Chapter 4

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Grace-Maria Evans

I was styling my hair when I heard a loud honk. I jerked, nearly spraying my eyes with the hair spray. "Grace-Maria! Jack and Mimi are here." My mother called me. "I'm coming." Before I left my room I caught a glimpse of Jeremy's cardigan. I grabbed it and rushed to the car. "Any second and we would have left you." "Good morning to you too Jack. Yes, I slept well." I rolled my eyes. "Settle down kids. We have to go unless we want to be late. By the way, you look nice." Mimi said. "Thanks." I smiled. She wiggled her eyebrows and I laughed at that action. We arrived just as Jeremy was closing his car door. Naturally, we all alighted and exchanged greetings. We were on our way inside when the school's head prefect came out with a megaphone and announced an immediate assembly. At the assembly we were informed that today will be a half day because there was a board meeting. I couldn't have been happier to hear that. After the meeting, we all split ways. I was at my locker when Jeremy met me. "Hey there." He greeted. "Hi." I greeted back. "Oh here. Thank you" I handed him his cardigan. "Keep it." I was about to object but he spoke again. "I have to grab somethings from my locker. I'll be back. Wait here for me." He said and took off. I was packing my things when someone slammed my locker. Unfortunately, that was the moment my hand was in the locker. "Ouch!" I screamed and held my injured arm. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" I couldn't miss the sarcasm in the voice. I looked up and found the culprit. "Chantel." I said. A bit surprised at what she just did. "Oh so you know my name." She faked a gasp and put her hand over her mouth. I frowned. What is wrong with this girl. I shook my head in disbelief and turned to go get my hand checked. I avoided saying anything because she's not really worth my time plus my hand is seriously hurting. I didn't know one of her friends were behind me so as soon as I turned she pushed me, making me stumble. "What do you guys want?" I asked annoyed. "I want you to stay away from Jeremy." She has got to be crazy. I hissed at her. "So that's why you felt the need to amputate my arm. You have no idea how petty you sound right now right. Because of a guy, you'd stoop as low as to bully me. Wow. I don't think I owe you any explanations whatsoever but Jeremy and I are just friends." I huffed in disbelief. "Please, if you have nothing better to say I'd like to get my hand checked." I turned my back waiting for her friends to move out of the way but they didn't move.

I'm not a trouble maker, in fact I make sure to avoid any form of confrontation that could cause trouble or put me in any harm. I don't do confrontations or pain so well. I don't know where the boldness came from but the pain shooting up my arm didn't lessen and these people were annoying me. "I don't remember giving you clearance to leave yet..." Chantel said tapping her chin. 'Lord help me before I slap this girl'. That was what was going through my mind. The little confrontation we had had attracted people. "Now, as I was saying. Stay away from Jeremy." She scrutinized me from head to toe before continuing. "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree does it." I froze and looked at her. "What do you mean?" I took a step forward. She took one too. "You heard me Evans." She pushed me and this time the contact with the locker was harder. I winced upon impact. "You are no different from your mother. You have one guy and the moment another one comes you drop the old one and move to the new one. Just like her, all you do is go around stealing people's guys. Your mother should have taught you better than letting you pick up on that nasty habit of hers." At this point I wanted to just pounce on her and beat her like a mad man but there's a 'no fighting' policy at the school. I would get suspended. Universities don't like seeing that on an applicant's record. So all I could do was use words. But they were missing. Did she really just insult my mother? Was I going to let her get away? I knew what she said wasn't true but did the thirty something people watching know that? If I hit her, I am the one who will get in trouble. She would just lie her way out of this. God I wanted to slap those fake lashes off her face. "What did you say?" My voice shook then I felt a tear touch my hand. When did I start crying? I took a step forward again and she pushed me harder than before. "Stay away from Jeremy, Grace-Maria Evans!" That was the last thing she said before walking away. I slumped to the floor. My mind was no longer on my injured arm anymore. It was on the lie Chantel just said and how insulting it was. The crowd started to move away as Jeremy maneuvered his way through. "Grace...?" I wept in silence, not wanting to open my mouth. I started gathering my stuff. As soon as I picked up a textbook I wailed and dropped it. I have just been reminded of my injured arm. He knelt down beside me taking my books away. I stood up, ready to take my things from him when all the pain came rushing back. I cried out and leaned against the locker. My back, my hand, my heart, they hurt so bad. "Grace...?" He tried to touch me but I drew back and started walking to the nearest empty classroom. As to why I wasn't running to the sick bay, I have no idea. I was about to close the door behind me when he stopped it with his leg, entered and hugged me. He locked the door behind us. I was hurting everywhere. "No." I moved away from him. Maybe I needed to stay away from him. "Please excuse me." He only walked closer to me. "Jeremy...Chantel...Please excuse me." I asked him again. "What did she do? What did she say?" When I wasn't answering he continued. "She is crazy, please calm down." He sounded so hurt. I crouched again. "Gracie please calm down. Stop crying. You're going to fall sick." He saying that didn't make me stop. Infact I cried more. He crouched too and tried to hold my hand. I winced and he froze, taking away his hand. "You need to go the hospital Gracie." I still said nothing, only let out silent tears. "She insulted my mother..." I said after a while when I had calmed down. All that time he sat on the floor with me in silence, waiting for me to stop crying. "She slammed my locker on my arm and slammed me against my locker." I sniffed a few times. He took in a deep breath and signed. "Let's go." He got up and carefully helped me up. I asked him to take me to the sick bay first and whatever the nurse says we'll continue from there. I had to take some painkillers and rest for some time. When I woke up, the pain had subsided but not fully. I asked if I could go back to class, it's a half day at least I can learn something small.

