Luna's First Babysitting Job

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Chapter 16

When Luna woke up she was in her bedroom. Had that been a dream? She looked around the room, everything seemed the exact same. She rushed into the bathroom and saw a note on the mirror. It read:

Dear Luna,

I wish to see you again. Meet me in the bathroom tonight again at 11:00. That way we have more time together.


Luna looked at the mirror. She smiled. She put the note by her soap dispenser and left the bathroom. She got dressed into a cute red dress with a black lace collar, inspired by Enjolras. She grabbed her black converse and jumped out the window. She went around the town doing stuff. She had breakfast, lunch, and a snack. And she shopped a little bit. After that, she walked to Ethan's house and knocked on the door. It was around 7:00 am.

Mrs. Morgan answered it. “Hello, Luna,” she greeted. “You aren't supposed to come for another hour.”

“I know,” Luna told her. “I just wanted to see if I could help you get ready for your event. Where are you going again?”

“We're going to the 20th Century Film Festival. I forgot to tell you that you'll probably have to be staying for two nights. Is that okay?” Mrs. Morgan asked.

“No, It's no problem at all,” Luna replied. “Is it okay if I bring Jane over to my house sometimes?”

“Of course,” Mrs. Morgan told her. “You can go wherever as long as you watch her.”

“Really? Thank you,” Luna said.

“You can come in,” Mrs. Morgan said.

Luna walked in. “Where is she?”

“Jane? Oh, she's upstairs in her room playing with some dolls,” Mrs. Morgan told her.

“Oh,” Luna said. “So you don't need help getting ready?”

Mrs. Morgan shook her head. “Nope, you can go play with Jane. She has been waiting for this since you guys met.”

“Yeah, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it all the times you needed me before,” Luna apologized. “I was just doing all those school projects.”

“It's fine,” Mrs. Morgan told her, “don't worry about it.” She went to her bedroom and got ready.

Luna walked up the stairs and into Jane's room. “Jane? It's me Luna,” Luna said walking into her room.

Jane got up and gasped excitedly. “Luna!” she exclaimed as she went up and hugged her. “I have so many plans tonight! First we're going to play dolls, then we're going to watch a movie, then we're going to play a board game, then we're going to...”

“Jane, stop boring the poor girl,” Ethan told her coming in. “If you do all that she may never want to come back.”

Jane glared at her brother and went on with her list, “Then we're going to make pizzas, then we're going to make cookies, then we're going to play with My Little Ponies, then we're going to,” Jane got closer to Luna. She whispered in her ear, “spy on Ethan. We'll also pull pranks on him.” Jane backed away and nodded quickly.

How cute and childish, Luna thought. “Okay, that sounds like fun,” Luna told her. Luna turned to Ethan. “What are you doing here?”

Ethan smiled. “My mom didn't tell you? You're babysitting me too,” Ethan said.

“Ha, ha, ha. Very funny,” Luna said sarcastically. “Now if the only reason your here is because you want to see me, then I suggest you leave.”

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