chapter 2

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5 months before
Hi my name is Cassidy Smith. I'm 13 years old and I live in California. I have an older sister named Bree, and today I am moving to Greensboro North Carolina.

-at the airport-

We board the plane at 8:00 AM and I sit in a row with my older sister and my mom. My dad is already there since he had to start his job already. The plane eventually takes off and I start to listen to Ariana Grande. I slowly drift off to sleep.

I'm suddenly awakened by my sister shaking me.
"Cassidy get up we have to go!" She said.

"Alright alright I'm awake geez!" I said back and she gave me a look.

We get off the plane and wait for my dad to pick us up. His car pulls up and we all exchange hugs. We hop in the car and we drive away from the airport.

-at the house-

I get out of the car and run inside. I started jumping up and down waiting for my dad to get inside. When he came in he showed me my room. As I was exploring I noticed something in the back yard. Human like. I ran downstairs and over to the window. My jaw literally dropped.

A/N Sorry it's super short!! I might be updating either later today or tomorrow! Thanks for some votes! ❤️

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