Chapter 10

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* Asia POV *
I ran downstairs to see what my mom wants. I sat down and she said " I have something to tell you !" I said " yeahhhhh" she said " well your starting school tomorrow " I said " shot I called it " she said " honey you have to and plus it's a private school so only 100 or more students instead of 500 " I said " ugh so I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow " she said " yes and go to school" while we were talking he was just starring at us ! I ignored him. I said " well alright then , I'm gonna make myself lunch for tomorrow and get my school stuff ready before I head to bed" she said " good girl your already smart so" I said " thanks mom " she said " oh and Selena wants your number for some reason" I said " who Selena " she said " Selena Gomez " I saw him in shocked . I said " oh okay give it to her than !" I went into the kitchen and got my lunch ready . I put it in the frigid and went upstairs and got my outfit ready for tomorrow. I put my straightener in the bathroom for tomorrow ! I snapchatted maddie and told her and then their was the blue button where you FaceTime and I clicked it and we just talked and Mackenzie was there and this other school friend but she was their old friend from school named Ashely. Ashley was shocked maddie knew me and shocked I was talking to her. I should them my outfit and they loved it. I went downstairs to show them the guy . Don't worry I have headphones on! They saw him and they said he was cute but in my opinion he was ugly ! I whisper maddie get at him. My mom laughed at of no where and said we heard that. I said " well oops and maddie said hey " mom said " let me talk to her " she put on ear bud in her ear and I have the other . Mom said " so maddie you like him " she said " noo I don't Asia lying " I said " I didn't even say anything " we just started laughing. My mom talked to her and than she went over to him and asked if he knew maddie. He said " um I don't think so " maddie said " omg I'm gonna kill your mom " I'm just over here laughing. ! He said " umm this is getting awkward " I said " your awkward " he said " umm okay you don't even know my name " I said " umm mike or zAch " he said " no Logan " I said " wow you just wanted me to know your name , I don't play those games ! I know what boys do ! Oh next time your gonna saw what's my number that's hella rude! Your a player ! " he was shocked but I knew he was a player.! My mom said " hey go to your room " I ran upstairs still talking to maddie and we just started laugh so loud! That my mom came upstairs and said " your in trouble, grounded for two days and give me your phone in 5 minutes say goodbye to maddie " I said " I didn't even do anything " she said " well that was rude what you said to Logan " I said " well I'm not a dumbass he knows what I'm talking about " mom said " LANGUAGE. Hurry with your phone , but it in my room in 4 minutes done with this convo " and walked downstairs I closed the door. Maddie said " dang first fight " I said " yup " she said " it's okay let me guess your grounded from your phone " I said " yup but here get my email for FaceTime " she said " I thought you can't use your phone " I said " well I have an Mac laptop FaceTime on there and when my mom says I can give you guys my number I can! " she said " smart okay give me your email" I gave her my email and my mom knocked my door tell me it's time to give her my phone ! I turned it off and gave it to her without talking. I went straight to bed.

* Asia POV *
I woke up at 5:30 am! I took a shower , put on a little makeup , did my hair , and put on my outfit. I went downstairs to pack my backpack because I didn't yesterday ! I put my lunch and my water bottle in my backpack. I knocked on my mom rooms as it is time to take me to school. It was 6:45 and I had to be there by 7. She woke up and took pictures of me as it was my first day of school, like I was a baby. I saw a bus but my mom didn't want me to go on it . When we made it to school it was big for 100 people or more! We went to the office , no one knows Beyoncè I guess. But my bodyguard was there as usual. I got my schedule and my locker number. Me and my mom went to my locker and there were people my age there. I had English and then math and then history and the music . I went to my homebase teacher and sat down as in my mom was talking to the teacher and left. Mike my bodyguard was by the door. I sat next to this girl names Bella and she's really nice ! We have all of my classes together but music! She has art . I met this girl named Jenna and Julie and Hannah and Jamie and savannah. I have 2 classes with savannah and Hannah and Jamie . Me and Bella and Julie have a lot of classes together but Julie has music with me . When we were walking my bodyguard was leading the way acting like we were famous or something. People were starring at us but I ignored. I told Julie and Bella to just ignore. We made it to English and Bella made me introduce myself to the class. I walked up in front of everyone and said " hey I'm Asia and I'm 9 years old ! My mom is Beyoncè. I love to dance " I walked back to my seat ! Some boy was like " oh my gosh Beyoncè is so hot" I just starred at him in a disgusting way. Julie laughed because she saw me do it. We did nothing in English class we just did some vocab which I learned in 3 grade. We walked out and went to my locker to see if my hair was messed up and it wasn't . We went to math and I already have homework a worksheet. Next was lunch ahh I was hungry.i got a cheese burger with some fruits and strawberry milk. I told Julie and Bella and Savannah and Hannah and Jamie to sit in the side by the door it recess. Hannah said no that's were the fifth graders sit they would get mad. I asked mike if we could sit there and he said yes so we sat there. About 5 minutes later these group of fifth graders came and said get off our sit before we fight you. Mike told them" yeah this isn't your seat ! Get out of here" they said " you are you a nobody , your not a teacher you can't tell us what to do." Mike said " yeah I can ! LEAVE NOW AND DONT COME BACK IN THIS AREA! " they all left because they got scared. We laughed and talked and got to know each other. We were done eating so we went to go play. I showed them my dancing skills and my flexibility . They we shocked on my talented I had. I told them about the show and they said " they loved that show and they said their is a lot of drama that happens and the moms are crazy! I wanted to know what they were talking about so I'll ask maddie. They asked if I knew the girls and I said " yes they are fans of me and my mom but now they are over it" Jamie said " wait your famous " I said " well no I don't think so in my opinion but that's what other people think" Hannah said " your mom is beyonce , she's famous" I said laughed and did more tricks ! Everytime I do my tricks mike has to move everyone and he has to make sure it's safe! We finished school and we were waiting for my mom and Julie and Bella and Hannah and Jamie and Savannah were with me. We were talking and Jamie said " who's limo is that" I said" omg not again ! " they said " what" I said " well my mom whenever she goes to red carpet she rides our limo and I forgot today she had a red carpet and now she's in that limo " Jamie said " what bad about that" I said " I don't know people notice her a lot" we walked over to the limo and my mom rolled down her window and said " how was your first day of school " I said " great and I met new friends" she said " where are they " I said their right here " she said " ohh nice to meet you guys already a lot of friends on the first day" I said " no duh who wouldn't love me" Julie said " ha no kidding she's a handful " I smacked her hand and my mom just started laughing. I hugged all my friends and said see you tomorrow ! Julie said " tell me if you made the show " I said " okay bye babe " she said " bye babe" my mom said " come on babe " I said " no only Julie can call me that and I can call Julie that" my mom said " okay sassy"

Beyoncè daughter // Asia Monet RayWhere stories live. Discover now