chapter 2

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When Tony left he didn't tell Maria where he was going because he was going to get her something special. He really likes her a lot. When he arrived at the car lot the sales man met him at the door. "Hello sir how may I help you today?" said the salesman "Yes I'm looking for two motorcycles one red and black and the other green and black, if you have them." said Tony "Yes sir we do. Right this way please. Here they are." said the salesman "Thank you." said Tony "So will that be cash, check, or credit?" asked the salesman "Uh, cash." said Tony "Ok, right this way sir, I'll just put you in the system and you'll be good to go. Would like motorcycle insurance sir?" asked the salesman "Sure." said Tony "Ok, that will be four-hundred and fifty thousand sir." said the salesman "Here you go. My girl will love it." said Tony "Would you like my assistant to ride one home for you sir?" asked the salesman "Sure." said Tony "Ok, Trisha." yelled the salesman "Yes, sir." She said "I need you to help this gentleman." said the salesman. She looked at the gentleman and noticed who it was. It was her ex-boyfriend. "Tony!" she said looking shocked. "Trisha!" said Tony realizing it was his ex-girlfriend. "How's it been?" she asked "It's been good. I got a new girlfriend." said Tony "Oh, really?" she asked wondering why any one would want to be with a man like him. "Yeah, uh how did you end up here?" he asked as they walked towards the motorcycles. "Well I was looking for a job, and he needed an assistant so I took the job." she said "Really?" he asked "Yeah, so what is it you need me to do?" she asked "I need you to ride this motorcycle back to my place for me." he said "Ok. You need it today?" she asked "Well yeah it's for my girlfriend." he said "Oh, ok well lets go." she said as she climbed onto the motorcycle. As they left the lot Maria had just got home. She was carrying a lot of bags. She wasn't thinking about the fact that the bags would give away the fact that she had left the house after he told her not to. "I'm back he's not here yet is he?" she asked "No, you're real lucky he's not. What's all that stuff?" Ali asked "Just some stuff I bought for myself, you guys, and him." she said "You didn't have to buy us anything." Ali said smiling at her "Yes she did. In order for us to keep our mouths shut she better had got us something." said Kemonden aka the snitch. "You better hide those other bags before he gets home." Ali said still smiling at her I'm going back into the room so it won't look like I left. If he asks you where I am tell him I'm sleep ok." she said as she headed towards the room. "Ok." Ali said as he watched her walk towards the room. Before she could get into the room she heard motorcycles pull up. She had to run into the room. She hid the bags under the bed which was a big mistake because the snitch saw her put them there. She laid down on the bed to make it look like she was sleep. He walked in and saw the guys were still watching TV. "Hey guys, uh where's Maria?" Tony asked "She's in the room sleeping." said Ali "Ok." Tony said. He tried to walk into the room quietly, but he woke her up any way. "Hey you're back." she said pretending like she was really sleep. "Yeah, I just got back a few minutes ago. I have something to show you since you're awake. I was going to show it to you later but I can show it to you now." he said smiling at her. "Show me what?" she asked looking confused. "Come see, but you have to close your eyes first." he said still smiling. "Why?" she asked still looking confused. "Because it's a surprise." he said holding out his hand. "Ok." she said closing her eyes. After she closed her eyes he grabbed her hand and walked her outside. "Ok you can open your eyes now." he said. When she opened her eyes she was surprised to see what was in front of her. "Oh my gosh, oh - my - gosh. I - I don't know what to say." Maria was completely speechless "How about thank you." He said smiling. She started jumping up and down, and wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you, Thank you." Maria said smiling and hugging him. "I love you too and you're welcome." he said smiling. "Wait a minute which one is mine?" Maria asked "The red and black one of course." he said "Who is that?" Maria asked when she noticed Trisha. "Oh that's my ex-girlfriend Trisha." he said "You mean the one who said that you were the worse kisser ever?" Maria asked "Yep. I told her you were my girlfriend." he said smiling at her. "That's because I am." Maria said smiling back at him, and kissing him. "Trisha this is my girlfriend Maria. Maria this is Trisha my ex-girlfriend." he said holding Maria's hand. "Hi." Said Trisha "Hi." Said Maria still holding Tony's hand. "Um Tony I need to get back to the car lot." Said Trisha "Ok, uh baby I'm going to take her back to the car lot ok." He said gazing into Maria's eyes. "Ok, I'll see you when you get back." Maria said gazing into his eyes. "When I come back we can go for a ride on our motorcycles together ok." he said still gazing into Maria's eyes. "Ok I love you." Maria said smiling. "I love you too, I'll see you in a few minutes." he said giving her a long passionate kiss before he left. After they Maria ran into the house. While they were riding they tried to