Chapter 7: End

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More memories flashed through my brain, all the times we would stay late during my potions lessons, walks down to the black lake, all of my favorite times together as I fell for him. The last thing to replay was our first kiss.

"Hey Jo, Professor Snape is outside of the common room. He asked me to come up and get you." Hermione told me as she flopped down on her bed.

"Oh? Okay I'll be right back." I told her. I took a quick look at myself in the mirror and ran a hand through my hair. I don't know what time it is, but it seems to late for it to be anything school related.

I walked out of the fat lady portrait and looked around, Snape was leaning against the railing on the stairway looking bored.

"Professor Snape? I asked pulling him out of his trance. His head snapped up and he watched me walk over to him.

"Aren't you cold?" He asked me. I had walked out in my yoga pants, tank top, and bare feet.

"Yeah, a little" I said looking down at what I was wearing. I folded my arms over my chest trying to keep myself warmer.

"You left this in my classroom," Snape said holding out my sweater that I had taken off earlier.

"Oh, thanks," I said smiling and trying to hide my light blush. He came all this way just to give this back. I reached and grabbed my sweater, but Professor Snape caught my arm and pulled me toward him. My breath caught in my chest when I looked up to see him staring down at me.

"Professor?" I whispered quietly, his lips came down to mine in a second. My eyes closed and I fell into the kiss. When we broke away I leaned back and looked at him, shocked. His lips connected with mine a second time, and this time I didn't even hesitate. I kissed him back with as much passion as I could manage. My arms went around his neck and his found their way around my waist, pulling me close to him. Suddenly he broke away from the kiss and removed his arms from me.

"Professor?" I asked nervously. His hand went up and cradled my face, leaning in once more he left a quick soft kiss on my lips.

"Goodnight Ms. Evoy." He smiled, walking back down the stairs and leaving me in shock at what just happened.

I just can't believe how sweet he was, how different.

There were tears streaming down my face now and I finally broke free of Snape's grip and I ran. I ran down out of the dungeons and I knew that I wouldn't be able to calm down in time so instead of going back up the Gryffindor common room, I fled to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I threw myself onto the floor by the sinks and prayed that if anyone passed the bathroom my sobs would be mistaken for Myrtles. Not that I had a lot to worry about, no one in their right mind would come into this bathroom anymore.

I had my face cradled in my hands with my knees up against my chest, sobbing for quite some time before I heard another noise. Myrtle had flown down beside me and was fake crying, mocking me.

"Go away Myrtle, there is only room for one crying person." I said out loud, realizing how stupid I must have sounded.

"Well in case you had forgotten, this is my bathroom!" She roared at me, enraged she flew around the room and then disappeared. My cried had subsided, apart from the occasional sniffle. I stood up and walked over to the mirrors, looking at my awful appearance I ran some warm water in the sink and tried to wash my face as best as I could. I had eyeliner and mascara pouring down my face and my skin was all red and blotchy from crying so much. Once my face was washed to the best of my abilities I used my sweater to dry it off. Then I took the hair tie from around my wrist and wrapped it around my hair a couple times forming a very messy bun.

I carefully snuck up the Gryffindor common room and was glad to see that everyone was asleep by now.

This was going to be a long year.

Happiness Never Lasts. A Snape/student story.Where stories live. Discover now