Chapter 8

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* Asia POV *

We made it to Pittsburgh and took a taxi to grandmas house. I knocked the door and grandma ran out and gave me a huge hug. I smell cookies! I sat on the couch shyly just looking around. My mom said " baby stop being shy she's your grandma " my grandma came and said " she's not shy of her grandma , she's tried !" She said " baby how old are you !?" I said " I'm 9 grandma " she said "aww my baby's 9 years old " grandma gave me a tour around the house , she has a pool in the backyard, I knew it was Beyoncè house. She showed me my room and it was blue and the door has a A on it. Mom said " hungry " I ran downstairs and ate a brownie . We had a long convo about everything and than mom told grandma I cloud sing and dance. Of course she wanted to hear me sing I sang unbreakable smile. Grandma loved it and she said thinks I cloud sing. After that we went shopping for clothes and decor. We went to a lot of stores and got a lot of dance clothes. We went to target to get room decor stuff. Some fans noticed us and took pictures. We got a lot of stuff. After that we got a truck to get all my stuff and have people fix my room. While they are doing that we got to Starbucks and go to the movies . Their were fans in the movie theater the same people we saw at targets but they came her before us. We sat on top and they sat in the middle. I could tell they are dancer the way the look. The movie didn't start yet and we are just talking and I run around because that's just me I'm crazy. I do flips by the big tv and I pretend I'm the movie and I do random stuff because my grandma dared me too. I acted like I was Hannah Montana, cause i remember some of her lines. At the end I started singing you got the best to both world and I bowed when the movie was about to start. The people in the middle started clapping and I said " thanks whoever you guys are " and I ran to my mom and grandma. When the movie was over , I was doing tricks in the hallway in the movie theater. I was dancing to a solo I made up. After that I remember who one of those girls were , she was in the music videos for sia. I told my mom and she of course haven seen it and I showed her and she said she's an amazing dancer. After all that we went home because our bodyguard called us and said the rooms done and they left. When we made it home. I wanted to see my room so bad so I ran up stairs and saw it .. I said " ITS AMAZING " and start jumping on the clean fresh made bed. While I was busy jumping on the bed. My bodyguard was getting bags out of the car. Me and mom and grandma we're bonding while putting my clothes away. We talked about dance and what studios to go to. My mom had Abby Lee dance company in her head so I searched it up and they are having auditions to be on a tv show with 6 other dancer and another person gets the spot. I called my mom in my room and told her about it and she said she would love for me to be on the show but my bodyguard has to come with me because it's open to the public. I agreed to since I really wanted to dance. I was on my laptop and than one hour later my mom comes upstairs but something rapped up in a small boxed. She said surprise on your new room honey. I opened it and it was an iPhone 6s , I was so happy. I set it up and get snapchat and Instagram and Twitter and YouTube and all those other apps. I got all the sheets of paper that have phone numbers on it and the first person I called was Ashley. I said " Heyy Ashley " Ashely said " hey Asia , is this your new phone " I said " yeahhhhh I'm so happy !!!" Ashley " what kind did you get ?" I said " I got an iPhone 6s " she said " lucky " I said " let's FaceTime I can show you my room" we FaceTime and she was shocked on how big my room was and how it was so pretty. I showed her my grandma and we talked . My grandma is young she doesn't look like a grandma. I went back upstairs and put on music from my laptop and started dancing while facetiming Ashley and Avery and Brooklyn and Bella. I turned of my music and told them about the studio and how I saw the girl that was in the sia music video. They told me that she goes to that studio and she's is on the tv show As well. I didn't know that wow that's cool. I had to sleep because tomorrow is the auditions . I told them goodnight / goodbye! I went to the bathroom took a shower braided my hair and put my shorts and sports bra on to sleep in. I ran downstairs and said goodnight to my grandma and I went back upstairs and went on my laptop for a little. I was getting tried and I have to say good night to my mom and she was downstairs so I ran all the way downstairs to say good night. There was a boy about 3 years older then me talking to my mom and I was embarrassed because I had only really short shorts on and a sports bra. I turned around and tried going upstairs but they ready saw me. My mom said Asia we already saw you what do you want honey. I was half way up the stairs and I said " I'm just saying goodnight and getting a glass a milk but it's okay I don't Want it anymore " my mom said " don't be afraid come down and get your glass of milk and you have to hug me to say goodnight. " I ran to my room and got my small blanket to cover me and went downstairs and hugged my mom and grandma one more time and got a glass of milk and drank it in the living with grandma. My grandma just started laughing . I said " what grandma " she said " your so cute , he already saw you with your shorts and bra why are you covering up. " I said " shut up grandma . I guess I'm cold" putting my head on her shoulders. I watched a little tv and he was still talking to my mom so I decide to go to sleep because it was auditions tomorrow. I totally forgot I had shorts and a bra on that I standed up with my blanket and I grabbed it and run upstairs embarrassed. My mom yells" don't be embrassed he is your neighbor " I said " an that makes a difference " he started laughing. I said " nothing funny " he said " sorry " and he became quite.  Before I fell asleep I put my laptop and phone in the charger and brushed my teeth and texted Ashley on what happened ! Than I fell alseep know that I'll read the message tomorrow morning.

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