Chapter 14

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Grace-Maria Evans

I was in my room when Mimi entered and threw herself on the bed. "Guess what?" She beamed. "What?" I chuckled. "A package came for you. It's on the coffee table." I stopped what I was doing and went to the hall to check. It was a brown envelope package. On the package was a simple inscription 'To the best, from the best'. Who could this be from. I unsealed the envelope and there were two more envelopes in it. Another brown one and a white small one. I decided to open the white one first and when I did my heart broke. From the introductory statement I knew who it was from. 'You never got around to call me Mr. V like most of my students do...'. Professor Vincent. After reading the letter I cried. I found from the letter that he had written a testimonial and a recommendation letter for me. He secured a permanent position for me in the supreme court and paid for any further studying I'd want to do. When did he get time to do all this? I cried more knowing that I couldn't thank him. "Grace are you okay?" Mimi came to check on me. I told her about the package and she was speechless. "Wow." She said this like seven times. "This is too much." She said the exact thing I was thinking. "Are you okay?" She came and sat by me. "No." I sobbed and broke down in tears yet again. "How can he do this?" "Oh darling." She hugged me and I just continued crying.

In the evening I was laying on the couch and a thought occurred to me. The last time we all sat down as a group of friends was 13 years ago. I sat up immediately and frowned. We have to gather. "Mimi!" I yelled at the top of my voice. I heard a thud then she came running to me. "What?" She was breathing like she just run a marathon. I laughed at her and tapped the space beside me for her to sit. "When was the last time we all got together?" I asked her. "When you were in the hospital." She said so fast. "No! Ah! I mean get together in a happy, good, healthy way." She opened her mouth about to speak but closed it then scrunched up her face. She looked at me and widened her eyes then frowned. "I think 13 years ago, the vacation trip." She said like she was unsure. "Wow." She slumped back into the couch. "Exactly. We need to fix that." And so we did. We made some plans and called the boys. It's going to be just us four, like old times. Deciding on whose place we were going to use wasn't easy so we wrote the places down in a basket and went out on the street and asked a random person to pick a paper. The person picked Jack's. We were not sure if we'd end up staying a few days so we just chose to pack extra clothes. So on that day Mimi and I went to Jeremy's and went to Jack's from there because we didn't know the directions well. The house was amazing. We walked in and my breath was taken away. After the guys brought the things in Jack showed us around then we started preparing the food.

While we were cooking, Jack came in. "Mimi, can I talk to you?" When she came back something was off. "They guys forgot the drinks so they are going to get them." She looked at me. I nodded still sensing something was off because I could have sworn I saw drinks. After dinner we sat around the table in the open space talking and reliving moments. Jack had many to share. Imagine our shock when he told us that Chantel was working for him. It was quite interesting. We were soon running out of drinks and snacks so Mimi and Jack got up to get more. It was funny watching her wobble and stumble about. She's such a light weight. "Jack hold her before she falls face flat." I said to Jack and we all laughed. I looked at Jeremy and he was also getting up. "Where are you also going to?" He straightened his dress and stretched out his hand. "I want to show you something." I arched an eyebrow and took his hand. He led me outside through the back. "Wait, shouldn't we tell Jack and Mimi where we're going?" I chuckled because he was acting all giddy and hyper. It was cute. "Nope." He said and pulled me along. We kept walking further away from the house. From a distance I saw a dim light. While we were walking I noticed white rose trees beautifully surrounded us with colourful ribbons flying on them. Finally, we stopped walking. If I were to freeze a special time in my life to keep forever it would be this. Before me stood an amazing sunset. I have seen this before once while I was going through Pinterest. I didn't believe a view like that could be possible. The way the different colors blended in the sky was breathtaking. At that point the wind blew and blew the flower petals, that just sealed everything. "This is amazing." When there was no sound from him aside the waves and the trees I turned to look for Jeremy. When I turned I froze. My heart started to race and I saw him kneel on one knee. It happened so slowly, I was numb everywhere. I think I'm floating. He reached into his jacket pocket and brought out a red velvet box. "Grace-Maria Evans, will you marry me?"

Jeremy Mills

The girls had called us to tell us about a get together they were planning. After picking a place we got a list of things to buy. When we were ready we went to Jack's place. We settled and he showed us around. While the girls were in the kitchen Jack and I were outside. I told him about my plan to propose to Grace. I just had to find the right time and when the girls called us I saw the opportunity. Jack did too. At first I thought he told Mimi and they set it up but he confirmed that she doesn't know. He went in and later came out with Mimi. "Hey. What's up." Mimi said when she came. "Jeremy wants to tell you something." Jack said, giving me the floor. "I want to propose to Grace." I simply said, to avoid any long stories. She froze. Like literally. She didn't blink and I think she wasn't breathing. "Mimi?" I called. Jack waved his palm infront of her face she still didn't blink. So he shook her hard and that brought her back. "Woah." She huffed. She kept huffing and chuckling, I was beginning to worry. I looked at Jack and he shrugged. "Muriel Addison!" He called her. She shook her head and looked at him. "How long have you had this in mind?" "A few days." I answered. "Wow. So how can I help, what do you want me to do." She looked like the wind has been knocked out of her. "Wow Jeremy!" She squealed and run into me, knocking me off a bit. This girl is strong. She hugged me so hard o thought I felt some bones move. "We need you to keep her busy. There's a lakeside I didn't show you guys. The sunset view is out of this world. Jeremy and I will get the place ready then when it's time I'll signal you and he'll take it from there. So for now avoid going to the back because we'll be passing there." Jack informed her. When the plan was clear we told her to find an excuse for us to tell Grace.

Evening came and I was getting nervous. Jack knew when the time was right, it's his house after all so when he got up with Mimi to get more drinks and snack I took that as the signal. I took Grace and went to the lakeside. The look on her face when we arrived was exactly what I wanted. The view was indeed incredible. I tried so hard not to get overwhelmed and swept away by it. She said something but I was too deep in my own thoughts to hear. She looked at me and at that moment I knew I had to do this. I knelt on one knee, took out the small ring box from my jacket and asked her, "Grace-Maria Evans, will you marry me?" My breathing became drastically slow and loud or was it just my mind. I felt like I was going to pass out waiting for her answer. What if she says no? I'd die of heartbreak. Everything slowed down. I looked at her eagerly and when her mouth opened I held my breath. Please say yes, please say yes. Then I heard it. Those words that will change the course of my life hence forth. "Yes. Yes." I had to hold in my excitement but on the inside I was a rocket, in a nuclear weapon with a dozen firecrackers. I carefully placed the ring on her finger, stood up and hugged her. She was sobbing as she tightened the hug. "You just made me the happiest man alive." I chuckled and while still hugging spun her around. The sound of her laughter was like music to me. I'll never get tired of hearing it. In the end everything worked out. Maybe her pushing me away 13 years ago was for the best. We may not be here today, together. I guess in some way I'm thankful because right here, right now I'm living my dream.


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