Chapter 4- Hogwarts Express

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Elli's Pov

        "HURRY UP, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" yelled Elise pounding on the door as hard as she could. "DAD IS WAITING!"

        "I'm coming, I'm coming," I shouted back at her while throwing the last of my things into my trunk. I slammed it shut and carried it to my door.

        "Took you long enough. We've been waiting for 30 minutes," she said as I opened my door. She hurried to the stairs and motioned for me to follow.

        I closed my door and pulled my trunk down the stairs. THUD! THUD! THUD! every time my trunk hit a step.

        "Oh will you just carry it!" she hollered glaring at me.

        I put my hands up and took a step back. I grabbed the handle of the trunk and carried it down the rest of the stairs. I got outside and put the trunk in the back of the car. I breathed deeply. I walked away from the car, I'm going to miss this place, I thought. My eyes swept from the house to the meadow, trying to capture every last detail.

        "Come on! We aren't leaving forever," Elise said pulling me into the car and shutting the door.

*     *      *

        We got to Kings Cross Station with 30 minutes to spare. I put my trunk on a trolley and pushed it to the barrier for Platform 9 and 3/4.

        When I got there I saw Hawke saying goodbye to her parents because they were muggles and couldn't cross the barrier. I also saw Kaylin with her mom, she must've said goodbye to her dad before she left.

        I heard Kaylin's mom telling Hawke what to do to get to Platform 9 and 3/4. "All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that is very important. Best to do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Now Kaylin, we'll go first."

        Kaylin and her mom ran at the barrier followed by Hawke and Elsie and my dad. I was left staring at the middle of the barrier. I took a deep breath and started running at the barrier, leaning forward on my trolley. The barrier was coming nearer and nearer, I closed my eyes and went straight through the barrier. I opened my eyes and saw a scarlet steam engine. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, 11 o'clock. I had done it.

        I caught up to Kaylin and Hawke. We boarded the train with our trunks and found an empty compartment. I sat down and felt the train starting the leave the station. Kaylin was waving goodbye to her mom out of the compartment window.

        We talked and joked around until a girl with bushy brown hair walked into our compartment. "Have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one."

        "No," we said.

        "I'm Hermione Granger, by the way," the girl said. "And you are?"

        "Kaylin West," said Kaylin.

        "Raven Hawke but you can call me Hawke," said Hawke.

        "I'm Elli Snape," I said smiling.

        "Nice to meet you. Well I better keep looking for Neville's toad. See you at the sorting," said Hermione walking out of the compartment.

        A little while after Hermione left, we changed into our new school robes. The train came to a complete stop and I reached for my trunk but I stopped by someone saying, "Please leave all of your belongings on the train".

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