chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to This is for the most amazing band ever My Chemical Romance

I go to our bedroom to change my clothes. When I go down I see Damon on the phone. I walk over to him. When I get to him he's already saying bye. "Who were you talking to?" I ask. "Alaric." Damon says."What were you talking about?""He called and told me that that one girl went to his house too.""Let me call Bonnie to warn her" "Alright" Damon says.

I told Bonnie about that Sunny person. "Really there's a girl vampire just driving around to get some food?" Bonnie asks. "Yes she tried going for my neck and she would've too if it weren't for Damon." After a while of us talking Damon interrupts and says "Tell her that we are going to her house bringing vervain." "Ok." I tell Bonnie then I say "See you in 5." Damon grabs my purse and says "Ready to go?" "Yeah."

We make it to Bonnie's. Damon made me have my purse full of vervain. We go in. "Hey Bonnie and Frank." I say. "Hey did you remember the vervain?" Bonnie asks. "Yes I did. I have my purse full of it. After here we were planning on stopping at Jeremy's."After a while talking we hear the doorbell. "I'll go get it." Frank says as he gets up. We hear him opening the door. "Uhhh Bonnie can you come here?" he says. "Sure." Bonnie says and gets up. We follow her to the door.And when Frank moves out of the way we see.

Stefan. "Why are you here Stefan?" Bonnie asks. "Damon there is this new girl in town asking for people to buy necklaces just so she can bite them." Stefan says ignoring Bonnie. "I know she tried going for Elena's throat." "What?" Stefan says then mumbles something so low I couldn't understand him. "What are we going to do about it?" Stefan asks still at the door. "Here come in." Bonnie says. We all head to her living room. 

"So what are we going to do about it?" Stefan says again. "There's a spell to keep certain vampires away." Frank says and Bonnie nods.

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