Chapter 4

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This chaps dedicated to megantylah1234 for being my first follower and for making me the cover to this wonderful book you're reading just now! Hope you all enjoy it.

-------->>>>> Justin Eaton

Chapter 4-

Hours passed and the sun sets before anyone returns. A lady with long plaited hair that reaches her lower back walks straight in with a tray of food. It’s not much food though; Just a small piece of bread and a cup of water.

I really hope they’re feeding Maddie more than this. She needs to grow and this is practically starving us. She places the tray on a small table next to the seat I’m sitting on. I ignore it and continue to look at the floor. I don’t want to look at someone that’s locking me in here.

“Hello my names Matilda Eaton. What’s yours?” She asks softly.

“Mason.” I reply without looking up.

“Well Mason I hope you enjoy your food. It’s not much but it’s enough.” She sighs when I don’t say anything more and leaves. As soon as she’s gone I quickly eat everything but it doesn’t do anything for me. I still feel starving.

I look at the water and admire the way I moves. As I’m looking at the water something occurs to me. It wouldn’t be able to move unless there was a breeze coming from somewhere. I scan my eyes over the room again and again. A few minutes later I notice a small opening in the wall above the pool.

I pull off my shorts and leave them on the seat and immediately I dive into the water. Instantly it cools me down and all of the anger towards these people sheds from my skin. I welcome the feel of my tale as soon as it’s there.

I swim to where the hole in the wall is and realise that it leads outside. I swim through it and reach the surface of the water, hope flooding through my body. When I look out the outside pool the hope turns into a grief and hopelessness. There’s no way out. The pools locked in a giant cage with no way out but the door. Unfortunately the door is locked up tight.

I slum my shoulders in defeat and swim back inside. Once there I sink down onto the bottom of the pool and welcome the darkness that invades my body and mind. Everything goes numb and I dream of what it was like before we got caught. I just hope that Maddie doesn’t tell them where the Sunken City is otherwise we’ll become extinct.


I wake up to a bright light in my eyes. Damn it’s too early to wake up. When I don’t wake up the person stops shining the light and instead starts poking me with something. I hit it away a couple times but it just keeps coming back. Great, looks like I don’t have a choice in the matter of sleep.

I open my eyes but the stick doesn’t stop poking me. Without thinking I pull on it and the person on the other end falls into the pool with a loud splash and a yell.

My eyes open wide when I notice Justin under the water trying to swim to the surface. Quickly I grab him under his arms and lift him from the pool. I drag myself out and just as the water leaves the tip of my tail it turns back into legs.  

I pull on the shorts and quickly run back to Justin’s side. “Are you okay?” I ask franticly. I don’t know what I would do if he was hurt. Wait? Why should I care if he’s hurt or not. I mean it is his family’s fault that I’m here in the first place.

After saying that though, there’s a part in me that says he had nothing to do with it.  

He coughs and sits up holding his chest. “Yeah I’m fine.” He winces.

“Here let me look.” I say and reach for the hem of his wet shirt. He goes to get out of the way but I quickly grab him and pull his shirt up, exposing the faded and new bruises scattering his torso. “Who did this?” I whisper.

He hangs his head in shame. “People at school.” I trail my fingers lightly over the bruises and he shivers at my touch but I pretend not to notice. I don’t need him to get all shy on me now.

“Why do you let them do it?”

“I don’t.” He defends and pulls his shirt back down.

I’m knocked out of the trance I was in and look up to meet his brown eyes. Now that his soaking wet his matching brown hair cover one of his eyes, I push it back and my mind goes blank. He really is beautiful.

I lean in slightly and so does he. We meet in the middle with a tender kiss and I put all of my feelings into it. So does he and we both know what we’re silently saying. We can’t be together. But right now I don’t care. I want to be with him as long as I live. And that’s the truth.

I was going to tell him about the girl I’m promised to marry before we kissed but I think that can wait for a while. 


WOW! Who's the girl? I never knew there was a girl he was to marry! You sly dog you. Well, comment below if you like Mason or Jusin better?

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