Chapter Eleven- Part Two

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A/N: This chapter is two parts because I had too much drama to fit it into one chapter ;)

Chapter Eleven-Part Two:

The next week passed pretty quickly, Holly and I hung out a lot and she came over to my house on Wednesday after school because we were bothing going to church. We hung out a lot and with every hour and everyday I found myself becoming more attatched to her. When we were separated we were texting and when we were together we were talking non-stop about the most random things.

The way she laughed or smiled or made a lame joke. She was such a quirky dork, I couldn't believe I'd tried to dislike her at first. We spent a lot of our time together at school, first period and I met her at the end of most of her classes, and we had lunch together, except for the Thursday she sat with Aaron and his popular friends.

The tension between him and I was obvious to anyone around us. I hadn't spoken to Kirsten about it and I was hoping she might speak with me. But of course she didn't, we weren't close enough for that.

So whenever I saw her we were both quiet and didn't speak to each other unless we needed to.

Kelsey started hanging out with Holly and I more often and sat with us at lunch. Her and I both had English together and hung out when we could get the chance. I guess I couldn't not make friends and I was kind of glad I had met them.

On Tuesday I went to Kelsey's house and got to meet her older brother. He was a nice guy, funny and really layed back with long brown hair that fell into his face.

When Friday rolled around, there was a big change. First, Kirsten.

That morning I woke up extra early and made all four of us breakfast since mom had decided to take a later shift. Kirsten didn't come out of her room when I said that breakfast was ready and I didn't think anything of it.

But when we were all finished and she still hadn't come out I got curious. Mom and Chris left early, since he didn't want to be late and him and a couple of friends were doing something fun.

I knocked on Kirsten's door but didn't get any reply, I knew she hadn't left with another friend so she had to have been in there. I put my ear to the door and listened closely. Was that. . . crying? I barged into the room after that to see Kirsten sitting at the top of her bed, leaning against the headboard with her legs pulled up to her chest, crying into her arms.

"Kris?" I asked, I had never seen her cry or seem so upset. Truthfully, I didn't know what to do so I stood frozen in the doorway of her room.

She glanced up, tears streaming down her cheeks and her eyes red from crying. She quickly tried to wipe it away with her shirt but I couldn't miss it, "What do you want?" She sniffled. She was probably trying to sound tough but all she managed was to sound lost.

"What happened, Kirsten?" I asked softly, I wasn't sure what could make her cry this badly.

"You wouldn't care," she said, turning to hide her tear-streaked face from me.

I carefully sat myself on the edge of her bed, "I care, Kris. Tell me what's wrong."

Without replying she jerked her head towards the garbage can in the corner of her room. What could be in there? Some sort of scary insect? Kirsten huddled further against her bed and gave me a wide-eyed stare as if she were fearing what I would find.

What I did find scared the shit out of me. A pregnacy test. I decided not to pick it up but what it read was heart stopping. Positive.

"Kris. . . this is a joke right?" I asked after a second. My brain was blank, but I knew it wouldn't last long because then I would be completely raging. I knew who's kid it was if the test was telling the truth, it was Aaron.

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