Chapter Five: Continuing Memories

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I slammed myself down on the bench for dinner in the Great Hall with a huge huff. I wasn't exactly having the best day. My eyes wandered up the teachers table looking around.

Professor Snape isn't here yet  I thought to myself

"Jo. Can you hand me the butter?"

He is usually here by now

I started stirring the potatoes around on my plate and adding corn to the fast growing blob.


I wonder if that means I should still show up to my lessons tonight?  I pushed a few more items around on my plate.


"Huh?" I answered snapping out of my thoughts and looking to where the voice came from.

"Blimey Jo, can you please hand me the butter?" Seamus said, holding his hand out. He tried to sound annoyed but the big smile on his face didn't convince me.

"Yeah, sorry Seamus." I said handing him the butter and focusing back on my plate. I could faintly hear Seamus talking about Quidditch by I wasn't very interested. I looked back up at the main table and noticed that Professor Snape must have snuck in while I was talking to Seamus. 

Professor Snape looked up and made eye contact with me, causing me to look back down at my plate and try to focus on what Seamus was talking about.

After a few minutes had passed, I snuck a look at the table where Professor Snape was sitting. Again I made eye contact with him, but this time something weird happened. I swear I saw Snape smile when I looked at him.


I had about fifteen minutes before I needed to go see Professor Snape so I decided that I would get changed and rest for a little bit. I took off my school uniform and pulled on a clean pair of black skinny jeans and a purple sweater. I threw on a necklace that had white flowers on it that almost reached my belly button. I quickly fixed my makeup and headed down to the dungeons with my books tucked tightly under my arms.

"Hello Professor." I said walking into the potions classroom. Professor Snape looked up and me and motioned for me to sit in front of him. I did what he wanted and he slid some papers over to me. "Sir?" I asked questioningly.

"Ms.Evoy I was wondering if you could grade this stack for me." He said without even looking up.I nodded and picked up a quill beginning on the first page that was in front of me. By the time I hit the last paper I was so excited, grading these essays are exhausting. Once I finish with the last one, I slid the stack over to Professor Snape and run my hands through my hair.

"Remind me to never become a teacher." I grumbled, exhausted from reading all of these answers, half of them were so off I couldn't even believe that someone could come up with it. I wasn't expecting an answer from Professor Snape, maybe a grunt or a nod, but nothing else.

"Are you sure? I have more classes to grade if you wanted to try again." He said with a slight smirk. I let out a loud groan and shook my head. Professor Snape just shook his head and let out a chuckle.

He is really attractive when he laughs.

Wait what? Did I just say my professor was attractive?


Waking up the next morning took a huge amount of work. I had been up late last night reading my Alchemy book after Professor Snape let me out of my lessons. I hauled myself out of bed and pulled out a clean uniform. After applying my makeup I brushed through my hair and pulled back my bangs with a pin.

I had already missed breakfast because it took me so long to actually leave my bed after I woke up, and I had just enough time to make it down to the dungeons for my first class of the day which was Potions with the Ravenclaws.

There was only a few students missing by the time that I arrived in the classroom. I walked over to my table and sat down next to my lab partner Marcus Belby.

"Thought you might have gotten lost." Marcus said with a slight chuckle. "Late night last night?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was up late reading, I guess I just lost track of the time." I answered sweetly, Marcus flirted with me an awful lot but it was just harmless flirting and it usually didn't bother me.

"You know you could have just skipped class." He said turning to face me.

"Yeah and ruin my perfect attendance? No thanks." I said shaking my head and beginning to copy down what was on the board.

"You can't tell me that you actually care about that, right?" He asked. "I mean we all know that you have to beat Lewis in everything, but really?" He said with a big smile on his face. He was right, the only reason I cared about showing up to every single stinking class was to rub it in his face that he wasn't the only one with perfect attendance.

"Okay, fine you caught me." I said with a small smile, I put my elbows on the table and rested my head on my right hand looking at Marcus.

Before Marcus could respond to me Professor Snape came storming into the classroom. He looked at our table and scowled. Then continued to the front of the room to begin the lesson.


"Wait! We need to add the fluxweed in before the honeywater!" I said grabbing Marcus' hand to prevent him from ruining the potion that we had spent all morning making.

"No, we need to add the honeywater in first" Marcus insisted, putting his other hand over mine.

"Look, it says right here to reduce the flame, add in the fluxweed, bring the flame up again and then add the honeywater." I said using my other free hand to point to the text we were supposed to be following. Marcus looked down at my book, still keeping my hand in his and started reading the passage over again.

"Is there a problem with your potion Mr. Belby? Or perhaps the problem is with Ms.Evoy's hand since you seem to not be able to let go of it." Professor Snape said from behind us, his voice drawing out every word in an annoyed tone. His stare from Marcus didn't let up until he let go of my hand.

"Just trying to keep Joanna from ruining the potion by putting the fluxweed in first." Marcus replied back, annoyed.

"For the last time Marcus, the fluxweed goes in first." I sighed, pulling my hair back with a hair tie and shoving the textbook into his face again.

"I am afraid Mr. Belby that you may have a reading problem. For this is twice that Ms. Evoy has shown you the text and yet you still can not get it through your thick skull that the fluxweed is to be added in first." Snape replied in a bored tone. He walked away, but once he got to his desk he gave me a slight smile and I turned back to the potion we were working on.

"Okay Smarty pants, what do we do next?" Marcus asked me sarcastically.

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