Chapter 8

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Grace-Maria Evans

After that hug at the beach Jeremy and I didn't talk about it. I ended up going for an examination at the hospital. One more thrill and I'll be bed-ridden so I've got to take things slowly. Jeremy was picking me up today and he was right on time. In that one month I'd safely avoided any nose bleeds. I was always around Jeremy so people at school just assumed we were together. If only they asked, we would have clarified things but no one asked. Today was the first day of our final exams. When I got outside my house Jeremy was already waiting. Naturally I went in for a hug and he hugged me back. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm fine, and you?" I asked back. "I'm fine too. Are you ready?" I knew he was asking about my preparedness for the exams. "Yhup. Let's go." I met Mimi outside and we all walked in. After the paper, we all went to the canteen to grab something to eat. There is this rule we have among ourselves; we don't discuss the paper when we are done with it. So we just talked about the unwritten ones and graduation. The week seemed long, but I knew it would come by quick.

It was the last day of our final exams. I should be happy but I'm not entirely. I'm finishing high school; good. I'll get my surgery; amazing. I'll be with Mimi; awesome. Jack will probably not just let me walk away so he'll keep in touch; that's great, but, what will happen with Jeremy and I. He will definitely keep in touch with Jack so that could be good. Jack and Jeremy are going to universities in different countries, so are Mimi and I. It's funny, we're all basically leaving home. All night, I thought about telling Jeremy how I feel but what good will that do if we're just going to separate. The world is filled with a lot of wonderful people, I may not be the one for him and vice versa so why put each other in a difficult situation. I was sitting on my bed packing for school when there was a knock at my door. "Come in." I looked up and saw Mimi, immediately I smiled. "Hey b." She came and sat beside me. "last day of exams." She fell back relaxing onto the bed. "Yhup." I turned so I could face her. "How does it feel?" I asked. She took a deep breath, "Well, bitter sweet. Are you going to tell Jeremy?" She asked me. "Tell him what?" I asked because there are a number of things. "That you're going for surgery?" "No." I said plainly. "Are you going to tell him about your feeling?" She continued. "Not at all." I said more firmly. She looked at me like 'why not?'. "Mimi, after high school, aren't we all going our separate ways. I am having a life changing surgery and declaring my feelings is a stupid idea. Why should I burden someone's son with this? He is young, we all are. No one should have to put their lives on hold or change their plans or dreams for someone." She sat up and looked at me. "Maria, who said he's going to put his life on hold." I looked at her like 'really Mimi'. "Mimi, this is Jeremy we're talking about. If I tell him how I feel you don't think that he'll change his university choice and come with us? Especially if he learns that I'm having surgery? I can't do that to him. You saw the way he spoke about the university he wants to attend, he loves that place and I love where I'm going. Who knows, he'll find his soul mate where he's going. Why alter the course of someone's life?" I shrugged at her. She took in a deep breath. What I said was logical and she knew it. "You two would have made a great couple." I chuckled, "Yeah, I know." I gave a sad smile because I knew what I was planning after graduation, and I'm not happy about it. "Well, the last paper isn't going to write itself." I tapped her thigh and got up. "Alright chief judge Grace-Maria Evans." I looked at her and smiled. "Alright world renowned journalist Muriel Addison." We laughed together and left the room.

Tick...tock...tick...tock... I looked at my exam sheet, one more question. I looked at my watch, 45 minutes to the end of the paper. Why is my heart racing? I laughed to myself. With me, I don't waste time sitting pondering over my answers. I'm also not proud, I just believe in myself. So when I'm done and I go over my answers, say a prayer of thanksgiving and submit my paper, so that's what I did. I walked out feeling satisfied and proud. I walked, not having a specific place in mind but I ended up in the empty classroom Jeremy took me into when Chantel attacked me. I stayed for a like a minute then I left. Outside our school we had benches so I went to sit down to wait for everyone. Am I going to miss this place? "I think you are." I turned my head so sharp I got a whiplash. Did I ask out loud? "Jack," "Hey you." He smiled and sat by me. "You're done. How does it feel?" He threw his arm across my shoulder. "Pretty good, emotional, but good all the same. You?" I looked at him. He was staring straight ahead. "I'm scared Grace-Maria." I was speechless. Is this the Jack I know? Carefree and positive, always seeing the bright side of things and always open for change. He looked at me because he knew exactly what I was thinking. "Crazy huh?" He chuckled. We sat there in silence until he spoke again. "The world is much bigger than our school. There are other students out there who want the same dream as I do. They want to go to the same school as I do, so the competition is tight. My best friend is going for surgery, heart surgery and I'm going in the opposite direction of her path." He gave me sad smile. "Jack..." My voice broke at the end. "Jeremy likes you, you know. I think he loves you even but he doesn't know about your surgery. He knows something is wrong he just doesn't know what." He rubbed my shoulder and continued. "Knowing you, you're probably going to cut all ties with him because you can't hurt him by turning him down. You think that where he's going to he'll find someone so you'll shut him out but don't you think that will hurt him more?" He looked at me waiting for my response. "Who's to say that I'm the one for him or he's the one or me? I like him too and you know that but I'll tell you the same thing I told Mimi; I can't change someone's decision and make them change their future plans. And you don't need to be scared, your passion is different from other people's. You are known for going after what you want and getting it and that drive is going to get you far so you don't need to worry. You can always come visit me you know?" I bumped his shoulder and he chuckled. "I haven't really spoken about this with anyone but I'm scared too. What if I don't survive the surgery?" He snapped his head to me after what I said. "Don't say that!" "There is a high success rate that's why I stay positive but sometimes those thoughts come through." I chuckled. "One thing is for sure, I'm not going to go that easy." "I don't doubt that." I smiled at him and gave him a hug. "Be good yh." He patted my head and I laughed. "You too kid." I said back and he laughed. We sat down and waited for the rest of them.

