A favor

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Zack's POV

When I wake up again later I see that Ash is nowhere in sight. I guess he had to go home, I am sure his parents were worried about him. I think sadly knowing that I don't have any parents to go home to anymore. I look at the wall across from me and I start breathing uneasily. Flashes from the passed seize me.


My eyes roam across the small box that I am in. I hear the sound of men outside laughing and joking.

"So the abomination is in here?" I hear one ask as they kick the box I am in and I am jolted to the side.

"Yep, Tommy says he found him at the hospital after both of his parents died. He says that it is his fault that Liam and Zila passed. He said that it was because they spent so much time around the thing that it was only a matter of time before one of them became a vamp. I mean they put vampire blood in his milk and system when he was a baby hoping to find a way for him to become a immune! It was obvious he would become one of them and infect them both too. I guess the boy liked his father more than his mother because he was the one that was turned, but apparently not enough because it turns out he was the one that killed Liam in cold blood. His own kid, what a shame." Another man says before he takes a drink of what I assume to be liquor.

"Well good thing we got him, now he can pay for his crimes." Says the first man with a laugh. "It will be quite a sight when he finds himself in the maze surrounded by those monsters before they tear him limb from limb. Son of a bitch deserves it."

All the men laugh and I feel tears come to my eyes. I never wanted to hurt mommy and daddy. What is this maze that they are talking about? And what kind of monsters are in there? Am I really the monster that they say that I am? All these thoughts race through my mind as I wish that it was me that was made into what father is and had to be killed. Instead they are dead because of me and I am going to pay the consequence. Though I don't see why I should have to die because of this. I wasn't the one that killed father and mother, something else attacked father, that was evident when I came home. He would have told me if I was a bad boy and it was my fault that mother was dead and he became what he was. I decide in my head. I also decide that no matter what happens to me that I must survive this and live on for my parents.

End Flashback

I shake my head and try to clear the thoughts not wanting to go back to THAT place. I have spent so long there, I will not ever go there again. Not even in my thoughts. I sigh once more and try to go back to sleep hoping that Ash will be there when I wake up.

Ash's POV

I walk out of the hospital and call my father up on the phone that he gave me. I wait for him to pick up the ringing of the phone making it harder and harder to sit still. Finally father picks up but he is yelling at the other men before he turns his attention to me.

"You better have found the abomination or this call was a waste of time." My father says coolly but I brush it off used to his attitude by now.

"No father I have not but I need a favor from you to try and find the abomination. I think that he is possibly behind the attack of one of my classmates. You told me that he always loved to blow things up and that was how the boy who attacked my classmate went out. I also think that he isn't done with him. I need someone to come here and guard him while I find the thing that is behind his attack." I tell my father and I can hear him sigh on the other end.

"You know how low we are on men right now..." I hear him say but I know that there is more. "but I will see what I can do. If only we could give you a picture of the abomination we wouldn't have to go through all of this but it is necessary as part of your test to have no leads except the scar on his arm." My father says and I roll my eyes.

I know that he was the one that added that little bonus on my task. I think he thought that it would be too easy if I just got a picture. Though he could have changed his appearance since then. Though not only can I not have a picture but I also can't have a name! I mean seriously why does my father give me so little. Most of the people I know get simple final test and are done in a week, I on the other hand have been working on mine for nearly a three years now. Everyone is counting on me to get this monster off the streets and it would go by that much quicker if I had all the information that we have on the creep.

I run my hand through my hair before I head to a nearby fast food place to get food for Zack and I while we wait for my father to send someone. Only that doesn't happen. Instead I get a call while I am waiting in line. I open up my phone.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hello son, I am coming to help you out on this case. It seems like you need some help." My father says.

"But you are the leader of the Slayers, you can't just leave." I tell my father keeping my voice down to not draw attention to myself.

"I am Tommy Night, I do as I please." He growls out and hangs up.

I sigh and put my phone in my pocket. Looks like dad is coming to town.

A/N: I know that it is short but I thought that it was better than nothing. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Or whatever holiday you celebrate :P

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