XIV - The Maze

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In Science spaceship, Zara was talking, distressed, to Drako:

"I hope Merko doesn't disappoint us. This time, he can't make mistakes and he'll need to show what he came for. I hope all the legends we heard about him on planet Life are true."

"Merko's just a man of flesh and blood, but he's also one of the most famous names in our planet. His fame has been built through his actions. I fully trust my captain and I know he'll save humanity from the claws of this damn tyrant."

Zara shook her head as she pursed her lips in concern. She hoped that everything would work out.

In one of ship Star Hunter's quarters, someone who had never cared before about his battles was now tense. Merko, although he had already participated in many missions, knew that he needed to win that battle without using his powers, so that it could be a fair fight.

"This is, undoubtedly, the most important battle of my life. I know I can't fail. Of this depends the future of not only the people I love, but of all humanity."

At that moment, he remembered Lorena and Helen, who were waiting for him. His eyes got teary at the thought of losing the battle to his greatest enemy. He lowered his head, feeling sad. Abruptly, he lifted it, looking at the blue horizon from the hatch of his bedroom.

"I need to win at any cost. I'll pass through mountains and cross the seas. I'll go to any galaxy for my family. If there's anyone who can solve this problem, it's me!"

With that, he calmed down and tried to relax a little. After a while, the intrepid commander rose to his feet. It was time to fight. He chose the full combat armor, in metallic blue color, and started to prepare for the decisive moment of the Games of the Gods.

In the enemy ship, Captain Kirubi was lying down on his bed. With closed eyes, he thought of Kyra. The moments he had passed alongside the human moved with his soul deeply. That beautiful woman was marked in his mind.

He remembered the sensual voice, like a mermaid's chant, and of when she had touched him with silk hands. He had never lived such a strong and overwhelming passion... He had never felt such desire to be close to anyone before.

"When we win the Battle of the Gods and I command Mirov's forces, I'll take her to me and I'll confront everything to possess her completely. This woman must be mine and, in fact, she'll be."

His mind returned to the approaching combat. He needed to focus on the final contest against the brave captain Merko.

"It won't be easy to beat the valiant commander of the battle cruiser Star Hunter", he thought. His eyes widened as he heard the trumpet of the humans, which announced the closeness of the fight, summoning everyone to position themselves, including the spectators.

The captain put on the metallic red suit. He placed his hands on his helmet and checked that it was perfectly adapted to the skull. He verified if the visor would transmit the virtual data with perfection. He was ready.

"I've already accomplished many missions. My opponent is strong, and this encourages me to win yet another challenge. This time, I'll have a much better reward: Kyra, my goddess!" He thought.

The clothes with which they would fight in the virtual maze were made of an intelligent fabric, mixed with iridium. The helmet fit the shape of the skull as if it were made by measure. On the shoulders there was a covering for protection, as well as on the elbows and knees. On the belt, a holster carried a laser pistol on the right side. Both warriors wore a visor that would allow them to see the targets and the digitally created virtual environments, once they entered the labyrinth.

It was time to choose the combat weapons, besides those already coupled to the complete battle suit. According to the rules, in their case, the weapons were of free choice. Merko chose the sharp two-edged sword. He took it with both hands and placed his left leg in front of the right, shoulder width, and set it aside as if measuring its weight. Next, he cut the air with it, feeling it whir. Around them, people continued to watch, eagerly, what promised to be the grand finale.

Captain Kirubi chose as his weapon a spear in a cylindrical form the size of his hand, which when held by its extremity, unfolded in other smaller cylinders until it reached three feet in length. The end of this armament had a sharp edge and threw powerful laser beams.

Suddenly, the holograms showed the portals opening and the champions passed through it, full of confidence. The people standing ovated the arrival. Kaenematon, Assuridor and their retinues also stood up to applaud with excitement the stars of the show of what promised to be the best part of games.

Mirov's eyes widened, paying close attention, and the crews stopped everything they were doing on their ships to approach the images that transmitted the competition.

Merko entered through one of the extremes of the maze, and Kirubi entered through the other side, with his left hand holding the spear and his right hand resting on the holster of his pistol.

Finally, the last fight started. From there on, they would have to face many virtual challenges created by the computers. After entering the maze, the doors behind them were automatically sealed.



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Heirs of Planet Life 3 - The Battle of GodsWhere stories live. Discover now