The help of a friend

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When we get to class the teacher is in the middle of talking about how we are going to dissect a pig on Monday next week. Everyone goes quiet and turns to the door to look at us when we walk in. I keep my head down as I head to the back of the classroom and sit at my assigned seat, slouching in my seat wishing I could just disappear. The teacher is talking to the new kid in a hushed voice before she turns and faces us with a smile on her face and her hand resting on his shoulder lightly.

"Alright class we have a new student that is joining us today. This is Ash Blackwood. Tell us a little about yourself." She tells him and waits for his reply, her smile still in place.

"My name is Ash, I am 17, and I am a Senior." He says coolly.

The teachers smile faltered slightly as she tells him to sit beside me since my table is the only one without a partner. Some of the girls groan and glare at me out of jealousy. I just brush off their glares as I get my stuff out of my bookbag and set it in front of me. I hear him sit down and he crosses his arms. When the teacher turns around I see his head nod off. I look at him in shock. HE IS SLEEPING IN CLASS ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I think before shaking my head and taking the notes of what the teacher is saying knowing I need all the information I could get so I can make up for what I missed. It was a little hard to concentrate because of the sounds of Ash's snores right beside me. About twenty minutes later the bell rings and Ash's head snaps up at the sound as he looks around in alarm.

"Calm down, it is just the bell." I say with a smirk as I stand up from my spot and pack up my stuff.

I feel someone looking at me and glance down to see him staring at me. It wasn't one filled with hate like most people give me, but instead one I can't quite place. He then seems to notice that he is staring and breaks eye contact and grabs his stuff walking out, but not before I notice that his cheeks are a slight tint of pink. I wonder why that is? I think to myself as I grab my stuff and head out of the classroom. I jump slightly when I feel a hand on my shoulder expecting to be slammed into the lockers again by Andrew or some other jock but instead I feel the hand disappear from my shoulder.

"Ah sorry man. I didn't mean to scare you. I just need some help finding my next class..." He says quieting at that last part as he glances away his cheeks turning a even darker shade of red.

I am slightly surprised but I nod and I start towards our next class. As we walk he keeps his hands in his pockets the blush now gone from his tan cheeks and walks with a air of confidence surrounding him. I feel a slight pang of jealousy knowing I would never be able to do that. I lead him to Mrs. Lizzy's class. For once I am able to actually make it to class without getting shoved or kidnapped on the way. I come into the class and sit in my seat that is once again in the back of the room. I see that there are a few kids who thought it would be soooo funny to put gum on my desk. I sigh and go to the back of the room and grab some paper towels. I turn to go and clean up the gum just to see Ash grabbing a kid by the collar. He is yelling at him to pick up the gum that he just put on my desk. The kid takes the piece of gum off the desk and throws it away. Ash then comes over to me and takes the paper towels from me. He hands it to the kid and orders him to clean up the mess. Just when the guy starts to argue I see that death glare return and the kid instantly shuts up. He cleans up the mess on my desk and even puts the stuff away for me. I am just standing there in shock. Ash gives me a smirk and sits down in his seat next to me. I slowly make my way to my own seat and look at him in confusion.

"I hate seeing people being picked on so I thought that I should help you out." He says looking away with a blush on his face.

"Oh." I say looking away thinking that he only felt pity for me and that is the only reason he is trying to help me.

"I know what it's like to be picked on so I don't like seeing it happen to others." He says quietly as if he read my mind.

"Oh!" I say slightly happier at the fact it wasn't out of pity but at the same time am sad because he got bullied as well, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

"I know what you were thinking, probably something along the lines of 'I don't want him to treat me kindly just out of pity'." He says looking away. "I know this because I thought the same thing and I pushed people away because I didn't want their pity. I don't need them to help because they feel sorry for me. I can get through this by myself. I was wrong though. I became more of a bully myself of those that bullied me. It is because of that I was forced to switch to different schools. I am no better than them but at least I can stop them from hurting others." He says as he looks down.

When he admits this I can't help but feel bad for him. He thinks that he is doing wrong by standing up to the bullies when he is helping the kid that the bullies are always picking on. He doesn't realize that by him doing that he helps the kid be able to just breath like a normal person and maybe for once in their lives feeling like they are not less than garbage. I smile at him.

"Don't feel like that, you don't realize how much it helps when you stick up for someone who is always bullied. You help them feel as if they are not alone in the world even if it is just for a brief second. You still help them and no matter how small it is, you still helped. Don't feel guilty for helping others." I say which causes him to smile.

After that moment was over the teacher walked in and we continued with class. I took my notes and he slept. Once the bell rang we went to our next class and it just continued like this until the final bell was over. It felt nice having him there to help me when I was bullied. Even though I wish I was able to protect myself I know that I need help. No matter how much I want to deny it, I need his help.

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