talk to each other, but they had a hard time talking over the motorcycle engine. "She's nice." she said yelling over the motorcycle engine. "Yes she is. I really like her." he said yelling over the engine. "I can tell." she said giggling. "She says I'm a great kisser." he said smiling. "Really?" she said looking shocked. "Yeah. I didn't believe her, but she was serious. Well we're here." he said "Well I guess I'll see you when I see you. Bye." she said as she walked away. "Bye." he said as he drove off. While he was leaving the car lot Maria had just walked into the living room. "Hey guys did you see what he got me?" she said with a huge smile on her face. "No, what did he get you?" asked Ali "Come see, come see." she said still smiling. They all followed her outside to what all the excitement was about. "Wow, I can't believe he bought that for you." said Josh as he walked around the motorcycle. "When he showed it to me I was speechless." she said still smiling. "You can flash it into the garage if you want to." said Ali "Ok." she said as she waved her hand. The motorcycle disappears into the garage. They all walked back into the house to finish watching TV while she went into the room to change. when she was done she went back into the living room to wait for him to come back. It was a bad idea for her to change clothes, but it was to late for her to change back cause he was on his way back. "Wow nice outfit. very leathery." said Ali as he looked her up and down. "Thanks, what are y'all watching?" she asked gazing into his eyes. "Basketball game." said Ali as he gazed into her eyes. "Who's playing?" she said still gazing into his eyes. "Duke Blue Devils VS NCSU Wolf pack." said Ali still gazing into her eyes. "Duke, that's my favorite team." she said smiling and still gazing into his eyes. "You like basketball?" asked Kemonden causing to turn her head breaking eye contact with Ali. "Yeah, so who's winning?" she asked looking at the TV. "Duke." Said Ali "Alright!" she said. After she sat down Tony pulled into the driveway. "Shoot he's back." she said "Uh oh, maybe you shouldn't have changed clothes." Ali said looking her up and down as she walked towards the door. "Oh well, its too late now." she said as she turned the door knob. She walked outside thinking that she really shouldn't have changed clothes because the outfit was new, and it would make him think she left the house. "Wow, you look nice. Where did you get that outfit?" He asked wondering if she had left the house after he had told her not to. "I already had it. I got a lot of outfits for motorcycle riding. Hey I thought I put my motorcycle in the garage?" asked wondering "You did. I took the liberty of taking it out for you." He said smiling at her. "Well wasn't that nice." She said smiling at him. Well what are you waiting for lets go." He said putting his helmet back on. She hops onto her motorcycle and they ride off into the sunrise. They didn't come back until noon. "Wow that was fun even though you almost ran me off the road." She said wondering why he did that as she took off her helmet. "I wasn't trying to I was just messing with you. Lets put our motorcycles in the garage and go inside." He said taking off his helmet. He waved his hand and the motorcycles disappeared into the garage. When they walked in Kemonden was sitting in the living room waiting for Tony. "Uh Tony I need to talk to you." Kemonden said looking at her. "Ok. Uh baby go into the room I'll meet you in there ok." He said gazing into her eyes. "Ok, I'll be waiting." She said as she walked away. She walks into the room wondering what Kemonden wanted to talk to Tony about. After she walked into the room they started talking. "So what is it you need to talk to me about?" Tony asked glaring at Kemonden cause he was interrupting their night of romance. "Remember when you told her not to leave earlier?" Kemonden asked. "Yes, why?" Tony asked wondering if she had disobeyed him. "Well, she left any way." Kemonden said hoping none of the other guys heard him. "Are you saying she disobeyed me?" Tony said with an angry look on his face. "Yes, for proof her bags are under the bed. Oh one more thing that outfit she's wearing is also new, but don't tell her I told you" Kemonden said knowing he might be in trouble if one of the guys heard him. "Oh I won't. I can't believe she disobeyed me." Tony said walking towards the room. He walked up to the door and kicked it open scaring the daylights of her. "What the hell?!" She said wondering what was wrong with him. "What did you do earlier?!" He asked while looking under the bed. "Nothing, I was sleeping. What are you looking for?" She asked with a worried look on her face. She was hoping he didn't know that she had left earlier. "Don't worry about it. Worry about the fact that you're lying to me and you know I don't like it when you lie!" He said still looking under the bed. "I'm not, I'm telling the truth." She said with a shaky voice. "I know you're lying cause I have proof!" He said as he pulled the bags out from under the bed. She was shocked he knew where they were, but at the same time she was wondering how he knew. "What proof?" She asked pretending she didn't know about the bags. "This proof!" He held the bags up so she could see them. She had to think of something to keep her self out of