Chapter 16: Basket Case

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My hand rested on the foggy glass container that contained one Bucky Barnes, "He...he's alright right?" I asked turning slightly to look at the man that had turned me into a power freak.

"He is. As long as you cooperate, he will stay that way." The man took out a glasses cleaner and well, cleaned his glasses before putting them back on.

I turned back toward Bucky and bit my lip, he was Steve's friend. Any friend of Steve was a friend of the Avengers which included Uncle Tony.

"When do we start." I asked my voice low and uncertain.

"Now." The man said and one of the henchmen around pressed a button. I stepped back as air slowly hissed out of the container and before I knew it, I was standing in front of a man that didn't seem to be Bucky Barnes the best friend of Captain America.

He looked empty, like he didn't know what to live for. The shiny metal arm gleaned from the overhead light and black liner was around his eyes.

They held me back as they said some German words, Bucky didn't seem to like them because his eyes seemed like they were even more empty than before, like the life was sucked out of him.

"What did you do to him?" I asked wrenching my arm away from the people refraining me and walked toward Bucky.

I was about to touch his arm, the nonmetal one, to make sure he was okay but held in my breath when the metal arm swung and grasped my wrist in a tight grip.

"He is merely more servile now than he was before." The man with the round glasses said his tone chipped and to the point.

"What's the mission." I said through clench teeth because even if Bucky didn't know who I was, he was still hurting my arm.

"I hear you are good with computers yes?" The man asked, his German accent bleeding into the sentence.

"Affirmative." I said my tone practically asking him to make his point.

"Freisetzung Winter Soldier, Freisetzung." The man said and Bucky instantly released my arm, "What Hydra needs you to do is cause chaos for the government. We have teams set up to infiltrate the Pentagon but we need a distraction. If you don't provide a distraction, Mr.Barnes here will start shooting innocent life in there with a sniper." the man said as I rubbed my wrist.

"Fine." I said through clenched teeth, I was hating this more and more.

"No killing." I said glaring at the man.

"That cannot be promised." The man said stiffly.

"No killing." I said making no argument in my voice.

"Very well." The man said standing tall, but I knew he didn't mean it. Especially when one of the soldier men went up to him and whispered something in his ear. The man replied in German like before with Bucky, I didn't trust a word he said.

"Please don't mind the blindfold or noise-cancelling headphones, can't have you tracking your location, finding a way to escape, or calling your uncle and his team." The man said and with a huff, allowed them to do the said items.

The silence was nerving, but I could somehow feel Bucky next to me. Even when he wasn't in his state of mind I felt calmer knowing that maybe, just maybe no matter how unlikely, he would keep me safe.

No soon I was taken up flights of stairs and felt fresh air hit my face, swallowing nervously as the headphones and blindfold were taken off, I found a encrypted laptop in front of me right next to a sniper stand.

"Distraction right." I asked glancing at the man that removed my items, but no one there.

"What happens after?" I asked Bucky who moved toward the sniper and was putting the pieces of it together.

"We head to the given checkpoint and with confirmation, will be airlifted out of here. We are to stick together no matter what." Bucky, Winter Soldier, said his voice not liking the last bit but tolerated the idea anyway.

Part of me thought about sending some sort of email to Tony, but knowing Hydra they probably are expecting it and have something planted on this laptop. Now if I could find a payphone or used laptop than I would be fine.

"Get to work." Winter Soldier gruffed reminding me my one main mission. To make sure Bucky Barnes sees the next day so he could go home at some point in his life.

In order for that to work, I would have to make sure I saved his life. Meaning I had to comply to Hydra's wishes.

With only a few simple commands into the computer I nodded to Winter Soldier who reported something in a com link and handed me binoculars.

I watched as sounds of cars honking below and the fire alarms rang from the building. People were quickly getting out of the building as passerby were confused.

"We should go." Winter Soldier gruffed putting his sniper away, I was just happy he didn't use it. At least I was happy until the sound of gunfire rang out in the distance and I had just thrown the binoculars on to watch the top floor window be shattered and a man fall from it.

"They, they." I stuttered hopeless as I watched the man fell, and fell.

"Mission accomplished." Bucky said uncaring as he grabbed my sleeve and pulled me up, "Get us to it kid." he said.  

(Book 1) The Runaway (A Percy Jackson and The Avengers Crossover) *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now