I have a what?

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Ash's POV

I close my eyes and am fully ready for my death, but then I remember once again, I can't die. But that doesn't mean that I can but severely hurt. I think to myself not sure how to get out of this situation when all of a sudden I hear someone yell out something from the left. The man turns his head just for a body to ram into his side. He lets out a yell of surprise and the person gets up and grabs my wrist before running off. I am staring at their back in shock. I can't see who they are because they have a cloak on, I also don't know what they are. All I can hope is that whoever this person is, they want to keep me alive.

Soon we reach a dead end and I hear the sound of the man running after us laughing at the thrill of the chase. The person who saved me quickly slides down and under the maze and I do the same. We end up on the other side of the wall in a different part of the maze. They grab my arm and drag me along behind them again as I hear the man sniffing for us trying to find us once more. After a while more of running the person stops and turns to me. I see it is a girl with white hair and red eyes. The only thing is, her face looks a lot like someone I know but I can't figure out who...

"We should be safe from him for now but we need to hide before the sweepers come by." She says in a calm voice.

Her voice sound familiar, I wonder why that is. I think to myself but then I remember the many days dad would spend in his room watching something. One day I snuck in to listen in and I heard this girl yelling. Trying to get out. I look at her in awe for a moment wondering who she is.

"Who are you?" I ask my voice showing the awe I feel.

"My name is 48f27, but I just go by the name of Yang. It's easier for people to remember." She says and my brows scrunch in confusion before she pulls me into the wall to the left of us.

People to remember? There is more people here? I think to myself as I cover my eyes with my arm. Once we make it through the wall it opens up into a area of the maze that has no way in or out, other than the place we went through I suppose. There are people everywhere, men, women, and even some children. People were talking, hanging out, eating, some where even having some fun for everyone else to see. At that I quickly look back at the girl and watch as she walks to the far side of the room. I watch as she goes up to a man that looks to be twice her height and can break her in two. What the heck?! If I didn't know that we are in the maze right now I would think this guy is on steroids or something! I think to myself as she smirks cockily at him.

"Told ya there was another one now where is my winnings." She says with a cocky attitude.

"What are you talking about girly I never promised you anything." He growls out and the previously loud area went dead silent.

Everyone turns to the Yang and the man. I watch as her face switches from cocky to straight up pissed off. She glares at him with a look that can kill, and if I didn't know any better, I would have swore that this hulk of a man gulped.

"What did you just say." She growls out and the man seems to gain his footing back glares down at her.

"I said I owe you nothin'. Now scram, I have a business to run." He says as his eyes narrow even more.

She jumps up from her spot and lands a punch on his jaw. Then while she is still in the air she spins and lands a kick on his cheek. Finally, she kicks off of his stomach as he falls to the ground. He seems to lose his breath for a moment before he stands and swings at her. She twist out of the way and grabs his wrist as it goes passed her and she twists it until it snaps. He yells out in pain holding his hand. He looks up at her with fear now in his eyes. She walks to him menacingly and takes out a knife.

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