XI - The Warriors

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Captain Kirubi, the commander of Mirov's forces, was watching the combats, but he glanced sideways at the pharaoh's wife. Kyra was undoubtedly the most beautiful woman he had ever met. After he had seen her, he hadn't been able to get her out of his head, and his human form, a handsome, strong man with Asian features, had caught her attention, too. The beautiful queen couldn't look away from him, while the pharaoh was fully absorbed in the games.

Ready to conquer her, Kirubi penetrated her thoughts in telepathy.

"How can a woman be the most beautiful on the Earth and live next to a weak man like pharaoh Kaenematon? You should live like a goddess, dominating the world and the universe. Let me take you with me to the stars."

The beautiful woman looked at him and realized with surprise that they could talk without opening their mouths.

"Somehow, this god can enter my mind and I must undoubtedly believe in everything he says," thought the queen, seduced by the unknown. "I'm listening to your voice. Is my husband hearing it too?" She continued.

"No! Only you can hear me. Go to your chambers in the palace and wait for me tomorrow, real early. Everyone will be involved with the games and no one will notice our absence."

She cunningly turned to the pharaoh:

"Honey, I'm not feeling well. All this blood has left me with malaise and I must rest in the chambers given to us. I'll recover quickly, if I rest. I'll ask the servants to prepare a good hot bath and a healing herbal tea."

"I'll take you."

"There's no need, my love. I'll ask the guards to escort me. It'll be safe and you can watch the games you love. I don't know if I'll be okay tomorrow, but I'll try to show up to stay by your side."

"All right," Kaenematon ordered two guards to take the queen to her quarters.

Meanwhile, the battle between the women was about to begin, and everyone was looking forward to what promised to be the best part of the games. It wasn't common in Sumerian and Egyptian societies for women to fight, especially extraterrestrial goddesses. Those would be interesting combats.

The officer of Star Hunter spacecraft, Andreva, introduced herself. With the look of a warrior, she stared at the audience, who was afraid of the way she glared at them, as if she were calling each one for the fight. Her adversary would be Jara, an officer from Mirov's forces. They both received the bow and arrow. Andreva took an arrow from her quiver and, calmly, positioned it in her bow, directing it down. She looked at her target and, suddenly, turned her weapon to the spectators, who turned away scared. She pointed the deadly arrow at Mirov.

Immediately, Mirov's guards took out their pistols and rifles and pointed them at Andreva. The ship Star Hunter's soldiers also prepared to react. The military men on both sides were ready for any unexpected problems that might arise. No one would be caught unprepared during the games.

Merko quickly spoke to her, telepathically:

"Don't do that, Lieutenant. It's not the time or the right place. Many pointless deaths would occur here. Calm down and focus on the game."

"Is it difficult, Captain, to control your officers? Maybe we should start the battle right here and kill some Terrans. What do you think? Or can you control your subordinates?" Mirov invaded Merko's head.

She looked at Merko, who denied with his head, begging her to keep her focus on the competition. For a moment, Andreva almost listened to her conscience, which demanded her to end Mirov's life there, at that instant. But Merko was right. She should follow her captain's orders.

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