Chapter One: You can't pack memories away.

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Chapter one: You can't pack memories away.

I shut off the shower and stepped out, wrapping myself in a dark blue towel and walking back into my bedroom.

I pulled out some clothes from what I had remaining in my closet that I hadn't chose to bring to Hogwarts with me. I pulled on a bra and underwear, then a pair of light blue jeans. I pulled out a pink colored top that stopped halfway down my butt with a cinched waist and a v neck cut and tossed it on over my head. I put on my necklace that my mom and dad had gotten me for my birthday this summer. It was a beautiful single diamond that had a tear drop shape encasing it made of white gold, ever since I had gotten it I wore it every day. I decided to let my hair just dry on it's own so I pulled out my chair at my vanity and sat down. I put on some eyeshadow, and winged eyeliner and topped it off with some mascara. I like doing my makeup a bit more dramatic. When I was done I looked into the mirror and sighed. I took a piece of hair in my hand and twirled it around my finger.

What have I done?

I thought to myself, my once beautiful long black hair was now dyed strawberry blonde and was cut to lay a little after my shoulders. It was straight until you get to the ends where it started to curl into loose ringlets, that was the only thing I kept the same about my hair. I had dyed it in an attempt to change myself. You know when something bad happens to you so you do something drastic? Well that's what happened. Last year I went through some rough stuff.

I was in love with Professor Snape.


Then he broke my heart, and that is all there is to say.

I am dreading going back and having to see his face.

I turned to my trunk and started packing things inside of it. I guess you could say I waited until the last moment because today is the day that I go back to Hogwarts for my fourth year. First I threw in some of my blankets and jackets, anything that was big and bulky and could be squished into the bottom. Next up was my textbooks, I threw them all in not giving a care about which one was going in until I picked up my potions textbook. Memories started flooding back to me, I opened the book and flipped through the pages until I came across a familiar potion. I remember making this one with Snape last year. I quickly pushed any thought of him I had out of my mind and shoved my potions book in my trunk. Then for good measure I threw one of my sweaters over top of it so I didn't have to see it anymore.

There is no way I am going to take one more class with that arrogant man.

I made up my mind and promised myself that once i got to the castle I would track down Dumbledore and tell him this. I would not be taking a single potions class for the rest of my Hogwarts career.

All of my clothes were piled on top of my bed, I was sorting through which ones I wanted to bring with me. I started folding them up and placing them into my trunk. I had already gotten my new robes from Diagon Alley, they were perfectly tailored to fit me for this year since I had outgrown my robes from last year. My Gryffindor scarf was in the corner of my bed, I crawled over the piles of clothes to get to it and then I rolled it up and tucked it away next to my robes in my trunk. I had finally sorted through what to bring and what to leave behind, which was actually a lot harder than you would think. I had a LOT of clothes and this was the second time I was sorting them out. I walked into the bathroom and started packing what I needed from there. Everything had dried from my shower, which was good because I didn't feel like drying everything off. After I had gotten my shower stuff I grabbed my makeup bag and threw it into my trunk. I also threw in a couple pieces of jewelry for kicks.

My wand was sitting on the top of my dresser, when I went to go grab it however it rolled into one of the open drawers. I bent down and opened the dresser further.

"There you are!" I exclaimed out loud, my favorite light blue and white polka dot sweater was crumpled up in the back left corner. I had literally been looking everywhere  for this thing! I picked it up and held it to my chest, then I saw something fall out of it. I set my sweater down behind me and picked up what had fallen out. Instantly I wished I hadn't, in my hand was a tiny golden locket. The same tiny golden locket that Snape had gave me for Christmas last year. Against my better judgment, and my heart pleading me not to I opened the locket for the first time all summer. Inside was a hand written note that just said 'For my love, -S.' I have to admit, this note still made my heart ache and do little flips. But as soon as these feelings came, they left and I felt empty again. I had been working all summer on not feeling this pit in my stomach when I thought of Snape, and it never worked.

I sat on the floor clutching the tiny locket and trying not to cry. The sunbeam coming from my door had gotten longer and was creeping it's way toward me now.

What do I even do with this? I thought to myself, should I just get rid of it? Leave it here when I go back to school, or bring it with me and give it back? I quickly let that last option go, there as absolutely no way I would talk to him again.

A tiny knock on the door ripped me from my thoughts, as I looked up my mom was opening the door. Her wild blonde hair was pinned back in curlers, and her robe was wrapped tightly around her. I suspect she had just woken up. As she was walking in I grabbed my sweater and the locket and threw them into the trunk.

"Good morning mom." I said with a smile, getting up from my seat.

"Morning, would you like some breakfast?" She asked, her small hands grasping two cups of coffee. She sat down at my vanity and handed me one coffee.

"Thanks." I said taking a long drink, feeling the coffee wake me up in ways that my morning shower couldn't even dream of.

"So are you all packed?" She asked me, looking at my bed.

"Just about, I probably should have started a while ago." I confessed. My mother just looked at me and smiled.

"Just like your mother, always running late." She said, then jumped up. "Oh! breakfast!" She cried dashing down the stairs. I followed after her as quickly as I could, but with a hot cup in your hand it's almost impossible to move faster than a snail. As I was sipping on my drink and walking down the stairs I heard two voices. They were laughing, I walked into the kitchen and my eyes widened at the sight. My dad was home and he was dancing with my mother in the kitchen, as the fire alarm was going off, the radio was blasting, and the pancakes were burning.

"Daddy!" I yelled, running up to him and giving him a huge hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, he always works the night shift into the morning at the factory so I never get to see him until around lunch time.

"Well, I wanted to make sure my Princess got back to school safe." He said smiling. My dad was older than most of my friends parents. His brown hair and beard were starting to turn grey, he was shorter than me, and his eyes were deep brown. He looked funny next to my mom. My mom was a couple years younger than him, but she was tall and skinny, not a single grey hair or wrinkle. My mom's blonde hair was complimented with brown eyes as well. My mom is a hair dresser, and she owns her own salon. In case you haven't guessed it yet, both of my parents are muggles. I however, am of pure blood status in the wizarding world. Don't let that fool you though, the second I found out that I was adopted I didn't care a bit. I love my parents and as far as I am convinced they are my real parents. My biological parents on the other hand, are a bit of a different story. Dumbledore told me about them when I was accepted to Hogwarts, he told me after I was given up (more like given away, if you ask me) he put me in the protection of the Evoy's. Which is why they were less shocked than I was when my letter came.

"Come on everyone, it's not everyday we get to spend breakfast together. I'm taking you both out!" He exclaimed turning back to my mom and busting out some more dance moves. They both slow danced their way up the stairs to get dressed.

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