Hopefully New Beginning

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Its cold damp and theres allot of dame rats in here going across my feet

The walls are stoned the smell of mold hit my nose hard that being said means its been here a very long time

It feels we will never get to the end just a dark hole that goes on and on I was starting to think it was a maze but finally we see a lit torch located on the wall where a door is located on the side

Taking deep breaths pushing the heavy concrete slab aside we where surrounded by nothing but nature woods and total darkness

wind blowing making the trees sway back and fourth . The chill nipping across my face Creatures of the night passing by like there running for there life as we cross

"We have to move quickly but make little to no sound"

It seems we have been walking,running for hours but will I complain hell no this is my first taste of freedom which I will not give up anytime soon

Ending the path we took in the beginning there's a black van tinted windows sitting on the side

I instantly get nervous what if they know and are here to throw us back or kill us noone would hear and noone would notice we are gone

They could bury us or throw us in the river without a trace

Andre grabs my hand with a squeeze that simple gesture made all my worry go away breathing slowly calming my nerves

Dre took the keys out his pocket unlocked the doors we entered not sure were we are going but I know im in good hands that's all that mattered at this very moment then a thought came to me

"Um ca can we go to my old home before we leave?"

"Yea sweetheart"

His brother watching us with questioning eyes but chooses not to say a word

Good choice because at this moment I don't understand but what I do understand is I dont want this to end and the look Andres giving me he doesn't either

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