Chapter 13- Shake it Off

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The ride back to the tower wasn't exactly silent, but it also wasn't exactly that exciting. Tony and Bruce (who was apparently the Hulk) were talking about science that I sometimes pitched in to help.

Clint and Natasha were whispering about I guess this upcoming mission and then there was Captain America who was trying to make conversation with me but looked very awkward.

I was mostly just happy that Thor wasn't here, think of the damage that would surely be inflicted (I have heard stories of the 'gentle (annoying) giant'.

Trying not to fall asleep (lack of sleep from the night would do that) I tried to have a conversation about Steve but it was really hard when certain words or something would remind him of his time during the World War.

Eventually we decided to just talk about school and how I was doing, sometimes he would mention a thing or two about how school was for him but most of the time I had to explain certain projects, essays, or the studies that we were doing.

But it was still an awkward conversation for me for plenty of reasons. Number one, how do you have a casual conversation with The Captain America without internal fangirl and trying not to freak the man out.

Number two, who talks about school.

Number three, how do you have a conversation with an adult when the only conversation you have had was with kids below the adulthood age timeline?

Number four, really who talks about school.

Number five...well there really isn't a number five, these people are just as awkward as I am with talking to someone below their age (like really below) yet that kid can keep up when you're talking about physics or some other babble.

Honestly, part of me really just wanted to push this conversation out the window (like Tony did when Loki pushed him out) or just ignore them and portray myself as being rude.

But momma didn't raise no rude boy, so instead I just sat their and did my best to entertain Captain America (call me Steve).

Internally sighing with relief as we neared the tower I started to feel internal excitement because I could totally go in the lab with Tony (Pepper doesn't need to know) and word on that engine.

Ok, maybe I sighed with relied too soon because being stuffed into a elevator with five or the six avengers was really annoying and let's just say I wish I took the stairs.

As soon as the doors open I ducked between legs and was the first one off and started to head toward Tony's lab (we talked last night it was cool).

"Nah uh Percy, I know you haven't done your homework. Brucey and Ice Age here will watch and make sure it's all done and correct before you follow me into my awesome machine cave." Tony said waving his discipline finger (which didn't really work).

My face flatten and gave Tony a flat look and shuffled closer to the lab, "Steve?" Tony said with a smirk and suddenly the back of my hoodie was in the air dragging my body with it.

Instead of struggling (I wanted to save energy to annoy Tony later), I gave Tony a blank look then looked at Steve who was holding me and let out a sigh.

Nodding to Steve he let me go gently as I shouldered my backpack, turned away from the Avengers in a way that was totally a dismissive move, and the proceeded to sit at the kitchen table and pull out my math homework.

I heard the others disperse around the place and glanced at my math homework and then English homework, obviously this was going to be a piece of cake.


This isn't a piece of cake. I mentally screamed as I glared at the book that my English teacher had given me. We had to read the first five chapter of To Kill A Mockingbird and I just felt as if the book was literally mocking me.

"Ok, that's the third glare you sent to book. What's wrong?" Bruce asked as Steve was preparing dinner for everyone (apparently he was the only decent cook, who knew?).

"I hate this book." I said glaring at the book and resisted to throw it on the stove and allow the flames to destroy it. Instead I just glared at it more wishing I was Superman and had heat vision.

"Why? I thought it was a good book." Bruce asked and I knew I shouldn't snap but I just couldn't help it, "Try reading with dyslexia." I snapped and shut the book and allowed myself to throw it across the room where I folded my arms and continued to glare at the stupid book.

I could tell Bruce was looking from the book back to me and his eyes seemed to light up as if he had an idea. Moving the own book he was reading previously out of the way he stood up and picked up my English homework aka the killer book.

"Why don't I read it to you and you can fill out whatever you need to?" Bruce asked and I looked at him having a warm(ish) feeling in my chest but utter confusion.

"You want to help me?" I asked slowly as I tried to process it, no one, and I very much mean no one (except maybe mom when she wasn't busy) helped me.

"I want to help you." Bruce said replaying my words trying to help me. Looking between the book to Bruce I shrugged, if he wanted to help then he was going to be pulled into the long run.

Grabbed a new pencil (as the other one may have broke) and a piece of paper I nodded to Bruce who started to read and help me understand it much better than I was trying to read it on my own.

Even Steve contributed to the conversations as he allowed the chicken to stand out just a bit to defrost before putting it in the oven.

Overall, it was very domestic and I had no idea if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Instead of thinking about it more, I just shook it off.

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