Chapter 17

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"Dylan!" I screamed, hoping my voice you catch his attention.

"Logan!" Tori shouted, following my lead and attempting to stop them.

Unfortunately, the two boys were too caught up in their battle that all they could focus on was each other.

Over the loud cheering, I barely heard Dylan sneer, "You're going to pay for what you did."

Logan narrowed his eyes, glowering at Dylan before swinging a well-aimed fist at Dylan's face. 

He ducked just in time, settling back on his feet and landing a hard punch on Logan's stomach while he was distracted.

"Dylan stop!" I shrieked, feeling the strain on my vocal cords and throat.

At last, he heard my cries and looked around for the source.

"Dylan!" I bellowed, "stop it!"

His eyes finally found mine as he shifted his full attention on me.

"Mia?" he called, the noise from the crowd drowning out his voice.

I saw Logan before Dylan did, his muscles bunching up and eyes becoming murderous. He slowly got up, fists tightening as he locked his gaze upon Dylan's broad form. Before I had time to warn Dylan, Logan launched himself upon the distracted male, knocking him into the lockers and bringing him down on the hard floor.

"Dylan!" I cried, shoving past the remaining crowd of people and crouching next to him.

"Mia?" Logan asked, finally noticing my presence.

I ignored Logan while Tori pushed him away and ran down the hallway towards the principle's office.

Groaning, Dylan held his head in his hands and attempted to sit up. As soon as he was upright, he caught sight of Logan and threw a punch his direction.

"Dylan!" I scolded, pushing him back.

He finally looked at me, his eyes filled with confusion.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, wiping some of the blood from his nose.

"Oh nothing I just decided to take a tour of the hallway," I spit sarcastically. "No! I'm saving you from being a complete idiot!"

He gave me a crooked smile and joked, "Is that your way of making sure I'm okay?"

I was about to answer him when I saw our middle-aged principle running down the hallway with Tori beside him.

"What's going on here?" He yelled, a vein popping out of his forehead as a result of his sudden rage.

Tori blurted out an explanation as I helped Dylan stand up.

"You and you," Mr. Johnson commanded, pointing at Dylan and Logan, "come with me. We're sorting this out in my office. Now."

Shuffling away, the two troublemakers shot hateful glares at each other and struggled not to start throwing punches.

"Return to your classes!" Mr. Johnson ordered, pushing the boys in front of him and continuing the long trek to his hidden office.

"I'm waiting for Dylan," I informed Tori, twisting a strand of hair in my fingers.

She took notice of my nervous habit, asking, "Why? You'll miss out on a lot of things."

"I want to know why they were fighting, I can't just wait until lunch. I don't sit by Dylan in any of my classes."

"Okay, I'll make up an excuse for you," Tori offered, giving me a sympathetic smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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