Chapter 23: The War of Pride

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"Are you impressed?"

Tobias sipped his coffee, ignoring the boastful coworker. Will flipped through a notebook as she rolled her eyes.

"Not only did I capture the big bad Syramin, but all the remaining Fairy Tail guild members!" Waru scoffed. "And what have you been doing in all this time?"

Tobias set down his coffee. "I can't remember." He said quite honestly.

"Of course you can't..." Waru sighed, displeased of the lack of praise he received. "See ya later, Will." he said with a wink.

"Waru, stop breathing." she hissed.

Waru jumped a little at the comment, then scurried from the room.

"He's so annoying." Will spat, slamming her notebook shut.

"He flirts with everyone." Tobias sighed. "So don't take it personally."

"Hey, does Liddan know?" Will stood up. "About Marigold."

"I'm conflicted on whether or not to tell him..." Tobias rest his chin in the palm of his hand. "But if I don't, I'm sure Waru will."

"I'm worried about what they're going to do..." Will sighed.

"Whatever it is, Marigold will have to suffer through it." Tobias sighed. "It's the only way I can do this, I'm afraid."

Liddan heaved a breath as sweat fell from his brow. He pushed up with his single left arm, the fell back down as the muscle tingled with pain with every action.

The light slipped in through the door, blinding Liddan, who'd long since adjusted to the dark.

He ignored who ever entered, continue to work his exercise, especially since it was Waru who entered.

"You know," he said, leaning against the wall. "You'll never guess who showed up just now."

"Your sense of humanity and compassion for other living creatures?" Liddan said, continuing to do his push ups. "Cause he's been gone a looooooooooooong time."

"Your humor survives even within the bars of a cage." Waru sighed. "No, it's someone you've met before."

"Ha, you're playing along with my joke." Liddan snickered, pushing his arm up and around so he could sit against the wall.

"It's your girlfriend."

Liddan goes silent, his grin fading.

"You know, I wouldn't be too excited to find out what the people in this town plan to do to her."

Liddan refuses to speak, not a sound escaped his lips.

"You'll see what they've got planned in good time."

The door shuts, and so do Liddan's eyes.

He slams his fist against the wall, the entire room shakes just a bit.

"Thought we had more time..." Liddan grunted.

"Hey! Hey!" Elwin waved his hand. "Fake Liddan! It's you!"

The ashen haired boy clicked his tongue in irritation to cell full of fairies. Many familiar faces were behind the bars. Elwin, Esmeralda, Layla, and Xavier--who'd been their long before.

"Who's fake Liddan?" Esmeralda said, looking out the cell.

"No way, he really looks like Liddan!" Xavier said. "'Cept for the hair."

"Yeah...hey Fake Liddan, does the carpet match the drapes?" Elwin asked.

"I will slit your throat." Isaiah grunted.

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