This was my last class for the day. I was already exhausted and feeling a headache settling in. I could barely pay any attention. As soon as the bell rang, I couldn't wait to leave. When I stepped out Jeremy was already waiting for me. "How are you feeling?" Without permission he took my bag and books. "Better, thanks." I refrained from objecting to his gesture. We were walking down the hall when Mimi came out of nowhere and crashed me into a hug oblivious to my aching back and shoulder. I shrieked and she jerked. "Oh gosh what did I do? Are you okay? Maria I'm so sorry." She started to scan me. I chuckled, "It's fine, you didn't know." I smiled at her. "I hope the damage wasn't serious or trust me I will cripple that girl." Mimi said in the sweetest voice it made me scared. "I'm fine." I reassured her. Then right on time Jack appeared, where are they even coming from? "Where is that spoilt child that is Chantel? She should come I'm waiting for her." He yelled. "Chill Jack, chill..." Mimi's voice was too calm to let this pass. She sounded like the mafia. "What did you do?" We all asked. She looked at us and smiled, like a genuine sweet smile. "Oh, nothing...yet." Okay, not creepy at all. "But you're okay right?" Jack asked. "Yes, I'm fine." I smiled. "So, school's over. What's next?" I asked hoping to get a good answer. "I think you need to rest. Don't think we didn't notice how red and puffy your eyes are." Mimi said, giving me a strange look. That, ladies and gentlemen is the answer I was hoping I wouldn't get. Jack looked at his phone and his eyes widened. "MIMI! Look at the time!!! We're late." Without a second to spare he waved goodbye, grabbed Mimi's hand and bolted. Mimi yelled something back but let's be honest, no one heard or understood. So for the third time, Jeremy ended up taking me home. This time around I couldn't just let him leave like that so I invited him into the house. It took a few minutes of convincing but he finally agreed. He turned off the car engine and followed me in. My mum was in the kitchen baking, what a lovely coincidence. "Good afternoon." I greeted then Jeremy greeted. "Well hello, good afternoon." My mother responded with a smile. "Mum this is Jeremy, my friend." She furrowed her eyebrows, like she was thinking or trying to recall something. "Jeremy? Jeremy Mills?" I was surprised when she said his full name. "Yes please." He responded, also a bit surprised. "Wow.'ve grown so much." When she realized the confused look on both our faces she clarified things, "I handled your case, as a child." I looked at Jeremy and all I could see was shock.

"Mrs. Evans." Jeremy whispered, a bit flustered. Now I'm the confused one. Someone please say something. "What's going on?" I decided to break the silence myself. "Hunny, why don't you go freshen up, everything will be ready when you come down." This was her way of telling me to give the two of them some privacy. "Okay." I turned and went to freshen up like I was told. All the time I was in my room, my mind was filling up with questions. I was just about done with everything when there was a knock at my door then my mother came in. "Ready? The snacks are ready." She came in fully and shut the door. "Dear, you know I can't tell you what's not mine to tell. In due time he'll tell you himself okay?" "Okay." I gave up all hopes on her telling me. "we're waiting for you, don't keep long." When I was done completely and went back to the kitchen I saw then chatting. He had a small smile on his face and I don't know how but I found myself smiling too. "Having fun without me?" I feigned hurt as I walked in on them in the kitchen. "We wouldn't dare." My mum said. "Grab yourself some." She pointed to the stash of Chelsea buns on the cooling rack and the cold cup of juice. I sat on the other side of the island, infront of my mother and Jeremy. "This is amazing mum." I could eat like five of these and they are as big as the size of my palms clasped together. Few minutes later we were engaged in a conversation. Occasionally we'd steal glances at each other. "Thank you Mrs. Evans for the snack and the hospitality. I enjoyed it." Jeremy said when we finished eating. "Don't mention. Here." She handed him a wrapped box of Chelsea buns. "My regards to your mother. Feel free to stop by again. Grace-Maria, kindly see him off." I stopped washing the dishes and escorted him out to his car. "So, did you enjoy yourself?" I asked with a smile while swaying on my feet. "Yhup." He said popping the 'p'. "Can I ask you something?" He scratched the back of his ear like he was hesitant. "Yes." He took in a deep breath and exhaled. "Will you go out with me?" My eyes snapped to look at his. Why am I lost for words? Did I just hear right? "Yes, I'd love to." The way his face brightened up after my answer was the sweetest I'd ever seen. "Okay, then Saturday." He beamed. "Tell your mum I said thanks once again." He entered his car and it roared to life. In one swift motion he was on the road. I stared at his car till it was out of sight. Even after that I still stood there. I just agreed to go on a date with Jeremy big deal right?   

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