Chapter 3- Diagon Alley

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Elli's Pov


I heard my name being called to be sorted, "Elli Snape."

My knees were shaking as I walked up to the stool, I looked over to my right and saw my dad with his fingers entwined and breathing slowly. I got up the stairs and sat down on the stool. A Professor placed the sorting hat on my head and the hat started talking:

"Humm... very interesting, yes very interesting." I felt a drop of sweat roll down my forehead. "Not smart enough for Ravenclaw, that's for sure." I started breathing heavily. "Then it must be.......... SLYTHERIN!"

****END DREAM****

My eyes shot right open and I got up in an instant. I was shaking and hugging my knees. That would be the worst thing that could happen to me. Being sorted into Slytherin. But it would definitely make my dad happy. You see when my dad went to Hogwarts, he was put into Slytherin and now he is the head of the Slytherin house. When my sister got sorted into Ravenclaw, he wasn't very pleased.

And now I see why. She has all of the characteristics for a Slytherin.

I slowly turned my head to the side and saw that it was 6 am. I sighed then flopped back onto my pillow. As soon as I closed my eyes I heard a slight knock on my door. I went and opened it. There I saw my dad standing outside my door.

"We will be leaving in 1 hour. Hurry up and get ready, your breakfast is getting cold," my dad said and then he walked away with his cape following behind him.

I closed my door behind me and started to get ready. I took a quick shower and dried my hair. I turned it to a light purple. Then I put on black leggings and a red top.

I went downstairs and saw that I had two letters waiting for me on the table. I picked the first letter up and saw that it was from one of my best friends, Kaylin West. I ripped it open and started to read:

Dear Elli,  
I got my Hogwarts letter yesterday, too. I'm so excited! My mom and I are going to Diagon Alley tomorrow. Hope to see you and your dad there.  
From Your Best Friend,  
Kaylin West

I smiled. One of my best friends was going to Hogwarts with me. I started picking at my bacon and I opened my second letter from my other best friend Raven Hawke. She doesn't like to be called Raven. So we just call her by her surname, Hawke. I started reading:

Dear Elli,  

I got a Hogwarts letter a couple weeks ago. A lady from the school is coming tomorrow to help me get my supplies because I'm "muggle born". We are going to this place called Diagon Alley, I wish to see you there.  
Raven Hawke

I gasped. I can't believe that both of my best friends are going to Hogwarts with me and I see that the letters were sent yesterday. That means that I get to see them today.

I scarfed down my breakfast and then I walked to the fireplace where my dad was waiting for me.

"Isn't Elise coming with us?" I asked, hoping he would say no.

"No. She is going later with Percy," he said. "Now I will go first and then you will follow me."

He stepped into the fireplace and grabbed some floo powder and said "DIAGON ALLEY." He was engulfed in a mass of green flames and then he was gone.

Now it was my turn. I grabbed some floo powder and stepped into the fireplace. I threw the powder to my feet and said loud and clear, "DIAGON ALLEY." I saw green flames sweep around me, and then there was a change of scenery. I was now standing in the fireplace at Diagon Alley with my dad standing waiting for me. I dusted myself off and stepped out of the fireplace.

"We have to go to Gringotts first to get money out of the vault," my dad said.

I nodded. I haven't been in Gringotts before, my dad wouldn't let me go. But I've heard that goblins run it. I think that is cool because it is the safest place in the whole entire wizarding world, well expect from Hogwarts.

"Now you stay here while I go into the bank and get some money," my dad said and he started to go into Gringotts.

"But why can't I go in with you! Elise always goes in with you," I said getting really annoyed. He always treats me like a little kid.

"Elli, I told you this once before," he said looking me in the eyes. "Goblins are nasty creatures." And then he left me on the steps that lead into Gringotts and walked through the giant double wooden doors.

I knew he was lying to me but you never question my dad. He knows what he is doing.

I waited by the steps of Gringotts playing with my hair. I looked up and saw a boy with round glasses about my age going in to Gringotts with a giant. I think the giants name was Hagrid. Then my dad finally came. I wondered what he was doing in there but I decided not to ask.

We walked down to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. I walked into the store and saw a plump little witch sitting behind the counter. "Hogwarts dear?" she asked in delightment.

I went to the back of the room and stood on a stool while Madam Malkin slipped a long robe over my head and started to pin it to the right length. "That's you my dear. All done." I hopped down from the stool and paid for my robes and stepped out of the store.

We stopped to buy parchment and quills. Then we headed down to a store called Flourish and Boltts where the walls were stacked sky high with all sorts of school books. I paid for my books and started going to the store that sold cauldrons but my dad said that I was going to use my moms old cauldron.

The last place I had to go to was a wand store called Ollivanders. Before I stepped in to Ollivanders I looked around again for a glimpse of Kaylin or Hawke. I felt my dads hand on my shoulder "They will come soon enough", he said. I stepped into the shop, and there were little boxes decorating every wall.

"Ah, Severus. This is your youngest daughter I suppose," he looked at me when he said this. I just nodded in amazement.

"Here we go. Beechwood and phoenix feather. Nine inches. Nice and flexible. Go on, give it a good wave," he said. Feeling silly I did what I was told, but Mr. Ollivander snatched it out of my hand shaking his head. "I think we've got a good match here", he said smiling. "Maple and unicorn hair. Ten and a half inches", he gave me the wand. I felt a sudden warmth through my fingers. I raised the wand above my head and brought it down through the air and a stream of red and gold sparks shot from the end.

I turned my head and found that my dad had a huge grin on his face. We paid for the wand and stepped out of the shop. To my delight I found Kaylin and Hawke standing near the flower cart, their eyes looked up and meet mine. We ran to each other and meet up in a big hug.

"I can't believe you guys are here," I squealed as I hugged both of them separately.

"We were getting pretty worried. We couldn't find you all day. I found Hawke as soon as my Mum and I got here and took her from one of the Professors," said Kaylin.

"Yeah. I can't believe how cool the wizard world is!" said Hawke really excited.

"Did you guys get all your stuff?" I asked. "I just got the last thing I needed, my wand."

"No, but we have all of our school books and robes," said Hawke.

"We were just going to go get our wands. See you in a bit," said Kaylin smiling.

I watched them walk into Ollivanders and close the door behind them. I waited for them, admiring the flowers in the flower cart across from the shop. A while later they came out with their band new wands, grinning like idiots.

We walked to the ice cream shop, brought ice cream and hung out until my dad said that we had to go home. I gave Kaylin and Hawke both a hug before stepping into the fire place and going home.

This is going to be an amazing year, I thought to myself while smiling.

Elli Snape: A Harry Potter Fanfiction [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now