what makes the heart of a man
so vile, so cold and his mind
so corrupt and obstruct
that he would go out of his way
with great effort just to
disrespect a woman
in a such a disgusting way
what type of spirit would
influence his soul to
forcefully disrupt the image
of such a fair young lady
what kind of evil runs through
his veins, pointing artillery
to her innocent head with
such intention to load off
if she refuses to serve him
his evening meal of lust
lust which has turned him
into this demon
leaving her in this universe
of despair, and pain
pain, which hurts physically
pain, which hurts emotionally
does this not burn your conscience
that you have cut through her purity
and so brutally,
how do you live, knowing you
have done her such cruelty.- k y r v t