I need to talk to Ryan, I thought. And I pull out my phone and prepare myself.
I Promise
I grab my phone and texted Ryan: what's going on? R u ok? Why can't you just tell me?' He tested me back after five minutes of staring at my phone.
(:Michelle :Ryan)
='Its complicated Michelle, ill tell you when I can.'
I call him, "Ryan. What are you hiding from me?" "Well, I'm, um, not." "Ryan I don't like secrets. Tell me." I hear a sigh from the other line, "Michelle-" "no! I want you to trust me! Because I trust you!" "I'm not hiding anything from you Michelle, I'm done with this" "done with what?" No, no, what am I saying? "Done with you, I'm sorry. Bye."
Did we just fight again?
I can't do this. I'm going to make a plan. I'm going to try to figure this out.
Ryan POV: it kills me to tell her this. I let a tear trace down my face as I throw a pillow on the ground of my bedroom. I need to keep my distance from her, for now.
Weeks have passed and the season has been getting warmer. Michelle and us haven't advanced in our relationship I had hoped we would, but we are just friends. I couldn't blame her, I wouldn't date a guy I don't talk to a lot anymore. But, Peyton and Sean are together, finally, I have been bugging Sean about it for a while. He just thought that he wasn't good enough for her, so he has morphed into a nicer guy overall. Everyday I have spent less and less time with then and more with Chris. He actually is very funny.
I have been missing school a lot and I have been trying to avoid people questioning me about it. Michelle always gives me concerned looks, and it makes me happy. Not that she is sad, it's because I know that she still cares about me.
And I know this will be my last day at this school for a long time, so I rush walking home. I make it halfway down a not so crowded area. Then the whole world starts shaking. Almost like I was drunk, but I'm not. Spinning and spinning the world wouldn't stop. I was getting so dizzy and I stopped walking. A headache was lurking inside my skull, threatening to unleash its full out pain.I was slowly, swiftly losing my balance. I heard people gasp, and a brief time when I thought I heard my name.
Then, the pain struck. Everything went down hill from there. A stinging pain submerged my skull, forcing me to groan. I let out one last complaint until I went down.
Then, all I saw was black.