trouble. "Uh, how did those get here?" She asked trying to pretend that the bags didn't belong to her. "Why don't you just tell the truth?! If you just tell the truth we can drop the whole subject! So just tell the truth that's all you have to do! I promise I won't get mad and I won't hurt you!" He said glaring at her. "I've never seen those bags before, I swear." She said shaking. She was really scared. "You're lying, don't lie to me!" He slapped her very hard. She fell to the floor. She laid on the floor crying. He grabbed her by her hair and picked her up off the floor. "Never lie to me or disobey me again, got it." He said still holding her by her hair. "Ok." She said still crying. He let her go and she fell to floor. She got up off the floor and sat on bed. She was still crying because she couldn't believe he did that to her. She thought he loved her but now she thinks she was wrong. "I'm going to sleep in the living room so I can cool off. Ok." He said walking towards the door. "Ok." She said still crying. Ali walks into the room and sees her crying. He didn't know why she was crying but he had an idea. "Maria are you ok?" He asked as he sat down beside her. "Yeah I'm ok." She said wiping away the tears. "Are you sure?" he asked as he put his arm around her. "Yeah I'm sure." She said still wiping her face. Tony saw him when he walked into the room so he decided he needed to talk to him. So he called for him. "Ali I need to talk to you." Tony said in a stern voice. "Coming. Are you really sure you're ok?" He asked as he stood up. "Yes I'm really sure. I just need to get some sleep." She said as she climbed under the covers. "Ok well I'll see you in the morning ok." He said as he walked towards the door. After She went to sleep he walked into the living room to see what Tony wanted . As he walked into the living room he was wondering if Tony knew about her leaving earlier. "Uh, you called?" asked Ali "Yes I did. Did you know that she had left earlier?" Tony asked "Yes I did. She said it was important so I let her go." said Ali. Tony punched him in the stomach. "Why didn't you tell me she had left?!" Yelled Tony. Maria heard him yelling and came running out of the room screaming. "Stop! Its not his fault. He tried to stop me but I convinced him to let me go. So If you want to hit anyone it should be me. Hit me not him." She said not realizing that he would actually hit her. "Ok." Tony said. He hit her with an uppercut. He actually hit her. She fell back against Ali's chest. That's when he figured out one of her weak points because he knocked her unconscious. "Man are you crazy." Ali yelled "No, but you know what since you care about her so much you can take her in your room." said Tony "Ok I will , but I will be back." said Ali. He picked up and carried her into his room. He laid her on the bed. He walked back into the living room. "You know, you have issues. Why did you hit her?" Ali asked. "Because she told me to." Tony said with a smirk on his face. "That didn't mean you had to. Now I'm going back into my room to try to wake her up, and if I can't I'm coming to get you." said Ali before he turned to walk into his room. He walked back into his room. She was still unconscious. He started shaking her. "Maria wake up, wake up, please wake up I'm begging you." He said still shaking her. He kept shaking her until she started to wake up. "Wa - what happened?" she asked. She was a little dizzy. "You just got knocked the fuck out." He said trying not to laugh. "Really?" She asked. She was still a little dizzy but she could see him a little bit. "Yes." He said staring at her. "Where am I?" She asked looking around the room. "You're in my room." He said still staring at her. "Why?" She asked. The dizziness went away once she realized whose room she was in. "Because I want to take care of you and because he told me to bring you into my room." He said gazing into her eyes. "How could he do this to me?" She asked gazing into his eyes. "Because his father used to beat his mother when he was young and when his mother died he started beating him." He said still gazing into her eyes. "And to think I kissed him and told him he was a great kisser." She said still gazing into his eyes. "Did you mean that?" He asked. "Yes, but now I don't know what to think about him." She said. "Don't worry about him worry about yourself." He said smiling at her. "I will. I'm glad you took up for me. Thank you." She said smiling at him. "No problem but next time you need to hide the stuff better than that." He said still smiling at her. "Oh I will. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep now." She said climbing under the covers. "Ok." He said as he stood up. "Wait, where will you sleep?" She asked. "Don't worry I'll sleep on the floor." He said. "No sleep in the bed with me." She said sliding over to make room for him. "No I'm ok." He said. "No I insist." She said grabbing his hand. "Ok. Since you insist." He said climbing into bed with her, but they didn't go to sleep. Instead they gazed into each others eyes until they started kissing. They kissed the whole night. Tony watched them even though it made him angrier until he had seen enough. He doesn't know what he has done. He's slowly loosing her, but he doesn't know it yet.

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