chapter 3

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The next morning she came out of Ali's room. She was wearing his shirt. The guys were shocked because they thought they had sex, but Tony wasn't shocked because he knew they didn't. "Maria we need to go somewhere today." Tony said while he was staring at the TV. "Ok." She said as she walked towards the bathroom. Ali followed right behind her. "I'm surprised he's talking to you." Ali said as he looked her up and down. "I am to." She said as she walked towards him. "How come you don't have any bruises from when he hit you?" He said rubbing her arm. "That's because I healed myself." She said lightly touching his face. "Oh." he said grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her face close to his. They started kissing again. Mean while back in the living room the guys were talking. "Hey Mondarius I think Ali has taken her from Tony. Don't you?" Whispered James. "Yep, he really messed up this time." Whispered Mondarius. They had no idea that Tony had heard them. "What do you mean Ali has taken her from me? She's my girlfriend not his. Got it?" Tony yelled. "Whatever you say Tony." Said Mondarius and James. Tony sees Ali leave the bathroom and walk into his room. Tony walked in a few minutes after him. That gave Ali enough time to get dressed. Tony closed the door behind him and locked it. "Tony what are you doing in here?" Ali said with a shocked look on his face. "I want to talk to you that's all." Said Tony. "Ok, talk." said Ali "Did you enjoy it?" Tony said crossing his arms. "Enjoy what?" Said Ali with a confused look on his face. "You know what I'm talking about." Tony said as he started to walk towards him. "No I don't. What are you talking about?" Ali said as he stepped back. "I'm talking about last night." Said Tony still walking towards him until his back was against the wall. "Wait, you saw us?" Ali asked wondering why Tony was so close to his face. "I saw everything." Tony said as he raised his fist. "Hold on, we didn't do what you think we did." Ali said blocking his face. "I know y'all didn't do that. I'm talking about the kissing." Tony said still holding up his fist. "Oh that. Look I can expla- uh." Ali was stopped in the middle of his sentence by a powerful blow to his stomach. "Never - kiss - my - girl - again." Tony said punching Ali in the face after each word. He left him a bloody mess. When he left the room he acted like nothing happened. Luckily Maria had already put on her clothes before she left the bathroom. When she walked into the room she saw Ali lying on the floor. She screamed. "Oh my god. What the hell happened here?" She screamed. The guys heard and came running into the room except for Tony. When they saw Ali they were furious. They knew something happened when Tony went into the room. "I can't believe this." Alex yelled. Alex was shocked cause something like this has never happened before. Maria backed out of the room in shock. The only thing she was able to say was: "Who did this?" She said as she backed out of the room. While she was backing out of the room she bumped into Tony. "(Gasp) Tony!" She said still a little in shock. "Maria, what have you done?" Tony said making the guys think she did it. "What? No I didn't." She said. She shocked that he would think she would do something like that. "What have you done?" Tony said stepping closer to her. "I - I swear I didn't do anything." She said as tears started to fall from her eyes. Tony grabbed her hands putting the blood on her hands. "You did. You did it." Tony whispered. "No I didn't, I swear I didn't." She screamed almost in tears. "What's that on your hands?" Tony asked looking at her hands. "I - uh - I don't know." She said looking at her hands. "It smells like blood. His blood." Said Tony. "No it can't be. I just saw him like that I didn't touch him." She said crying. "She did it. Take her to the dungeon. She will stay down there for a month." Tony said to the guys. "The dungeon. No I didn't do anything. Can I at least heal him first?" She said still crying. "Ok, but you're still going to the dungeon." He said letting go of her hands. She went back into the room. She bent down and put her hands over his face. Her hands started to glow. When they stopped glowing he woke up. Two of the guys pulled her away before he could see her. "What happened? Why is there blood on my clothes?" He asked looking at his clothes. Tony walked in. "Maria beat you up." Tony said even though he was lying. "I didn't do anything to you Ali. I would never hit you. I would never hurt you. Please believe me." She screamed. "Shut her up." Yelled Tony. Kemonden put his hands over her mouth. "Look at her hands. Do you believe her now?" Tony asked pointing at her hands. Ali looked at her hands and saw the blood. He also looked at Tony's hands and saw blood on his hands to. That's when he remembered that Tony was the one who beat him up, but he didn't say anything. "No I don't." Ali said even though he did believe her, but he couldn't say anything or Tony would beat him up again. She used her powers to make Kemonden's hands move away from her mouth. "I can't believe you. Do you know what their going to do to me?" She screamed. "I said shut her up." Tony yelled. Kemonden put his hands back over her mouth. "What are you going to do to her?" Ali asked. "She's going to the dungeon for a month." Said Tony. "A month! Why not three weeks instead?" Ali asked. "Three