The End!

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Ash's POV

I feel the ground disappear from under my feet and next thing I know Yang and I are falling. To where I am not sure but I have a feeling that it won't be good. We both yell out as are stomach fills with butterflies as we drop down into the abyss. Soon we hit a surface of something and start sliding down it. I feel as though I am on a giant slide from the water park. I feel someone grab my hand and I turn to see Yang looking at me with determination. Soon a light shows at the end of the tunnel and we both fall out. Yang jumps to her feet prepared to fight but instead all she sees is grass and the outside of the building we were both trapped in only moments before. She looks at me for a moment, and I her, before we both take off in a random direction. I surely am not one to question miracles but this was just crazy. Only one person I know would have them release us, Zack.

My eyes widen at that thought and I stop. Yang continues on for a few steps before she turns to face me. In this new light I can see she is really pale, the unhealthy kind. She looks at me with questioning red eyes. She comes back to me and waits for me to talk, though I have no idea what I am thinking myself. Yes you do. You plan to go back and find Zack to save him. I think to myself and I sigh. I look up at Yang feeling bad leaving her alone after she did so much to help me. But I can't leave him. Especially after all that happened. I can't have him thinking that I don't care about him. I think to myself as my resolve hardens in my mind.

"Yang, I can't. I know who let us go and I can't leave him there. They could kill him." I say

"Well we can't go back or we will all die! Whoever let us out did so because they want us to live. We can't let them die in vain by going back. Besides I am sure it was probably just a fluke or something that one of the guards pressed that made us be released. So we have to go before they show up to put us back in there." She says before she grabs my hand to pull me to safety.

I shake my head and pull my arm away.

"That wouldn't happen, the only way to open the floor is with a key and to punch in a code. It wasn't a mistake that we got out." I say and she looks at me with a look that I can only describe as hate.

"Y-You were one of them?!" She yells as she goes up to me and pushes her finger into my chest with surprising force.

"Do you have any idea how many people died in there? How many people you could have saved?!" She shouts at me as she keeps pushing me back further and further into the wall. "Well you can go back and die for all I care! Who the hell could do that to human beings?! And better yet I hope you and whoever you are trying to save die in that hell hole!" She yells and I get angry myself.

"You can say what you want about me but don't you dare talk bad about Zack! He is the one who saved your ass, and he never did anything wrong! He was put in there just like you only he found a way to escape. You should be grateful that he came back to save us!" I shout back at her and a flicker of recognition flashes across her face.

"Zack? Are you talking about that same Zack that was trapped in the maze when he was 7 years old and escaped five years later?" She asks me and now it is my turn to be confused.

"You knew Zack?" I ask her and she nods.

"We protected one another, I showed him around and showed him how to survive. He was like the brother I never had. When I last saw him he told me that he thinks he may have found a way out and he was going to make sure it was true. He said that he would come back for me if it was true but I told him to leave me. I knew he would come back if I didn't tell him to stay away. I also knew that he had his father in him and if he did come back they would torture him to get the information that they have been searching for from him." She says

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