went back to the car to get me and Lia's bags.

"Well I'll show you yalls room" Anthony said leading me to the second floor.

The guest room was really empty but pretty at the same time. There was a dresser 2 beds a couch with a TV and one picture on the wall.

"The bathroom is down the hall to the right if y'all need anything holla at me" Anthony said

I unpacked my things and put on some pajamas. When i was changing, Tonio walked in looking at me.

"Omg. Can you knock the next time you enter a room?" i asked
"Girl you know I was only person that would come in"

I just shook my head and walked out. When I was walking down the stairs, I started cramping again. Tonio came and held Me

"You alright?" He asked
"Yes" i said struggling in pain.

He walked me to the living room and i sat down on the couch. Tonio went in the kitchen and it sounded like he was making something. He came back with a mug. He handed it to me and told me to drink it. I had no idea what it was

"What is this?" i asked looking down in the cup.

"It's a little concoction my mother used to make me when I had pain"

All I said was oh and begin drinking it. It was really sweet. After i was done drinking the little mixture. I went to the bathroom and had to pee. When I looked in the mirror my stomach was getting a little lumpy.

When i walked out i went to the bedroom and watched TV.


Anthony's house is really nice. He has all these big grand pictures on the wall. He has a really big flat screen TV to. I was getting sleepy and I went to find Anthony and asked him where I was sleeping. He lead me to a room that Jaila and Tonio were sleeping in.

"You're going to be sleeping with them if that's okay" Anthony said looking me in my soul

I nodded and he walked out the room. I sat by bags on the bed and Jaila was staring at me.


"Oh, nothing its just that I was in the middle of being alone until you came in" Jai said

"Fine then I'll go" I walked out the room and slammed the door

I massaged my head and went back downstairs. I plopped down on the living room couch.

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