weeks it is. Take her to the dungeon." said Tony. They dragged her down the hall kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs. When they got to the stairs they forced her to walk down the stairs. When they finally entered the dungeon they chained her to the table. The torture table. That very night Ali came down to the dungeon to see her, but she was sleep. "Maria, Maria are you awake?" He whispered. He walked over to her and whispered in her ear. "Maria wake up." He whispered. She slowly woke up. "Huh. Who's there? Oh its you. What do you want?" She asked looking away from him. "Look I know you're mad at me, but the proof was on your hands." He said as he lightly touched her face. "Do I look like the kind of person who would do such a thing?" She asked while she was glaring at him. "Well no, but you made yourself look really guilty." He said caressing her face. "I didn't do anything I swear." She said almost in tears. "Ok, ok were going to get to the bottom of this I promise." He said leaning over to kiss her. "I'll see you later ok." He said as he walked towards the stairs. "Ok." She said. She went back to sleep not knowing that Tony saw and heard everything. When he walked into the living room some of the guys were watching TV. "Hey guys." Said Ali. "How is she?" James asked. "She's fine. She's sleeping." Said Ali. "Good. Tony needs to see you." Said James. "Where is he?" Ali asked. "He's in the camera room." Said Kemonden. As Ali walked up the stairs he wondered what could Tony possibly want with him. When he got to the door he opened it slowly. "Ali is that you?" Tony asked. "Yes its me." Said Ali. "Where were you a few minutes ago?" Tony asked. "Why?" Ali asked. "Because I just want to know." Said Tony. "Uh I was in the living room." Said Ali even though he was lying. "No you weren't." Said Tony. "What do you mean I wasn't in the living room?" Ali asked. "Because you weren't, I know where you were." Said Tony. "Then why did you ask?" Ali asked. "Because I thought you would tell the truth, but you didn't." Said Tony as he glared at him. "Well, where was I since you say you know." Said Ali as he crossed his arms. "You were down in the dungeon kissing my girl again." Said Tony as he pushed the button that locks the door. Ali heard the door lock behind him. Which made him wonder what is about to happen. "Whoa, what are you going to do?" Ali asked. "I'm just going to teach you a lesson." Said Tony as he walked towards him. "What kind of lesson?" Ali said backing up against the door. "This kind of lesson." Said Tony. He punched him in the face. "Kiss her once shame on you, kiss her twice shame on me. Don't ever kiss her again." Tony said punching him after every word like he did last time. He looked a lot worse than before. There was a lot more blood. An hour after he beat him up he went down to the dungeon to see Maria. "Maria, Maria are you awake?" He whispered. He walked over to her and whispered in her ear. "Maria wake up." He whispered. "Huh, who there's? Oh its you. What are you doing here?" She asked looking away from him. "I came to see you baby." He said lightly touching her leg. "Get away from me." She said rolling her eyes. "Don't act like that, don't you love me?" He said while rubbing her leg. "No I don't love you, don't touch me." She said jerking her leg away. "What was that? Can you repeat that?" He said raising his hand. "I don't love you." She said glaring at him. (Whack) He slapped her. She starts crying like before. This time when he slapped her he left his hand print on the side of her face with Ali's blood. "Why do you not love me? Is it because of me that makes you not love me, or is it something more? Do you not love me because you love another and you don't want to hurt them? Do you see me as your brother and not your lover?" He said caressing her face. She starts crying. His words went straight to her heart, and made her love him more than ever. "Was it something I said or something I did that made you not love me?" He said still caressing her face. "Stop, stop, please stop." She said crying. "What? What is it?" He said grabbing her hand. "I do love you, I really do. You will never make me not love you. There's nothing more. I do not love another, there's no one I can hurt but myself. I would never see you as a brother, only a lover." She said still crying. Her words went straight to his heart as well. "You didn't say or do anything to make me not love you, I do, I do love you." She said gazing into his eyes. "And I love you that's why I'm releasing you; I would never let you spend three weeks in a dungeon. Not on my life." He said unchaining her. "Really?!" She said smiling. "Yes. Now get up and come with me. I got a surprise for you, but you know you have to close your eyes first right?" He asked gazing into her eyes. "Right." She said as she closed her eyes. "Are your eyes closed?" He asked. "Yes they are." She said smiling. "Ok grab my hand." He said. "Where is it?" She asked as she reached for his hand. "Its here." He said smiling. "Where?" She asked still reaching for his hand. "Here." He said. "Ok I got it." She said finally grabbing his hand. "Took you long enough." He said laughing. "Shut up." She said laughing. He led her up the stairs, through the living room, and into his room. Not knowing that even though Ali was lying on the floor hurt and bruised he heard everything that was said.

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