Chapter 2

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This chapter's dedicated to AlexDonovan for loving me! Isn't that great? Huh, heck yeah it's great! Already over 1 hundred reads. Why don't we try to get 200? Spread the love to your goats... :D Happy reading! Or sad, whatever suits you.

Chapter 2-

I wake up with a start and quickly stand up but as soon as the weights on my legs I fall over. It’s been years since I’ve had legs. I never found any need to go onto the land where the humans were.

I try to stand again but lean on the wall to keep me upright. Once my eyes adjust to the light I take in my new surroundings. I’m certainly not in the sea any more. I think to myself as I look at the room I’m in. It isn’t that bad really, an indoor pool, windows, bared of course but I can still see out, and another 2 rooms that I’m guessing would be a bathroom and bedroom.

My eyes fly around the room but I don’t see Maddie so I begin to yell her name. No one replies back. I lean back against the wall and slide down, head in my hands. Underwater it’s impossible but right now I’m not there so I cry. I should have taken better care of her. Wait until my dad gets to me, he’ll kill me.

I’m crying so loudly that I don’t notice the door opening and closing until someone clears their throat. I look up to see a man most likely in his late 40’s.

“Can you speak English?” He asks in a slow, cautious voice. I nod my head numbly. He takes a minute to write something in a book he brought with him before he continues to talk. “Where do you come from?”

When I don’t answer he raises a questionable eyebrow but I keep my mouth shut and lay the back of my head against the pale blue wall. “You have to cooperate; we’re just trying to study you.” He says. “Find out what you are.”

“I’m pretty sure you already know what I am.” I sneer and his gently smile turns into a sneer. He drops the clipboard onto a table and walk over to me in a couple strides. He pulls me to my feet and slaps me quite hard in the face before grabbing my hair and pulling my head back fiercely.

“Yeah, I know exactly what you are.” He says and releases me to retrieve his clipboard. He turns to a different page. “You’re a merman, underwater you have a tail, underground you have legs.” He closes it and looks back up to me. “You see I’ve had a few of your kind here. Nearly all of them tried to bite my head off. First one that hasn’t tried is you and your little friend.”

“I look up to him, suddenly interested but more concerned. “That little girl that was with you; now what was her name again? I always seem to forget.” He snaps his fingers. “Oh that’s right, her name was Maddie. She looks just like her mother.”

All I see then is red as I lunge towards him but just as I’m about to touch him he presses a button and I yell and fall to the ground as electrical shocks run through my body from a collar I didn’t realise I was wearing. Then another thought occurs to me; that’s all I have on.

“Make that one.” He laughs as struggle with sheer effort to get the collar off. The door slams shut and locks but I hear his menacing laugh long after he’s gone. God he’s such a douche.


I pace for the hundredth time before trying the door again and as always it’s locked. I shout and run my fingers back through my brown hair, pulling a few strands in frustration. I can’t believe this is the man that killed my mother. When dad told me she’d been taken I was the one to calm him down and force him not to go after her in case he got caught too but now it seems a pretty good time to rip his head off.

I continue my pacing and mumbling things as the door clicks and begins to open. I go to the door ready to tear him limb from limb but just as they take a step in I realise it’s not that evil man. It’s another boy. And on a non-gay note he is kind of cute. Not a hot cute but a puppy dog look.

I stop immediately and so does he. His eyes widen for a second as he takes in my naked form before he averts his eyes to anything that’s not me.

He clears his throat, “My dad told me to give you these.” He says and hands me a black pair of boxes. I slip them on quickly just as the boy looks up and I take the time to look at him properly; Skinny and lean, brown hair, innocent brown eyes and red lips that make me want to kiss him.

 Wait?! Kiss him? Where did that come from? I’m not even gay for god’s sake so I have no clue where that came from. I’ll just forget I ever said that.

“Wait, you’re that guy that saved me from drowning earlier right?” He asks.

Suddenly it occurs to me that he is indeed right. “Yeah that was me.” I say.

He looks taken aback when I speak but then noticing I’m looking at him with a questionable eye brow he turns away and blushed, making him look even more innocent.

“Thanks.” He whispers.

“You can’t swim.” It’s not a question only a statement but he shakes his head nonetheless and if possible he blushes more.

“Why can’t you swim?” I ask softly. I’d hate not being able to swim. I love the water over my skin and the way it feels like you’re flying.

He seems reluctant to answer at first. “I don’t like the water.” He says and my mouth falls open.

“Then how did you end up in the water in the first place?” I don’t believe a word he says.

A shameful look fills his eyes and rubs the back of his neck shyly. “I tried to kill myself.” He whispers.


:O Cliff hanger! Why do you think he tried to kill himself when he's just that darn cute. Who ever guests right first gets next chaps dedication and some of my love!

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