Chapter 21

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"How am i supposed to know B? I mean she was fine and then came home and she has been in her room all the time. You figure three weeks she would perk up or talk all she does is work and when she isn't working she is in her room crying or staring into space or sleeping"

I heard Maddie tell Bea. I hated the fact i came to ignoring everyone and especially my little sister but i couldn't help but  feel anger knowing that the reason Alena broke my heart was because of her. I tried calling and i tried texting but nothing. I didn't know if i even had a girlfriend anymore. I was going to go back to my room but Bea's words stopped me.

"Maybe someone broke her heart? I know that i'm not family but i see Demi as a close friend and big sister since i never had one. I don't know why don't we just talk to her maybe its a serious topic"

I heard Madison huff and i peeked around the corner to see a smile on her face and Bea with a concerned expression.

"Please if someone did break her heart i'm sure she is over exaggerating she wasn't like this when Wilmer cheated and they were together for six years."

I couldn't believe her. She knew exactly why i was upset and having a best friend with two mothers you would figure she would be excepting. I don't know what it was but it made my blood boil as soon as i heard her say that i walked out to the living room so angry i could feel the venom in my mouth.

"Fuck you Maddie. I would expect this from someone else but you...Hey Bea"

"Hey Demi"

Bea said a little taken back. Madison looked at me surprised and taken back and i just glared at her walking off to the kitchen to get water and i took the back stairs to avoid looking at her again. I loved my baby sister but throwing me and Wilmer's breakup out like that was a new low. Dallas and Marissa tried to help to contact Alena but they would just get her voicemail too. Magdalena was one of the most dedicated people i knew to block out people. My phone buzzing knocked me out of thought and i realized i was crying. I answer my phone in hope without looking at the caller ID.


I said hoping it was her.

"Sorry not who you expected but i'm close second right?!"

"Hey Mar"

I love Marissa, she knew exactly how i was and what i was feeling without me having to say it. She was like Magdalena, always knowing when i was ok and when i wasn't. Knowing what i needed without me asking for it. I missed it all.

"I am with Dallas and we weren't sure if we should tell you but you know who is going to be on Jimmy Fallon right now."

I could hear Dallas in the back making comments telling Marissa she knew she shouldn't have said anything and i couldn't help but smile knowing i at least had two in my corner.

"You can say her name Marissa she isn't Voldemort you know."

"Don't say his name!"

Dallas yelled and i couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Ha! a laugh sister goals met."

Dallas said with a giggle.

"You both are dorks i love you, thanks for telling me i'll see you guys tomorrow."

We hung up and i sat staring at the TV biting my lip debating if i should watch or not. I wanted to hear her voice and to see her to see how she was but at the same time i had to get her out of my mind. That just seemed too impossible.

"Fuck it."

I said turning on the television finding the channel and sitting up. She was already sitting down in the middle of a conversation and i couldn't pay attention to what they were talking about because i was focused on her smile. It was there, but it didn't reach her eyes. It wasn't a honest real smile it was a sticker to please the world. I thought this is what she wanted. I spaced out replaying that night in my head again but quickly was snapped out of it by Jimmy.

"So we seen you hanging out with Demi allot lately you two are close friends?"

She dropped her smile for a little second and then smiled letting out a gasp of air and picking at her leggings. She does that when she is nervous.

"Um, yeah i guess you can say we been hanging out allot. As anyone who fallows me before I started off they know i am considered a lovatic and when i first met her it was a fan girls dream to meet someone who inspires them but yeah we were actually at Maddie's aerial class there when Maddie called me to go. She is a great kid."

Magdalena said pinching her lips together and raising her brows. Ok so she was holding stuff back about Maddie, If she hated me and didn't want me why is she not blasting us.

"Alright and does Demi know your sexual orientation?"

Alena made the cute disgusting face she makes when someone says something she doesn't like and i laughed remembering her doing the same when i called her by her full name after we had our first time.

"What? to touchy?"

Jimmy said and Magdalena scrunched her nose shaking her head.

"Not at all just sexual orientation? really? just say gay Jimmy or lesbihonest"

The audience and Jimmy laugh and i laugh with them.

"Demi is aware and why would that be important? i mean her best friend is a rainbow member too"

"You mean Matthew?"

"I'm not saying who i mean but she has friends like that and plus those lesbian for Demi girls should get her use to it by now right?"

I laughed out loud and shook my head even when she wasn't here she can make me laugh.

"Enough about others man i also have a career like staring in two hit films this year both ranking on the top charts and a hit TV series i guessed in"

Jimmy put his hands up in defense as the audience laughed with them. They talked about how she got started. She thanked Dallas for helping her get her first gig and for helping her start off and she would forever owe her her success.

"I do have someone i owe my success to besides Dallas but i rather keep her anonymous to protect her. Without her i really wouldn't have made it this far."

The audience squealed when she said that and she stared right into the camera and i felt like she was right there staring at me and for a second we connected.

"Is she famous?"

"Hey i said secret and not everyone in my life is a star you know."

The interview continued she answered more questions and it turns out she is going to appear in "Terminal Defective" a new show about Zombies and a scientist who releases a fog of virus over a town turning them all really sick or into a mutant of some kind. It was really good so far. I turned off the TV and laid down. I wasn't able to sleep much these past few weeks i'm used to having someone to hold me as i held onto them. I missed my girlfriend and feeling safe all night and in the mornings.

[Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but comment or message me if you have any ideas or if i should continue this. Love you all and THANK YOU FOR 1.7K READS! i never expected to get it this far but thank you guys and remember to hit that star]

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