A Smile Of Affection [Student/Teacher] - Chapter 10

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So so sorry for the late update but i have been sick for the last four days :( but at least im still udpating right? :)

this chapter should hopefull be a bit longer. its not much really. i could think, writers block im guess? but anyways here it is.

Also a BIG shout out to my close friend LetMeThink she has an amazing student/teacher story. shes in the middle of writing her sequel EVERYONE should check it out its called 'The Arbitrary life of Avery Blake [Student/teacher love story] and the sequel is called 'The Point of No Return' i strongly recommend it! :) also where both going to see Lauren Kate this weekend (Author of the 'Fallen' series gaaah cant wait

MeghannJane xxo




‘You have new text message, hi-five!’ Message number 31, I kept count as my phone continued to go off, I had quite a few miss calls to add aswell.. But I had to ignore it. I didn’t want to face anyone right  now.

Knock, knock. My mother knocked twice before peeping her head in.

I gave her a weak smile. “Come in mum.” I coughed - exaggerating a little bit.

She walked in with a wooden tray off soup “How you feeling sweaty? I made you some soup” she smiled

“ Thanks mum.” I tried to avoid the question.

My bed sunk to the left slightly as she sat down next to me, placing the tray on my lap. She then leaned over, arm stretched towards my face as she placed her cool hand against my forehead.

“Hmm,” she said “It’s strange; you don’t seem to have a temperature. You must be feeling better.”

“Yeah, Must be.” I sighed

“You ok honey? You haven’t been yourself lately, is something the matter?”

“No mum, I’m fine thanks, really. Just a little stressed out from school. That’s all”

She studied me for minute before nodding “ That must be the cause of your illness. You just take it easy hon.” She leaned over to kiss me cheek before leaving my room.

I let out another sigh and plonked my head back onto my pillows.

I still couldn’t manage to wrap my head around on what had happened in Art the other day. God I feel so foolish for putting myself into this situation. How could I ever face him again? maybe I could try to see if I could transfer into another class? Yes, that’s what I would do first thing when I get back to school. But yet that still doesn’t exactly solve my problem, but I guess either way im going to have to come face to face with him at some point.

I lay there for a while before finally deciding to check my phone. Most of them were from Gracey – surprise surprise, while a few others were from an unknown number and one from Benson.–  I clicked on Bensons first it was short and simple, kinda sweet I might add.

I Miss You.”

A frown slipped onto my face.

-I miss you too..

I replied. I honestly did miss him, so much. I missed our old ways, our Friday night movie marathons, our everyday afternoons we spent. It’s only been weeks into our last year and already so much have changed. I guess I couldn’t avoid him any longer, I needed to speak to him soon.

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