We had a whole month before graduation. I have never slept so much since I started school. Finishing high school was a blessing. We all planned to take a trip to see the country, we will be leaving after admissions are in so why not go site seeing. Jack talked to his parents and they let us borrow their beach house. I had to promise my mum not to overwork myself and call her every morning, afternoon and evening. I was in the middle of having my afternoon call with my mother when I heard a loud thud. I told my mum I'd call her later and went to check. I saw Jeremy hunched over the sink. "Jeremy are you okay?" I went closer to him and saw what had happened. He had cut himself. "Wow, that cut is deep." The cut was deep. He was bleeding a lot. I went to the cupboard and picked salt and turned on the heater so that the water would be warm. I put some of the salt in a cup of water and poured it over his cut. I kept doing that till the bleeding reduced then went to grab the first aid kit. "What were you doing?" I sat beside him and took out the cotton. "Trying to cook." He shook his head. "You should have been more careful. Everything is new around here." "Duly noted." "Done." He looked at his finger and frowned. "Thanks." "What were you trying to cook? I'll continue." I stood up but he objected. "No, no I'll do it." He stood up. "Okay, why don't we both do it." "That will work." I never thought cooking with Jeremy would be this fun. In the evening we were all sitting outside except for Jeremy, enjoying the cool breeze. This was our last day here, we leave tomorrow morning and then two days later, graduation. "Grace, can we talk?" Jeremy stood in the doorway. "Yes, sure." I got up but Mimi and Jack stopped me and left instead. I don't know why I was feeling nervous all of a sudden but it was amusing for me so I laughed. He arched an eye brow at me. "I'm nervous, and I don't know why." I continued to laugh and he just stared at me admirably. "I like you Gracie." He said. I smiled and huffed. "I like you too..." I said to him. We just sat there quietly. "Grace," "Please don't say anything." I hugged my knees and hid my face. I don't know if he sensed I was crying but he came closer and hugged me and I hugged him back. We stayed like that till I fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I was in my bed. I looked at my phone and it was 6am. I got out of bed and went to prepare to leave. I have to avoid Jeremy or not, I don't know. I went downstairs but nobody was down yet so I went to their rooms to check on them, what? I'm a punctual girl. We ended up leaving two hours later than we planned but it's all good. Everyone got home safely and as soon as I got to mine I went straight for my mom's room. We had a long talk about the trip and when I finally got to my room I found three dresses on my bed. My mother just saved me the trip of looking for a graduation dress so all I have to do is go for my gown. That can be done tomorrow, today, I'll write Jeremy a letter. I went to Mimi's house and told her to give Jeremy the letter after the graduation ceremony. The day before graduation had come. I had everything prepared so here I was getting dressed to go see Jeremy. He said he had something to show me. When I went to meet him he handed me a small box. When I opened it, it was a hair clip, a small bow hair clip. "Take it as a graduation gift." He said. "Thank you, you really didn't have to. Now I feel bad for not thinking about something like this." We chuckled. "You can make up for it in another way." He smiled. Now it was my turn to arch an eyebrow. We ended up going out. When he brought me back home I was exhausted but I was happy. I loved spending the day with Jeremy. "I have another surprise for you tomorrow." He said happily. "Alright, then I'll see you tomorrow." I waved him goodbye. That evening I went to bed very happy. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Jeremy Mills

I woke up feeling like today was the day I tell Grace my feelings for her. We are going to different universities but that doesn't mean we can't be together, can it? Any way I looked in my drawer and found the ribbon I'd been saving to give to her. The girl I met as a child. It was hers anyways so I'll just be returning it. I'm so happy, nothing can bring me down. Plus, tomorrow is graduation, what more could I ask for. When I met her and gave her the ribbon I didn't get the reaction I was expecting but it was still a nice reaction. I took her out and decided I'd tell her tomorrow, after graduation.

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