Bully free day

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I head to my locker and grab my stuff with a hop in my step. Ash tells me that he will be right back, that he just needs to take a leak. I of course laugh and tell him to go ahead and go to my locker by myself, big mistake.
As I round the corner where my locker sits I see Andrew and his gang standing by my locker. Instantly sweat beads on my head and I curse my wishful thinking. I wish that I never let Ash leave me alone for even a second. I am always a target and am always useless. I try to turn back hoping they didn't spot me but, as always, that doesn't happen.
"Guys look! The fag is here! What happened? Your boyfriend dump you already?" Asks Justin laughing as he does.
I sigh and spin on my heel to face him.
"What do you all want now? Is there something wrong with being gay? Why do you guys feel the need to put me down huh? Is it because you all hate me? Or is it because you guys need to overcompensate for something you think is a little less than satisfactory?" I ask them but instantly realize that my mouth will once again get me a grade A ass beating.
I watch as they jump up from the lockers, a scowl in place as they glare at me. Oh no. I think to myself as I quickly turn tail and run like a bat outta hell. Oh shit! Oh shit! I am so sorry Lord for everything I have done but why did you have to give me such a big mouth? I could have dealt with a strange laugh, wheezing, panic attacks but why this? This is why I get beat up so freaking much! I curse in my head as I dash through the halls. I get to the doors of the school and I push them open having them slam against the walls with a bang! I run faster barely feeling my foot touch the ground before picking it up again to take the next step. I run into the woods behind the school, the green colors flying by me in a blur as I hear the jocks closing in on me.
"We will get you Sandfield! Just you wait!" I hear Andrew yell much closer to me than I would like.
I groan as I try to push myself faster but instead I trip over a root and fall to the ground. Gee how cliche is that? I think in my head as Andrew and his boys surround me their dark smiles return to their faces in glee of whatever horror awaits me. I watch helplessly as Lincoln and Justin pick up my arms to hold me up. I try to fight but it's pointless. They hold me up on my knees and Andrew stands in front of me. I am vulnerable to their attacks now. Andrew laughs and flips his switchblade open and I see the knife gleam in the rays of sun that makes it through the trees.
"You were right Sandfield, the birds are singing, only they are singing because we are finally going to be rid of you." He says darkly as he makes his way forward raising his arm as he goes.
My eyes widen in horror as I watch him start walking to me. I can't believe it! I always knew Andrew was evil but for him to kill me? That's crazy! I think in my head watching as the blade comes down at me in slow motion, the birds stop singing as if knowing that death will soon be among them. I turn my face to the side as I prepare for the blade to thrust itself into my flesh, it's cold metal chilling me to the core as my blood pools around the opened wound. I feel the blade first before the pain, and my goodness what pain it is. I scream a blood chilling scream, one that even frightened me as the blade entered my arm and made its way down to my wrist. Tears fill my eyes as the red hot lava that is my blood breaks away from its cage that is my body, and down to the ground beneath me. My blood coats the leaves giving it a chilling look. Lincoln drops my arm that is uncut before he looks at me in horror.
"Andrew what are you doing?! We never said we would actually kill him!" He yells and Andrew withdraws the blade from my being and Justin releases my other arm.
I fall to the ground clutching my bleeding arm to my chest. Black dots swim throughout my vision. I watch as Andrew places the bloody blade upon Lincoln's neck as he looks at him in anger. I could feel the bloodlust in the air, nearly as suffocating as my own pain that is swimming its way through my chest.
"What's wrong Lincoln? You gonna rat on me?" Andrew asks him, his voice taking a sharp turn for the worst.
"N-no of course not! Whatever you want Andrew just don't kill me!" He says quickly in fear holding up his hands in surrender.
"Good," Andrew says with a smile "then it's your turn." He says as he puts the blade into Lincoln's hand.
Lincoln looks at him in shock before looking at me. He shakily raises the blade as he unsteadily makes his way to me. I see the hesitation in his eyes. I know he doesn't want to kill me. I see Justin standing on the side watching the scene unfold in front of him as if from a horror movie. He too is too scared to do anything. My eye train back on Lincoln and I see he is now upon me.
"You don't have to do this." I say in a fearful voice.
"Yes I do..." I hear him say just as he brings the pain down.
I close my eyes not wanting to see the thing that will bring me to my maker.
A/N: I am so sorry I have not updated in so long but I hope you love the new chapter. See you next time my lovelies!

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