" Is there anything to do about this" I asked. I am so confused that I don't even know Why am I driving home with Fort.
"We will talk to Pro about this" He said bluntly focusing on the road. The thunder crackled startling me. The raindrops quickly splattered painting the window with its touches.
" You can contact her?"
" I sure can but I don't like to"
" Oh... Well thanks for... Today"
" The make out session?"
" What!?? NO For being there in general"
" I don't appreciate you hugging me though " He said sternly still not looking at me .
" Totally " I replied rolling my eyes as I traced my finger on the foggy car window.
He drove directly to my house and we rushed inside protecting ourselves from the assault of the rain.
" Mom I am home" I announced as I entered.
No answer.Fort ruffled his hair to get rid of the water. I caught myself staring at him with my mouth open.
Shit, why am I like this?
I went up to my mom's room. The door was ajar and mom was fast asleep. I smiled as I closed the door silently.-
I went upstairs and saw Fort gazing through the window shirtless.
Why do you have to be shirtless to gaze from a window?
His back was so perfectly toned and chiseled. I drooled at the well structured bones and his muscular yet lean body. Seeing him still amazed me. He was perfect look wise,too perfect.
"You can make your bed on the floor and Grab something from the fridge if you are hungry .I don't feel like eating today."
He 'blatantly ignored me as his eyes stayed at the horizon"Fort!"
"What !"He snapped.
I cringed at his snapping .But regained my composure
"Do you realize I am saying something?"
"You are always saying something I don't have to pay attention."He grunted
There it is Just when I thought maybe he learnt his lesson he just acts rude and obnoxious and pours tea over my expectations. I know it's water but I hate tea so it is worse.
"I am not in a mood for this.So I am going to bed"
"Good point !Me too"He walked up to my bed.
Hold on.
My bed.
"What are you doing?"
" What does it seem like I am doing?"He questioned rolling his 'eyes.
"You are going to sleep -"
"Clever girl""-with me!"
He sighed with frustration .
"Let me rephrase myself.I am sleeping ON your bed. Better?"
"No NO NO You don't get to sleep anywhere near me."I stated crossing my arm against my chest. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Fine .You can go sleep on the couch.Goodnight" He lay down and screwed his eyes shut.
I stood there with my mouth open. I sat on the corner of the bed and sighed. I tried to recall the incidents in the hospital today.
He never flinched when I hugged him. It felt right to hug him. The warmth and the comfort I felt was incomparable. His heartbeat.His smell. Everything felt so familiar even though he was so far away. I always expect him to care. He just never wants to care. I am playing a game against no one . He isn't even in the race. Where will this go? Will this even work?
I will always have this doubt and it just increases with every passing day.I shuffled to very edge of bed and looked at him.
His face was masked with a momentary innocence. The moonlight glistened his lip ring making them look red and inviting. His kiss, Ugh He is corrupting my brain!
I have to change him.
Send him back.
Get my life back.
I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.
"And finally she wakes"
My eyelashes fluttered slightly.My vision focused and I saw Pro hovering over me . I immediately jerked up and my head collided with her.
"Ouch"We both squealed
"Why am I here?"I asked looking around quizzically
"Let's see Fort contacted us and explained me your situation.
"Yeah"He mumbled standing there with his hands on his pocket.
"Flo. You need to explain me carefully yourself what do you see exactly"
"Short story: I thunk I see death. I see him with a certain person and after a few minutes that person ends up n the hospital.First my dad and then Mrs Nora. I always see him holding a scythe and following that person ."
Pro's brow furrowed in worry. Roma too did look tensed.
"This is absurd.. Flo you didn't tell this to anyone did you?"
"Only to this species here."I gestured at Fort
"Don't ever tell anyone. "
"But why does this happen""We don't know either. Ability. The death can't shroud himself from you.This is a curse as well as a boon"
"But if any other angel get's to know about this things will go to the superior authorities and your life will dangle by a thread. "Roma added
"Wait Wait. So I have an ability to see death. How does this even matter?"
"You can cheat death"Pro replied grimly
My eyes widened. I gulped finally realizing the intensity of the situation. Fort was silent and was staring at Pro biting the inside of his cheek. The silence was deafening.
"So..If I can see death I can save a person from dying."
"You can avoid death not end the inevitable.""Wait...So my dad.."My heart was thumping loud and fast. I saw death that day .He was across the road .
"It's not sure yet.He is still alive so maybe he might survive because his death wasn't written .He took your fate to himself."She said giving Fort a piercing look.
"What!" He asked casually
"Anyway.Flo You promise me that you will forget this and focus on what you have been told to do. Fort is your main concern. Which also brings me to an important fact.Why where you both making out ?"Pro's eyes glinted with Fury
"Pro can we not talk about it!"
"hat !You Know Fort It's forbidden! I have to do so much cover it up.You are making my job harder."
"He even kissed Cara!" I complained"Hey!Complain box!"Fort groaned
Serves you right pervert
"Really?? This is what you will do Fort !Can't you both just work things out !We are doing this for the best of both of you so just stop your childish behavior and start working things out!"
"Yes Ma'am"I muttered sarcastically
" Now go back and Flo remember what I said" Pro commanded sternly
Ooooo Flo has wierd abilities!
I changed the cast a bit. Jeremy Kapone is Fort now. Ill maybe add a pic later
Muah to all my readers for the 961 views!!!!

Living With My Fate ✔(#Wattys2016)
Teen FictionIt isn't by chance that each time I step out of my house the disaster police takes a toll on me. It isn't by chance that every loose pin decides to tangle with my shirt and I end up coming home like a Hunger games victim. It isn't by chance that the...