A friend returns

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Ash's POV

I head back to the hospital the next morning with food for Zack to eat. When he sees me I watch his face turn from one of boredom and sadness to happiness. Why was he sad? I think to myself but I shrug it off hoping he will come to tell me when he is ready. I hand him his food and I eat mine as well. I try not to but I can't help but watch him as he eats. He stops and looks at me with a small smile.

"Why do you like watching me eat so much?" He asks me and I blush.

"I don't know... I just think you look cute when you do..." I say shyly looking away my cheeks turning a even deeper shade of red.

I can practically hear Zack's wheels turning in his head. Of course it will take a bit to get used to. I pretty much told him that I have a thing for him. I mean I know he is gay and all so I don't have to worry about that but it doesn't make it any less terrifying confessing my feelings. I think in my head but then I feel a hand on my shirt. I turn and I see Zack standing in front of me. He looks at me with a heartwarming smile. He leans in and I do as well. Our lips meet and a spark ignites in me. I tangle my hands in his hair and he does as well. We both devour one another. It feels as if both of us were never complete until this moment and now that we are together we don't want to let it end. Of course though we have to part for a knock sounds at the door. I straighten out my clothes and Zack gets back in the bed with a blush on his face. I answer the door with glare in place. I see a nurse behind the door and she looks terrified when she sees my glare.

"I-I am so sorry I j-just wanted to check on him and make sure h-he was ok. But seeing that you are here I believe I will take my leave now." She stutters before she walks away quickly.

I shut the door and I hear someone laughing behind me. I turn and I see Zack with the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. He is laughing so hard tears are coming to his eyes. He is holding his stomach in pain from laughing so hard. I smile before I too start laughing. We are both on the floor laughing our asses off when the doctor comes into the room. He smiles at us.

"Glad to see that you are in a better mood Zack. Sadly I need to ask your friend to leave for a moment so I can check your vitals and other things to see if your bruises are healing like they are supposed to." He says and I compose myself before nodding and leaving the room.

What I hear next makes me try to get back into the room. I hear the inhuman roar which can only come from a vampire. I bang on the door and try to get in but there is something blocking the door. SHIT! I curse in my head before I race to the end of the hallway where there is a window. I kick it open and climb out on the ledge of the building. I keep myself from looking down as I find Zack's window and rush to it. Once it is in arm's reach I nearly fall off the ledge when I see the vamp holding Zack by the neck and half of his body is hanging out of the window. I shout and try to move faster but Zack finds purchase under the demonic looking creature and flips him out of the window and catches himself before he falls to his death. The top part of his robe comes undone and I see all of his chest in all its glory... as well as the scar that I have forced myself to memorize. I look into Zack's eyes the feeling of betrayal coursing through my being.

"Y-You are the abomination..." I find myself saying as I stand out on the ledge of the building.

Zack looks at me in shock and then in fear and pain. He rushes back into the room and I hear the sound of a door being slammed open. I rush in to try and catch Zack but all I find is a empty room. Shit... I curse in my head for the second time in 5 minutes.

Zack's POV

I race down the stairs of the hospital my heart pounding in my chest. I can barely see where I am going for tears fill my vision. I only make my way back to my house by pure memory. I slam the door shut and sob into my hands. I keep reliving that moment when Ash called me an abomination. You would think that after that moment that we shared he would at least give me some time to explain everything before saying such mean and cruel words. I then realize that I can't stay here anymore, who knows how long until the other slayers came to take me back to that dreadful maze.

I run to my room and start packing up everything I need for the long journey ahead of me. I grab a passport and some other necessities before I move on to my prized possession, my parents family photo with me in their arms smiling. Back when I was actually loved and welcomed, when I felt safe. I shake my head a put it away in my suitcase carefully before I zip it up tightly. I open up my house door only to see Tommy and a bunch of other slayers standing there.

"Hello Zack, miss me?" He asks me with a smile.

I look and I see Ash standing at the back of the crowd looking at me with sad eyes, eyes full of guilt. I can't believe it! He turned me in! He gave me up... just like everyone else in my life. I think to myself and men grab me and I try to fight but it is useless. Tommy smiles even wider before he goes over to my stuff and opens it up. My eyes widen when he picks up the picture of my parents and I struggle even more.

"Keep your hands off that! It's mine!" I shout and Tommy just takes it out of the frame and tears it up into tiny little pieces in front of me.

My eyes widen in horror and tears fill my eyes. I let out a loud yell as I fight even harder against the men.

"Oops..." Tommy says with a careless shrug before he laughs and walks away.

I keep fighting, yelling as I do, until I feel the very familiar feeling come over me and I freeze in my attempts and shake trying to stop what is sure to come. When I look back up at them my eyes are no longer the cool icy blue they once were, but now a eery red color that make everyone standing before me pale. I smile and rows of sharp teeth show themselves to the world. I think it is my turn to play Zack... I hear HIM say. Oh god help me! I think in my head but he only laughs. I think we both know god is far from what we are.


A/N: Short I know but I plan to do another chapter very very soon. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Love you my lovelies.


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