Chapter 1 - Introducing Alana

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Alana's P.O.V
I'm Alana, or Lana, or narna or even banana. My name seems pretty unusual, by that I mean I don't know anyone else named Alana that's is also nicknamed banana. Let me explain my name, my fathers father was called Alan, he passed away before I was born and my parents decided to name me Alana which if you haven't noticed is Alan with an A on the end, I'm going to stop blabbering on about my name and actually explain myself. I'm Alana, I have dark red/dark purple hair and I'm quite short, 5ft 6 to be precise. I love singing, playing the guitar and I love art and drawing. My full name is Alana Shaw, I don't have a middle name because my parents couldn't think of one that actually matched my first name, pretty bad explanation but it's surprisingly true! I'm obsessed with YouTube and you could say I live on it, I love watching danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) and AmazingPhil (Phil Lester) you could say I have a crush on Phil but personally I think I'm just a professional fangirl.... My best friend is called Jasmine, we have known each other since we were in nursery or before because our mothers are friends. Anyway, I'm 26 and I live in a cute little apartment with my best friend who is known as Jasmine like I just said, I'm fairly chatty and I'm definitely not afraid to speak my mind... If someone annoys me I'll tell them to their face they are annoying me, it usually makes whoever it is shut up. I'm extremely clumsy and I often do the following:
.Choke on air
.Trip over nothing
.Fall up the stairs
It can get really annoying... I have a laughing problem meaning it doesn't take much to make me cry with laughter.

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