Chapter 4- Second Chances

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Sometimes I left my office with Hector and we went outside where a giant tree was and we just started to build a treehouse, the treehouse was for items that we might need, cell phones, backpacks, utensils.

Now you may think it's a stupid idea to just store all necessary items in one place with only one entrance and exit.

Well over the year we got a few more kids and had to move certain items, plus it was a nice place for kids around my age, not intellectually though, to just have fund cause it also had a slide and swing sets, monkey bars, see-saw, monkey cage, merry-go-round, and just other items.

Now you may think it may draw some notice, but with some nice set of paints we made it look abandoned and pretty much never used.

It was a month after a bank job when two new people came in.

They were only slightly different than the normal person coming in. For the most reason was, they were two adults.

But Josh vouched for them and he said they were cool. Their names were Clint and Natalie. But Josh was never a truthful person and I already knew who these two were really but I decided to keep quiet.

Number of reasons actually, so didn't want to move operations and leave certain kids behind and also, we were no threat the SHIELD.

Let me explain how they entered the building and from there what happened next.

I was in my lab working on fixing the radio that got busted a few nights ago for tonight. Hector knocked and came in, "Two new newbies." he said taking a seat in one of the chairs I had around the place.

"What's different about these two?" I asked with a screwdriver in my mouth as I was going to need it in a moment.

"Their adults." I stopped, sure we sometimes got a few adults but not many, "how good are they."

"Better than the regular and some of the older but I think they're holding back."

"They thing you in charge?"

Hector nodded and I replied, "Keep it that way for now, but don't tell the others. Let's see how some of the people react to you delivering the welcome speech." I said, "let them think I'm your little brother if anything or second in charge I don't care. Let me get to know them."

"Is there something you know that I don't?" Hector asked

I smiled at Hector, "Hector, there are a certain amount of things that I may know and you might. But that doesn't mean I don't trust you. I just never thought we crossover path with this knowledge."

Hector paused then nodded, "Shall we deliver that speech?" he asked

I nodded, "Sure."

With that we both got up and made our way toward the balcony overlooking the place. I put two fingers in my mouth and did my best taxi call.

I got everyone's attention.

"Now that we have everybody's attention," Hector started, "we like to introduce two new members to our family, Clint and Natalie. You all remember when they first arrived and do be nice. Also, reminder that the annual party is happening tonight. I hope no one breaks the radio this time." Hector said with a glance at Jacob, the one who broke the radio last Saturday and he looked sheepish.

Everyone knew the dismissal and with only some looks at Hector who delivered the speech they went back to doing what they normally do.

"You going back to the lab?" Hector asked as we were still in our place.

I thought about it, "I finished the radio but I'm going to have to go upstairs to see about fixing the amplifiers to make sure they still worked. Still not pleased the Jacob spilled juice all over the system but it happens to all the newbies really."

"See you later than?" Hector inquired.

"Later." I confirmed and only heading back to my lab for a split second to grab the radio then started to make my way up to the roof.

Most of the time there are only a few people up there during the day or week, during the week it's used for getting away from everyone and get some peace and quiet.

I was next to the amplifiers when someone spoke behind me, "You sure you know what you're doing kid?" a male voice asked

Spinning around slightly I saw that it was the two new people, "I'm pretty sure." I said wiping my hands, "I've had to do this sometimes every other week. Newbies, always messing up the system, gets annoying after a bit but it's also very entertaining to watch them apologize and look all embarrassed."

"So, how does this place work?" Natalie asked as she and Clint moved to sit down in some chairs to my right.

"Most of the time, it's like a school. We help teach them certain skills on the street to help them and sometimes they get to use the skills when we need money. As long as they follow the big rule they are allowed to stay here." I said knowing exactly well that I was pretty much telling SHIELD everything.

"What's the big rule?" Clint asked

Before I could respond commotion downstairs made me race down there, there was a distinguished sound of guns clocking and shouting.

Going down the stairs fast with Clint and Natalie right behind me I opened the door and saw that everybody had stopped what they were doing and currently standing, shoulders locked, and guns aimed at a person who just entered the building.

The said person was banned not to long ago and seemed to be angry. He also had a gun that was swerved to me as I just entered.

Everyone else stood even straighter and looked at the guy daring him to try something to hurt me.

"What do you want Alex." I asked my voice cold and distant, I noticed that Natalie and Clint give me a look.

"I want back in." Alex said

"Never going to happen." Hector hissed as others agreed.

I calmly raised my hand and the commotion stopped, "You disobeyed the big rule, you know that you can't. We already warned you not to long before you were banned when you almost shot one of the hostages in one of our jobs."

"Give me another chance." Alex pleaded in a way.

I sucked in a breath, honestly Alex was so far the only case that a person was banned, some came close but they always fixed themselves or left the place.

"You can't be serious Perce." Hector said looking a me disbelief.

But I ignored him and others who knew my look. Silencing everyone I said, "This will be your one and only chance, if we see that you are trying or are about to break the big rule again. You will not be allowed anywhere near this place. We have a job coming up, you are going on it." I said the last bit to Hector in a way to make sure he knew he was going on the job as well.

At Hector's stiff nod I told everyone else, "Guns down, you too Alex. Meet back here tomorrow, thirteen hundred. Don't be late but until then, do not return here." I said looking at him.

He nodded relief in his face and made his way back outside to spend the rest of the day and night until tomorrow.

Rubbing my forehead as people started to complain I quickly held up my hand, "I know that you may all not like the development and that I am letting him off easy, I am not. Tomorrow the gang that are going to do the job will be Hector, Will, Garrett, and Katie along with Alex. Until then everyone is dismissed except those three.

Katie and Hector already been on some of the robberies and they knew what to do, Garrett was a official member since he passed the test and this was his first time. Will was mostly a medic person, if Alex ever did shoot someone Will was there to make sure they didn't die. But he also went on some calls but most of the time he liked being here.

I lead the four to the control room where the map was and I put Thalia, my third in charge, to come get me if anyone needed anything and explain the big rule to Clint and Natalie.

"Do I have to go?" Will asked kindly as we entered the room.

"I know you said you don't like going, but I don't really trust Alex and if he shoots anyone I want you there to make sure they don't die." I said truthfully.

Will paused and thought it over then nodded.

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